Welcome to Slytherin

After the feast was over, Harry and the other first years followed the fifth year male Slytherin prefect to the Slytherin common room which happened to be in the dungeons. They stopped outside of a plain looking wall, though if one would look closely then they would see a very small Slytherin logo on the ceiling above it.

"Green snake." The prefect said, everyone followed him in and got their first look at the Slytherin common room.

It was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. The dungeon extends partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. The common room has lots of low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas, skulls, and dark wood cupboards. It is decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval Slytherins. It had quite a grand yet cold atmosphere to it.

Though Harry's attention was on the various snake designs all over the common room, on the furniture and on the wall and ceiling, they looked to be made with metal.

"Those snakes are magical, I can feel it." Jet hissed after climbing up so his head was resting against Harry's shoulder.

"Alright listen up," The prefect said. "this is the Slytherin common room. First thing you've got to remember is that the password changes every month, the notice board near the entrance will tell you the current password. Second of all, you do not bring a student from another house in here, ever. If you do then you and this student had best be prepared to suffer the consequences.

You are now all members of the ancient and noble house of Salazar Slytherin, the best of the Hogwarts founders. The other houses are jealous of us, they call us dark wizards and witches. That's why if you have a problem with another Slytherin you deal with it in here. Outside this room we are united."

The prefect continued making his speech, for the most part it involved house pride but also involved several rules like don't get in trouble - or at least don't get caught - and suggestions. One suggestion that sounded important was to study potions so you don't end up pissing off Professor Snape.

Once the prefect had finished his speech Harry and the other first years were allowed to relax and look around. A short while later the other Slytherin's arrived, including the third year that Harry had seen Blaise sit with earlier.

She had light brown and perfect skin, a beautiful face along with chocolate brown eyes and pretty black hair that fell down to her shoulders. Harry looked away before he could be caught staring at the angelic looking girl.

"Oi Potter," A voice said, Harry turned to see what looked like a sixth year student walking up to him. "I can't help but wonder what you're doing in the snake pit." He said, looking at Harry, like he was a bothersome insect.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Harry was well aware that the whole common room was now looking at him and the sixth year.

"What's a halfblood like you doing in here?" The boy all but demanded to know.

"The hat decided that Slytherin was best for me," Harry shrugged. "that's about it."

"Hey, leave him alone." The beautiful third year said in a disapproving voice.

"Don't worry Angela," Another third year said, "it's not like he's doing anything." he added with a smirk, clearly hoping for the sixth year to continue.

"Exactly," The sixth year said before taking a step closer to Harry. "now listen up Potter. " The sixth year said as he grabbed Harry by the collar and raised him slightly so Harry was forced to stand on his tip topes. "I don't know what makes you think that you would be welcome in Slytherin house but you..."

Whatever the Slytherin was about to say was cut off when Jet's head shot out of Harry's collar, Jet snapped at the sixth year who barely managed to jump back in time and was now supporting a look that was somewhere between shocked and horrified.

All the other Slytherin's gasped and/or took a step back when they saw Jet. Jet currently had the lower half of his body wrapped around Harry's neck while the upper half was hissing furiously at the sixth year. An interesting thing to know about Jet was that while he was usually pretty calm, his trigger was someone trying to harm his master.

"Bring it you little shit!" Jet hissed at the sixth year. "I'll tear you apart! Get over here so I can bite you!"

"Calm down," Harry softly whispered in parsletounge as he calmly held Jet back with one hand while the Slytherin's all looked jaw-dropped. "I hardly need you to kill someone on the first night."

"He threatened you!" Jet hissed angrily. "Assert your dominance, quickly." Jet said suddenly.

"What?" Harry blinked.

"Don't let them get away with threatening you, show them that you're not to be messed with. Use the snakes, they're magical."

Harry was tempted to say 'no, I am not going to do that' but he stopped just before doing so. To be fair, it wasn't a bad idea. The Dudley's had stopped pushing when Harry made it clear he would push back with the help of Jet, but here Harry would have more to deal with than just three muggles. He had to make it clear that he wouldn't be pushed around.

"That's a good idea, Jet." Harry said before he pulled his wand out.

"You...you're a parslemouth?!" The sixth year blurted out with pure disbelief.

"Took you long enough to work that out." Harry said before he aimed his wand at the sixth year. "Flipendo!" Harry said, shooting a knockback jinx at the sixth year, Harry was hoping to at least knock the sixth year down, so was very much happy when the sixth year flew back back and landed near Angela.

"Snakes, wake up." Harry called as he walked towards the sixth year who hadn't got up yet. The Slytherin's gasped when the metal snakes began moving, "Tie him up." Harry ordered as he pointed to the sixth year. The sixth year tried to get up only to have a couple of metal snakes wrap around him, tying him up. The other Slytherin's were all divided, some were looking at Harry with fear while others were looking as if he was the second coming of Merlin.

"What the hell?!" The frightened sixth year gasped, feeling uncomfortable to say the least about how tight these snakes were wrapped around him.

"Scare him." Harry ordered, the snake that was wrapped around the upper body opened its mouth and placed its teeth near the sixth years neck, stopping only a few centimeters from piercing skin. "I got your attention now?" Harry asked as he stopped in front of him. "I think what you have just realized is that I can speak to snakes." Harry said calmly.

"I...I..." The sixth year tried to talk, only to stop when Jet hissed threateningly at his face.

"You wanted to know why I am in Slytherin," Harry continued speaking. "I am in Slytherin because the hat said it would be the house that would lead me to greatness, and I intend to be great. I don't know who you are, but I am Harry Potter, boy-who-lived, if that doesn't matter then how about the fact that I am the guy controlling the snakes that happen to be all round this common room. You mess with me, then you mess with them. Because this is the first night, I'm going to be nice." Harry said with a small smile. "Release him and go back to normal." Harry ordered.

The metal snakes did as they were told and returned to their original places. Harry looked around and saw everyone looking at him with a combination of fear, awe and disbelief. Harry had to admit that it felt good, who could blame Harry? He had spent years of his life being looked at like a criminal and a burden by the Dursley's, and now there were all these people who were looking at him with respect and awe? Yeah, it felt good.

"Oh, by the way, Flippendo!" Harry hit the sixth year with the knockback jinx again, sending him crashing into a chair that fell back with him on it. "Don't mess with me." Harry said in a quiet but firm voice which everyone heard due to the strong silence. "Well...good night." Harry smiled before he turned and waked over to the prefect. "You haven't told us where our rooms are." Harry pointed out.

"O...oh...right," The prefect gulped. "um just go down to the bottom of the stairs and follow the signs then the boy's rooms will be on your right. You'll have to share the room with one other person." The prefect said quickly.

"Really?" Harry turned to the other first year boys. "Blaise? You want to share?" Harry offered.

"Huh?!" Blaise blinked before getting nudged by Angela. "Um, yeah, yeah I would." Blaise nodded quickly.

"Excellent," Harry smiled. "I suppose I will see you there then. Goodnight everyone." Harry said to the room before he walked down to his room.


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