Strategic Retaliation

"A hundred points to Slytherin," Madam Hooch said, much to the delight of the other Slytherin's, she began walking away, taking Tracy with her. "everyone will keep their feet firmly placed on the ground," She called back as she walked off. "If I see anybody flying on one of their brooms then they will be kicked out of this school faster than they can say 'quidditch'."

"Harry!" Daphne quickly wrapped her arms around his midsection and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving her!" She said, though it was muffled by the fact that she was now talking into his shoulder.

"It's fine, Harry Daph." Harry said, patting her on the back. Once she let go she began wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Jet slithered up so his head was now peaking out of Harry's collar.

"Why is my pet upset?" Jet asked, looking at Daphne.

"She's not upset with us, she's glad that her friend is safe, if she is upset then it's because her friend nearly died." Harry replied, choosing not to bother with the part where he would explain that Daphne wasn't actually his pet.

"Hmm, pet her." Jet suggested.

"What?" Harry blinked.

"Pet her, it'll make her feel better." Jet replied.

"Why would you think that?"

"It makes me feel better."

"Harry?" Daphne asked. "What's he saying?"

"Do it."

"Fine." Harry rolled his eyes before he raised his hand and quickly petted Daphne on the head.

"What was that?" Blaise asked when Harry removed his hand.

"I'm told that it helps make people feel better." Harry replied while Daphne looked confused.

"Next time try it with more feeling," Jet hissed. "also I have finally experienced flying thanks to you, and I have decided that I am never doing it again."

"I can't believe it," All conversation was interrupted by the sound of Ron Weasley who was talking to the other Gryffindor's. "it's not fair that Slytherin got a hundred points, and for what? Saving another snake?" He snorted. He was about to say more but stopped when he saw the Gryffindor's looking worried and backing away from him, Ron frowned and looked in the direction of the Slytherin's and saw them all glaring at him. Daphne in particular looked murderous.

Blaise had taken out his wand and moved in the direction of Ron, only to be stopped by Harry placing a hand on his chest.

"Harry?" Blaise blinked, the other Slytherin's also stopped and were looking towards Harry.

"Put your wand away." Harry said in a soft voice.

"Harry, you heard what he said!" Daphne blurted out, Ron was fortunate that Daphne couldn't kill using her eyes, if she could then the redhead would be dead.

"I understand, but we're not going to waste our time on a dark and evil wizard like Weasley." Harry said, turning his back to Ron and winking at Blaise and Daphne, silently telling them to play along.

"What?! I'm not a dark wizard!" Ron said in an offended voice.

"Are you not?" Harry asked in a voice full of fake surprise as he turned back to look at Ron, he continued speaking but now his voice had gone ice cold. "Because I've only known you for a short while and all you really do is shout, point fingers, use the names of dead people to your advantage and you just said that a girl's life is meaningless. If you think that anyone who wears the color green is not worth a few school points for a school competition over a trophy that you don't get to keep then you're darker than I will ever be." Harry said before he walked a short distance away, the other Slytherin's took that as their cue and followed him.

"Harry, that was brilliant!" Blaise said once they were far enough away from the Gryffindors.

"We should have still hexed him." Daphne grumbled.

"Alright, all of you listen to me." Harry spoke in a quiet voice that was just loud enough for everyone to hear. "When Hooch gets back we will tell her what Weasley said, but until then stay away from him and the other Gryffindor's."

"Why?" Pansy Parkinson asked.

"Because we're going to be united on this," Harry replied. "I want you all to tell Hooch that we were incredibly angry yet smart enough to create distance between ourselves and the Gryffindor's. It will make us look more mature, hopefully make Weasley look even worse and possibly get us house points."

"What about Weasley?" Draco asked. "We can't let him just get away with a few house points, he might get a detention but that can't be enough."

"Malfoy is right," Theodore Nott agreed. "the redheaded idiot needs to pay."

"You won't hear me disagreeing." Daphne commented, sending a glare in Ron's direction before putting her focus back onto he conversation.

"Listen up kiddies, 'Uncle Harry' is going to tell you an important bit of life advice." Harry said, looking in-between each Slytherin before stopping on Daphne. "Revenge, pain and suffering are all better when they are spread out throughout the year. Weasley will pay for his comment, but we're not going to simply get it over with using a few pranks and spells, that's the Gryffindor approach."

"I get that, I suppose, but I just wish we could curse the prat now." Daphne sighed.

"Daph," Harry grinned. "remember who Angela is planning for me to meet with?"

"Huh? Yeah, why do you ask?" Daphne asked, while the others with the exception of Blaise looked confused.

"I might just mention this incident," Harry smirked. "imagine how good we'll look and how bad Weasley will look at the end of it?" Harry waited, and watched as Daphne's face slowly shifted from a frown to a wide smile.

"Oh, you are evil Potter." She grinned.

"What are you both talking about?" Draco asked, sounding confused.

"You'll find out sooner or later." Harry smiled.

"Yes," Jet hissed. "patience, little albino."


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