Charms and Challenges

Harry and the other Slytherin first years made their way to charms class, Harry was admittedly excited at the fact that he was going to charms class. The subject sounded very interesting to Harry and it was a very useful one as well as charms could be used for many things including simple day to day tasks. Harry had also been told by Angela that not only was Professor Flitwick a great teacher, he was also a former dueling champion.

Harry had sat between Tracy and Daphne once they had entered the class, the Gryffindor's followed after. Harry was not really sure why the classes would be split between the two houses that hated each other the most but decided to just deal with it as he really didn't have the power to change that fact. Harry saw Weasley glare at him but ignored him, as far as Harry was concerned he hadn't done anything wrong.

Eventually Professor Flitwick arrived, the professor was without doubt the smallest person Harry had ever met, not including goblins, in Harry's eyes that just made it more impressive. It was amazing to know that despite being physically smaller, the man was still one of the best teachers in the school and a powerful wizard.

With that being said Professor Flitwick still had to stand on top of a pile of books. He started by doing a roll call of all the students, when he got to Harry's name his eyes quickly darted to Harry and he fell off his books.

After a few students helped him up, the roll call and then the lesson continued.

"Now everyone," Professor Flitwick said after the roll call. "as this is the first lesson, I am not expecting very advanced spells from you all, all I ask is that you try your best. I want to start you all off with a simple but useful spell, the wand lighting spell. An example for when it can be used is if you ever find yourself standing in the dark. The spell creates a small light on the tip of your wand, I should warn you that it is fairly warm so be careful that you don't use it near something that can easily catch fire, it's a very small risk but still possible. The incantation for this spell is "Lumos." Upon saying the incantation, Professor Flitwick's wand tip lit up and small white light rested on the tip. "There you see, now I want you all to try."

Professor Flitwick had the class practice the spell and also the spell 'nox', which was the wand extinguishing charm, AKA the counter to lumos. Once Professor Flitwick had done that he had them go over some theory of spells, admittedly Harry wished they could learn more spells but he understood the need to at least do some theory.

Harry was also glad that Professor Flitwick didn't make a big deal about Jet being in the class, the professor did stare at Jet for several moments before simply deciding to act like it was the most normal thing in the world to have a snake.

Harry had enjoyed his first day at school, he truly had, but now he was nervously following behind Professor McGonagall who was taking him to the headmaster's office. Jet was on his shoulders and was whispering some calming words into his ear.

"Milky way." Professor McGonagall said when she stopped at a large gold gargoyle, Harry was briefly confused about why she would say that but then the gargoyle moved to the side, reveling a staircase.

"I'm sorry Professor, but 'Milky Way' was the password to the headmaster's office?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Professor Dumbledore is a fan of muggle confectionary." Professor McGonagall replied in an almost exasperated tone before she went up the stairs with Harry following after.

They both entered the headmaster's office and Harry's eyes went ever so slightly wide as he looked at the room he was standing in. It was a large circular room with many windows and many portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses.

There were many spindly tables that held delicate looking silver instruments that whirred and emitted small puffs of smoke, there as also an incredible collection of books, which made it look like a private library. Harry noticed a perch but couldn't see a bird or any other animal using it.

Harry's eyes quickly landed on the headmaster's desk, standing by the desk where three other teachers. One of which was Professor Sprout, a squat witch with grey wavy hair, the other was Professor Flitwick who smiled upon seeing Harry.

The last person was the glaring man from the feast - who was still glaring at him - Harry knew this person to be Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house and potions teacher.

They were all standing while one person sat behind the desk, it was none other than Headmaster Dumbledore. The man had blue, twinkling eyes and was looking at Harry with a soft but warm smile.

"Ah Mr Potter, good to see you." Dumbledore greeted. "Shall we begin?"


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