Lessons Begin

Once Harry was in his room he shut the door before leaning his back against it, Harry's legs gave out and he slid down to the a sitting position on the floor.

"Holy crap." Breathed Harry as he rubbed his hands through his hair. "I can't believe I did that."

"Did it feel good?" Jet asked.

"No," Harry shook his head, a grin forming on his face. "it felt great."

Harry's eyes slowly opened, he found himself looking up at a new ceiling, this wasn't his usual ceiling. Harry looked around at the room he was in, he looked to his left and saw Blaise sleeping on a bed, lightly snoring, just loud enough to not be a bother.

The events of last night hit Harry like a bullet to the head, Harry was torn between laughing like a mad man until he couldn't laugh no more or staying quiet and just getting up and out of bed. Since Harry had a roommate, he decided he would rest for a few more moments then go for the second option so he didn't end up waking Blaise.

Harry felt something on top of his stomach and saw Jet curled up on him, the sight brought a smile to Harry's face. Harry knew that some people are afraid of snakes, and Harry understood why, snakes were hardly the cutest creatures around. But Harry didn't care what people thought, he would never get rid of Jet.

Jet was the one friend that Harry had, everyday Harry would wake up and find Jet with him. Jet cared and looked after him, so Harry would do the same. Harry had been tempted to hide Jet but he quickly realized that was a stupid idea, he was going to spend seven years here, it was inevitable that someone would have found out about him eventually.

"Are you awake?" Jet asked in a tired voice.

"No." Harry said with a small smirk.

"Don't be a wise-ass." Jet replied as Harry stood up and placed Jet on the bed.

"I'll be back in a minute." Harry said before he walked into the bathroom.

As Harry went about his regular morning ritual, he began thinking about the events of last night. His introduction to Hogwarts from the train ride to the end of the feast, while having some problems, was magical.

Getting taken to the common room was also another interesting experience, but that was when things nearly went down hill. An older student had tried to intimidate Harry, Harry was no stranger to bullies, and that was what the older student was.

What that student didn't count on was Jet objecting to his treatment of Harry, Harry knew that he and Jet had made a big impression last night. Harry still found it hard to believe that he hit an older student with a knockback jinx. Twice! And he had threatened him! He threatened an older kid!

Harry was beyond happy, he was finally in a place where he could get some respect, where he could finally stop being ignored, where he could be himself. Here he would no longer be 'Harry the freak', he would be 'Harry the Slytherin', maybe even be 'Harry, best in his year'. There was a whole new world open for Harry, and Harry vowed to take it.

Harry walked down to the common room, Jet comfortably perched on Harry's shoulders, and found it was mostly empty. Apart from a few older students, when the students saw Harry they stared for a moment before looking away. Harry shook his head at that before sitting down in a free chair, he began reading while waiting for the other's to arrive.

"Someone is coming." Jet hissed after a few minutes of reading. Harry looked up from his book and saw the beautiful third year from yesterday, Angela, walking up to him.

"Hello Mr Potter." Angela greeted as she stopped in front of him.

"Hello, I'm sorry but I don't really know your name. It's Angela, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"It is," She confirmed with a small smile. "I'm Angela Zabini."

"Oh? Are you Blaise's sister?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I am." She nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you reading?"

"I'm just trying to learn more about wizarding culture." Harry admitted. "I grew up in the muggle world so this is all new for me."

"You grew up in the muggle world?" Angela blinked.

"Not by choice," Harry replied, a small scowl briefly appearing on his face. "but yes, it's why I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Since learning about magic I've spent most my time learning about spells, I only started learning about how the wizarding world actually works a few days ago."

"Hmm, perhaps I can teach you." Angela offered.

"Teach me?" Harry blinked.

"Yes, I have grown up in the wizarding world," Angela nodded. "I can teach you all you need to know."

"Hmm," Harry hummed thoughtfully, that sounded like a good offer, too good. "forgive my bluntness but what is in it for you?" Harry asked, doing his best to not sound offensive. Instead of looking angry, nervous or embarrassed, she gave Harry an approving look.

"That's good Potter," She smiled. "most people forget that hardly anything in life is ever free."

"I've been reminded of that fact enough times, now to repeat my question, what is in it for you?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Jet raised his head slightly as he shifted his body, he was not in a threatening pose but he could quickly shift into one at any moment. Angela took a step back when she noticed the interest she was gaining from the snake. "Don't worry about him," Harry spoke in a soft voice. "he's just protective, especially after last night. He won't try anything if you don't."

"Good to know," Angela replied after staring at the snake for a few seconds. "as for your question, quite simply I want two things, first of all I hope you stay friends with Blaise, I also would like a favour from you."

"What favour?" Harry asked in an interested voice.

"I'm not sure," Angela shrugged. "I haven't decided on one yet, but when I do I know who to go to." She finished with a small smile.

"Hmm," Harry paused for a few moments, "fine but I have conditions that you need to accept."

"Conditions?" She asked, looking slightly surprised.

"Yeah, first of all you will teach me all I need to know about the wizarding world and you'll do it to the best of your ability."

"Naturally, what else?" She asked, she saw Harry's snake hiss in Harry's ear, Harry nodded in response to whatever the snake said.

"Your favour, it's got to be reasonable. I'm not going to do something stupid like give you a large amount of money in exchange for these lessons."

"That's fair enough," She nodded in agreement. "anything else?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's one favour for all of these lessons, not one favour per lesson."

"Agreed," Angela said after a long pause. "anything else?"

"No, that's it." Harry smiled, inwardly he was thinking about what had just happened. He couldn't help but feel like the girl was interested in more than just getting a simple favour. But he was getting his lessons out of it, so he didn't really care that much, he could work out what she wanted later.

"In that case, maybe we can start now." Angela suggested. "Come on, we can begin on the way to the great hall, I'm going there now for breakfast."

"What about the other first years?" Harry asked even though he already stood up.

"It's the prefect's job to escort them to the great hall." Angela shrugged. "Shall we?"

"Lead the way." Harry nodded as he tucked his book under his left arm.

"Are you going to take your snake with you?" She asked.

"Better than hiding him for the next seven years." Harry replied with Jet hissing in agreement.

"Very well." Angela smirked, picturing the chaos that was going to occur when everyone sees the Slytherin boy-who-lived carrying a snake with him.


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