Unexpected Challenges

Harry and the other Slytherin first years arrived at their first flying lesson of the year, Tracy and Blaise had happily explained quidditch to him, Harry figured that it was pretty much the wizarding world's version of football if the way Blaise and Tracy talked about it was any indication.

Not that Harry had ever been interested in football, he couldn't play out of fear of Dudley and friends trying to beat him up and Uncle Vernon didn't watch it and somehow knew even less about it than Harry.

Harry remembered one time when a man asked Uncle Vernon what football team he supported, Vernon had gone still for several seconds before blurting out 'England'. The man pressed on and asked him which English team he liked, the conversation ended with Vernon yelling at the man who had walked off after calling Uncle Vernon a 'fat dumbass'. If Harry ever discovered who that man was then he would probably send him a gift.

Truthfully Harry was looking forward to the class, he had never flown before and was hoping that it would be fun. Harry wondered if he should apply for the team, but held that thought off, he couldn't apply this early anyway since first years never made the house team, perhaps for next year if he turned out to be any good at it.

Harry stood with all the Slytherin's in a straight line with each student standing next to a broom. Jet had slithered into Harry's robes, Harry had offered to place Jet down somewhere where he could watch but Jet had refused as he had never experienced flying either and wanted to try it.

Soon the Gryffindor's arrived and stood opposite them, Ron stood opposite Harry and glared at him and the other Slytherin's, Harry once more found himself wondering just how wise it was to constantly pair Slytherin's with Gryffindor's, though he supposed it would have been better if not for idiots like Weasley.

Eventually Madam Hooch arrived, she was an odd looking woman as she had short and spiky grey hair along with yellow eyes that looked like they belonged to a hawk.

"Good afternoon everyone," Madam Hooch began. "welcome to your first flying class. I should warn you that, much like Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, I do not tolerate messing around in my class. Flying is like walking, just much higher and far more dangerous, there will be no fooling around here. Now let's begin, you're all standing by your brooms, that's good. Now raise your right hand over your broom and say up.

"Up." The class all said at once.

Harry was surprised when his broom quickly shot into his arm, he looked at the others and saw that not many had the same reaction as some of their brooms were still on the floor, a few were rolling around and some had gone partly up before falling back down. After a few tries, Daphne and Tracy were able to get their brooms up, followed shortly by Blaise and Draco.

"With feeling." Madam Hooch said as the rest of the class still had difficulties. Eventually everyone was able to get their brooms into their hands, even Ron who had accidentally hit himself in the face with his broom when it went up. "Very good, now I want you all to mount your broom." She ordered, everyone did so, Madam Hooch walked between the students, correcting and inspecting how the students mounted their brooms.

"I've been holding it like this for years!" Draco protested when Hooch began correcting him.

"Then you've been doing it wrong for years." She shrugged before walking off. Ron Weasley, along with the Irish Gryffindor Seamus Finnegan and the black skinned Gryffindor boy Dean Thomas, snickered at that. "Alright," She said once she was satisfied. "I will start you all off with simply hovering, on the count of three you will all kick off and raise yourselves a few feet off the ground. Only a few feet, now get ready. Three, two..." Madam Hooch was interrupted as Tracy Davis's broom suddenly rose into the air. "Miss Davis!" Madam Hooch called as her broom continued to rise. "Miss Davis! Get back down now!" She shouted.

"I can't!" Tracy screamed as her broom began flying around wildly, Tracy screamed loud as it continued rising into the air.

"She's lost control!" Blaise cried.

"Bloody hell." Harry sighed before he rose into the air.

"Harry! What are you doing?!" Daphne asked only for Harry to fly off into the air.

"Mr Potter!" Madam Hooch called but Harry ignored her and flew until he was level with Tracy.

"Tracy, grab on!" Harry called, stretching a hand out towards her.

"I can't!" She screamed, her hands were gripping the broom so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

"You can grab on to me or you can kiss the ground!" Harry yelled. "Choose!"

"Oh bloody hell!" Tracy screamed before she reached out a hand to grab onto Harry's, when doing so the broom bucked up and Tracy fell off it. She fell to the ground, screaming all the way. Harry quickly went into a dive after her, once he got close enough he grabbed her hand with one hand, keeping the other on the broom. Harry increased his speed so he could go slightly past her, he pulled her so she was behind him, Tracy landed on the broom and once Harry let go of her arm she quickly wrapped both arms around him and screamed into the back of his shoulder.

Harry's focus was on the rapidly approaching ground, Harry instinctively pulled up, it was not an easy task due to not only how fast they were going but also because this was Harry's first time on a broom, a school broom at that, and he was doing it with extra weight that wouldn't stop screaming.

Harry yelled out as he pulled up, the broom levelled out, the tips of Harry and Tracy's shoes brushed against the grass. Harry slowed down before he stopped and landed.

Harry pulled the broom out from their legs, Tracy was still attached to Harry's back and wasn't showing any sign of letting go anytime soon. Harry was able to turn around but that only caused Tracy to now hug his front, Harry still had his broom in one hand but used the other hand to pat Tracy on the back.

"We're fine, Tracy." Harry whispered. Tracy didn't respond, but instead slid down and fell on her butt. "Are you alright?" Harry asked as he kneeled down next to her.

"Move Mr Potter," Madam Hooch said as she and the other students arrived. "are you hurt?" She asked as she kneeled down next to the two.

"I'm not, but I think Tracy might be in shock." Harry replied as he gestured to Tracy. "Should I take her to the hospital wing?" Harry asked.

"No, I shall do it." Madam Hooch said as she helped Tracy to her feet. "Mr Potter," She said when Harry stood up. "how many years have you spent flying on a broom?" She asked.

"That was my first time." Harry answered honestly.

"Your first time?" She blinked, looking astounded by his words. "Really?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.


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