The Slytherin Connection

Another piece of good new was that Harry had managed to find a name for his owl, he had named her Hedwig. Jet and Hedwig were originally quite cold to one another, neither happy about sharing Harry's attention but after a while they eventually got over it as best as they could. Harry had several times told them that he cared and loved them both, which helped.

Hedwig took comfort in the fact that she would be the more useful pet, and would be the one who would take Harry's messages. Jet took comfort in the fact that he was Harry's first friend and familiar, which put him a step above being a pet as far as Jet was concerned.

But now Harry was just glad to be going to Hogwarts, Hedwig was not with him as she had chosen to fly to Hogwarts. Harry didn't really blame her, if he could then he would fly to Hogwarts as well.

Jet slid out of Harry's left sleeve and sat by the window corner just after Harry took off his hoodie and stood up, he reached up into the rack and put it in his trunk before taking out a book to read. Harry sat back down and began reading, Harry hadn't really practiced much school related stuff.

The last few weeks Harry had really just self taught himself a few jinxes along with the 'Lumos' spell which produces some light from the tip of his wand plus the levitation charm. They were simple things but Harry loved the fact that he could do them. Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the door opened, he looked up from his book and saw two girls.

One girl had pretty brown hair that was tied into a ponytail plus blue eyes, the other girl had straight blonde hair that descended down to her shoulders, her eyes were blue like the previous girls but were far more brighter. Both girls paused upon seeing Harry's scar, but wisely didn't comment on it.

"Hello, may we sit here please?" The brown haired girl asked.

"Feel free." Harry nodded.

"Thank you." The blonde haired girl said before both girls brought their trunks in and easily placed them up in the rack.

"Is there some magic involved or are you two stronger than you look?" Harry asked, surprised at how easily the two lifted their trunks.

"There's a featherweight charm on them both to stop them from being too heavy." The brown haired girl said just as the two sat opposite Harry. "I am Tracy, Tracy Davis. This is my friend," She said as she gestured to the blonde. "Daphne Greengrass. What about you? Are you a muggleborn?" She asked. Harry was about to respond when suddenly the blonde girl, Daphne, quickly grabbed Tracy's wrist. She looked stiff and pale, her eyes were wide and she was looking very worried.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked her.

"T...there's a snake." Daphne whispered as she gestured with her head to Jet, Tracy frowned and leaned over and her eyes widened when she saw Jet.

"Oh yeah, this is Jet." Harry said as he picked Jet up, Jet wrapped his body around Harry's arm and placed his head on the back of Harry's hand.

"Jet?" Tracy squeaked.

"Yeah, he's my familiar." Harry nodded.

"Your familiar is a snake?" Daphne asked, after managing to calm down.


"Oh he'll be in Slytherin for sure." Daphne said to Tracy.

"Slytherin? That's one of the Hogwarts houses, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"Are you a muggleborn?" Tracy asked with a little bit of disbelief in her voice, in her defense a muggleborn with a snake familiar is hardly a common sight.

"No," Harry shook his head. "just muggle raised."

"You never told us your name." Daphne pointed out.

"It's Harry, Harry Potter." Harry replied, Daphne and Tracy's eyes slightly widened at that, but they weren't too surprised. The massive scar was a give away, even then it was still surprising to be sitting in a compartment with the most famous kid in the wizarding world, especially when he has a snake for a familiar.

Before anyone could say anything else the door opened and a lanky red headed boy leaning his head in.

"Hey, I...whoa." The boy paused when he saw the scar on Harry's face.

"Can I help you?" Harry asked, knowing why the boy was staring, that didn't mean he liked it.

"Hey! You're Harry Potter! Aren't you?!" He asked in an excited voice.

"Would you believe me if I said 'no'?" Harry asked in a dry voice.

"I didn't know your scar was supposed to be that big!" The boy continued. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley. Do you remember how it happened?" He asked suddenly.

"Remember what?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"How it happened? Do you remember defeating you-know-who?" He asked in an awed voice.

"He was a year old," Daphne pointed out. "he wouldn't remember his own home at that age."

"Who are you?" Ron sniffed when he looked at the two girls.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass and this Tracy Davis." Daphne said in a cold voice, not liking this boy's attitude.

"I know you, both of your families are Slytherin's." Ron said, looking as if he had just ate something foul. "you should stay away from them Harry."

"And why should I do that?" Harry asked with disbelief.

"They're snakes." Ron said as if it was obvious.

"You have a problem with snakes?" Harry asked. "In that case," Harry raised the arm that Jet was resting on, Ron's eyes became comically wide when he saw Jet. "you might want to leave."

"T...that's a snake."

"You're observant." Harry snorted with amusement.

"But you can't have a snake!" Ron cried, only to jump and run out the compartment when Jet hissed and lunged forward, pretending like he was going to bite the boy.

"Well...that was...interesting." Tracy said after a short silence.

"Why are people so scared of snakes?" Harry asked Jet in a confused voice. Jet shook his head as if to say 'don't ask me'.

"Wait, you're hissing at him." Daphne said quickly. "You speak parsletounge!" She gaped.

"Yeah, ever since I was little, or...more little than I am now." Harry nodded.

"Okay, he is definitely going to Slytherin." Daphne said to Tracy.


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