The Needle Challenge

Ron and Harry both turned to see Professor McGonagall standing in front of the teacher's desk.

"Huh? Where's the cat gone?" Ron blurted out.

"I am what they call an animagus, Mr Weasley." Professor McGonagall replied. "For those who do not know, an animagus is a witch or wizard with the ability to turn into an animal."

"You were the cat." Harry realized.

"Excellent deduction, five points Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall nodded. "Now Mr Potter if you will please sit down, also that will be three points from Slytherin for threatening another student." Professor McGonagall added. Harry, for a moment, wanted to protest but stopped himself. When all was said and done, he had just gained Slytherin two points, better to take the reward. Harry nodded and sat back down. "As for you Mr Weasley, that will be fifteen points from Gryffindor and a detention."

"What?! Why?!"

"For not only coming late to my class, but also immediately starting trouble with another student. And I am in agreement with Mr Potter, Lily and James Potter were two of the finest that the wizarding world had to offer, they laid their lives down for their son and they deserve better than to simply have people use their names whenever they wish. Now sit down before you continue to dig the hole you have found yourself in."

"Fine." Ron grumbled under his breath as he took a seat.

"Now then," Professor McGonagall spoke to the class. "shall we begin?" She asked but continued before anyone could respond. "Now, transfigurations is one of the more difficult branches of magic that is taught at Hogwarts. It is also one of the more dangerous branches, that means I will not tolerate any fooling around. I will not hesitate to kick out a student if I think you are misbehaving. Is that understood?" She said in a stern voice.

"Yes Professor." The class chorused. Professor McGonagall stared at the students for several moments, as if checking to see that they were all being truthful. Eventually she nodded and continued teaching, after a short while of simply talking about transfiguration along with what it could do and how dangerous it could be if people messed around, she had the students attempt to turn a matchstick into a needle.

It sounded so simple yet it was much harder than it looked or sounded as none of the class were able to do it on the first try, Harry after several attempts was still unable to do it. It helped that the others were unable to do it yet, but not by much. His frustration was clearly detectable as Jet began hissing at him.

"Calm down Harry," Jet hissed. "you'll do yourself no favors by getting angry, calm down and think about what you need to do."

Harry was tempted to argue back but did as Jet told him to, he took a deep breath and thought for several moments before he was hit with a realization.

Harry waved his wand once more and was rewarded with half of the matchstick turning into a needle, Harry happily waved it again after being spurred on by his already visible improvement. A second later he found a perfect needle in front of him.

"Mr Potter," Professor McGonagall spoke, Harry nearly jumped in his seat as he hadn't noticed her approach, Jet had though as evidenced by his lack of reaction to her. "show me your needle." She said, Harry nodded and handed it to her, she began examining it before giving Harry an approving nod. "Well done Mr Potter," She said as she placed it down in front of Harry, she waved her wand and turned it back into a matchstick. "five points to Slytherin for being the first to get it, can you show me how you did it?"

"Um...sure." Harry nodded, he focused and cast the spell again, thankfully this time he was able to get it to turn on the first time.

"Excellent Mr Potter." Professor McGonagall gave him a rare smile. "Keep practicing it while I go help the other students." She said before giving him a nod and walking off.

"How'd you do it?" Tracy whispered to Harry.

"Don't just imagine it as a needle, imagine it turning into a needle. Magic is also about intent, you've got to really want it to turn into needle." Harry explained before he continued practicing.

Tracy nodded and took his advice, the other Slytherin's also took Harry's advice and continued practicing. By the end of the class Tracy, Daphne and Blaise were able to get full needles. Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy were able to improve their work to the point where they almost were able to complete it. As for Crabbe, Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode, the less said about their work the better.


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