The Headmaster's Office

"I'm sorry Headmaster," Professor Babbling apologized. as she entered Dumbledore's office. "I tried to arrive as fast as I could." She said before she noticed Harry.

"Oh, hello Professor." Harry greeted her.

"Hello H...Mr Potter," Professor Babbling replied, she had almost used his first name but was able to stop in time, she knew the other teachers would be disapproving at best if she didn't act completely professional. "hello Jet." She added to Jet who hissed in response.

"He says hello." Harry translated. Because Harry had been looking at Professor Babbling he didn't see the calculative look that had briefly appeared on Professor Dumbledore's face, Harry might have missed it but Jet hadn't.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore spoke. "please sit down." He said as he gestured to the empty seat in front of his desk.

"Uh...okay, thank you sir." Harry nodded and sat down.

"There is no need to worry Mr Potter," Dumbledore smiled benignly. "I do apologies for this but I simply have called you up here to discuss your friend." Dumbledore said as he gestured to Jet.

"His name is Jet." Harry informed him, making sure to keep his voice polite.

"Jet? A rather interesting name, may I ask why you had chosen that for his name?" Dumbledore asked, sounding very interested.

"'s because he is black, you 'jet black'?" Harry replied.

"Ah yes," Dumbledore hummed. "forgive me Harry, I should have started with introductions first. You of course know Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick," Dumbledore gestured to each teacher, both nodding at Harry. "They are the heads of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw house, Professor Sprout is of course the head of Hufflepuff house and here we have Professor Snape, head of your house, Slytherin." Dumbledore said as he gestured to the man who seemed to have a near permanent scowl on his face. "Now, I..."

Whatever Professor Dumbledore was about to say was interrupted by a trilling sound. A second later a bird flew in and landed on the previously unoccupied perch, thought it was no ordinary bird. The bird itself was about the size of a swan, its eyes were black but its claws and long beak were gold. It had crimson feathers all over his body and a golden tail as long as a peacock's.

"The bird is magical." Jet hissed into Harry's ear.

"Ah, Mr Potter, allow me to introduce Fawkes." Dumbledore said as he gestured to the bird.

"Fawkes?" Harry echoed. " you...did you name him after Guy Fawkes?" Harry asked, looking between the Headmaster and the bird.

"Why yes, I did." Dumbledore smiled, seeing happy to just have someone who knew who Guy Fawkes was.

"Can I ask why, Professor?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Fawkes is a phoenix," Dumbledore stated calmly, Harry's eyebrows shot up so high and fast that they looked like they were going to shoot off of his head. "every now and then he will burst into flames, then he will be reborn from the ashes he would leave. Fawkes, is in fact my familiar." Dumbledore smiled, Harry glanced at Fawkes who looked him in the eye before looking at Jet.

"Do not even think about harming my master!" Jet hissed in a warning tone. Fawkes cocked his head to the side, he looked at the pair for a few seconds before letting out a soft trill, as if to say to say 'do not worry, I won't harm either of you.'

"I dare say our familiar's are getting along." Dumbledore commented, giving Harry a questioning look.

"Jet's just protective." Harry replied as he shifted Jet into his lap and began petting him.

"Most familiar's are." Dumbledore nodded.

"Dumbledore," Snape said in an impatient voice. "can we get on with this? I do have other things to do today."

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed before turning to Harry. "now Harry these teachers are here with me today as they are the head of houses, Professor Babbling has come along as she was the one who introduced you to the world and the one who confirmed that 'Jet' was your familiar. It is rare to have a familiar, most who do often have simpler animals, not that I have any room to talk. Firstly, I am just going to perform a spell to confirm that Jet is your familiar."

"But Professor Babbling already did that." Harry reminded him.

"I am aware of that, this is not to say that I do not trust Professor Babbling or her magical abilities," Dumbledore said, speaking to both Harry and Professor Babbling who nodded in response. "now just stay still Harry." Dumbledore said as he pulled out his wand, he waved it over Harry and Jet, the two briefly glowed a blue color, which seemed to have satisfied Dumbledore. "Hmm, you two are indeed bonded."

"Mr Potter," Professor McGonagall spoke. "we do not wish to separate you and your familiar, however you understand that we have concerns about how safe it will be for us to allow you to keep a snake at school."

"I understand that Professor," Harry nodded. "and I have a few counter arguments to that."

"Oh, I'm sure we'd be glad to hear what you have to say." Snape drawled. Harry was tempted to ask what the man's problem was but decided now was probably not the best time.

"First of all, I'd like to say that if any of you try to take Jet away from me then we both will leave this school." Harry spoke in a calm voice. The teachers all looked surprised at that, apart from Dumbledore and Snape. The teacher's couldn't believe that Harry Potter would leave Hogwarts and the chance to learn magic, Dumbledore wasn't too surprised.

Not many wizards and witches had familiars, but he did and he understood where Harry was coming from. If Fawkes wasn't immortal and capable of looking after himself then Dumbledore would spend all of his energy trying to keep him safe. Snape, on the other hand, had a different take on Harry's words.

"Typical Potter," Snape sneered. "just like your father, you've barely spent any time at the school and you're already making demands."

"Ultimatum actually." Harry calmly corrected him. Harry didn't miss the fact that Snape apparently knew about Harry's father, but decided that it was probably best to not ask him about it. Harry could tell that the sour potions master did not like Harry's father, and anything he did say would likely be biased in some way.

"Professor Snape," Professor McGonagall spoke before Snape could say anything. "will you please show some professionalism?" She all but growled.

"Severus," Dumbledore spoke before Snape could respond. "Mr Potter's reaction is a reasonable one, witches and wizards are incredibly attached to their familiars."

"Thank you," Harry said to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall before he continued speaking. "my second thing that I wanted to say was that people here exaggerate how dangerous Jet is. He won't attack anyone unless they attack him or me. Also Professor McGonagall, you may recall my conversation with Mr Weasley. Cats are allowed in Hogwarts despite being creatures that can kill for fun, my snake on the other hand will only kill for self defense and food. Speaking of food, he can hunt rats and mice, and if he can't do that then I'm sure the house elves will be willing to provide him with something to eat."


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