Gringotts Inquiries

"I didn't like that." Harry said once he got off the knight bus, a trunk with all of his school stuff in his left hand and his owls cage in his right hand. The owl and Jet let out a few irritated noises once they were off, they hadn't liked the ride either. The knight bus was like being in a very fast roller coaster - not that Harry had ever been in one of those - but without any of the safety systems, Harry had nearly flown out of his seat and landed on his owl and would have done if not for Bathsheda managing to catch him.

"Yeah," Bathsheda said in a sympathetic voice as she stepped next to him, the bus drove off and pout of sight as she began talking. "I prefer apparition."

"I like that even less." Harry snorted.

"You really do get used to it," Bathsheda shrugged. "anyway, we're back. Do you want me to come in and talk to your family?" She asked upon noticing the car in the driveway.

"No, that's fine." Harry shook his head. "If I have any questions then I just need to send you my owl, right?" Harry asked.

"That's right," Bathsheda nodded. "I explained the trace to you, didn't I?" She asked.

"Yes, you did." Harry nodded, while he hid it well he was very disappointed at not being able to use magic at home, all he had to do until he was of age was just imagine the things he could do to the Dursley's if he could do magic. Thankfully his snakes could keep them in line until then.

"Good, I'm glad I didn't mention the part where the trace doesn't actually start working until you start Hogwarts." Bathsheda said casually, causing Harry to gape at her. "You understand that I am not allowed to tell you that, right?" She asked him, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Of yeah," Harry grinned. "totally understand." He smiled brightly.

"Good." Bathsheda smiled back, she knew she probably shouldn't have told him that but there was something about the kid that just made her want to help him. And that smile, oh the pure joy and glee on his face made it worth it. She supposed it was probably the impression she got of his relatives that made her want to help him, she would be speaking to Professor Dumbledore about this. "Are you sure you don't want me to come inside and speak to your relatives?" She asked one last time, hoping he would say 'yes'.

"I'm positive, thank you." Harry nodded to her. She barely stopped herself from frowning but nodded to him.

"Okay, I'll see you at Hogwarts then." She said before apparating away.

Harry shook his head at that before walking towards the door, it was open so he didn't bother knocking. Once Harry had put his stuff down, he remembered something that pissed him off. Harry stormed into the living room when he saw the Dursley's sitting together in nice clothing.

"You lied to me, you fat pieces of pig crap!" Harry said as he waked up to Petunia and Vernon, ignoring Dudley. "You told me my parents were drunks who died in a car crash!" Harry yelled.

"What...what are you..." Vernon began, only to be interrupted.

"I met a teacher who teaches at the same school my parents went to!" Harry shouted. "Why did you tell me my parents were drunk drivers when they were killed by a terrorist?! You fat shit! How dare you?!" Harry roared before noticing that Vernon and Petunia were not focusing on him, but instead focusing on something behind him. Harry looked behind him and saw an elderly man and woman looking at him with open mouths. "Oh...hi," Harry said awkwardly. "you must be Uncle Vernon's business partners, well...don't let me interrupt." Harry said before he quickly left the room.

The day after Professor Babbling had left, Harry had took the damn knight bus back to Diagon Alley and went straight back to Gringotts, so he could ask questions that he didn't want to ask yesterday in front of the professor. Yes, she was nice but Harry was not willing to one hundred percent trust her yet.

"Excuse me." Harry said once he reached the head teller.

"Ah, Mr Potter," The goblin inclined his head. "how may Gringotts help you today?"

"I have questions that need answering about my family and its money," Harry responded. "I would like to speak to whoever it is I need to speak to if I want to get my answers."

"Very well," The goblin nodded. "is there anything else Mr Potter?"

"Not at the moment." Harry shook his head just as a goblin arrived next to him.

"This goblin will take you to the Potter family account manager," The head teller said. "may your gold flow and may your enemy die gruesome deaths."

"Thank you, may your gold flow and may your enemies drown in a vat of their own sweat." Harry replied.

"Mr Potter, where do you come up with these responses?" The goblin asked in a curious voice.

"I have an active imagination and a family I dislike, a sweaty family." Harry shrugged.

"Ha," The goblin barked out a laugh. "you are an interesting human, Mr Potter."

"Thank you, for what it's worth, you're interesting as well." Harry nodded to him before following the other goblin.

Harry sat down in an empty compartment on the Hogwarts express, wearing some black trainers, blue jeans and a grey shirt under a black hoodie. He was thankful that Professor Babbling had remembered to tell him how to get on to the platform, he would have been stranded if she hadn't. Honestly, putting what was basically a portal in a wall that people had to run into, say what you want about the wizarding world but it's at least interesting.

Harry's last few weeks at the Dursley's had say the least. The Dursley's had not been happy that Harry had ruined an important business meeting but were unable to express their anger as Harry still had his snakes and now had a wand.

His Aunt Petunia tried to point out that he couldn't do magic outside of school - she knew thanks to Lily being a witch - but Harry happily informed her of the fact that until he attended Hogwarts he was very much allowed to do magic.

Vernon had gotten into a rage and rushed towards Harry, Harry - who had his wand in his hand at the time - was stunned by the sudden charge but thankfully his wand reacted and fired on its own, the blast from it sent Vernon to the floor. Harry had found the whole thing brilliant, Jet was less amused.

Of course he was happy that his master had put those stupid humans in their place, but they had dared to try attack Jet's master! And that was not going to be forgiven easily, no sir, which was why the next day an army of snakes terrorized the Dursley home.

After that a sort of cold war had begun where the Dursley's ignored Harry to the point of pretending he didn't exist, Harry was glad for that as it was a big improvement than before.

It also meant that he could take whatever food he wanted and they couldn't complain because they were trying to ignore the fact that he existed, the look on Dudley's face when Harry took his cake was a memory that would always stay with Harry.


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