A Cry for Reflection

I can't help but agree with Mr Potter, the poor boy has been raised by abusive guardians all of his life only to come to a new world where everyone tells him that the only friend he has had to support him is evil. Not just that, but they are saying this about his familiar.

For those who don't know, when wizards and witches gain a familiar they bond with them. It's illegal to even attempt to remove 'Jet' from Mr Potter. I ask you, the members of the wizarding world, to think about what we have really done for the boy that saved the wizarding world.

On the night of you-know-who's downfall, we all celebrated, for days we celebrated. Harry Potter on the other hand was sent to an abusive home, only to discover magic and the truth about himself when he came to a world that judges him based on his bonded familiar (something that was confirmed by two members of the Hogwarts staff, one of which is Albus Dumbledore himself), is that the kind of support and appreciation the 'savior of the wizarding world' deserves?

Fortunately, despite the rather big blunder of the wizarding world, Harry Potter has grown up to become a boy that would be considered to be a credit to his parents. He is not only reported to be a good student, but also a rather mature and heroic boy.

During an incident in a first year flying class, one girl lost control of her broom and began flying widely in the air. Mr Potter chased after her without hesitation, and when she fell off her broom he dove after her in a risky dive and managed to catch her before safely flying down.

After bravely risking his own life to save a girl he was rewarded with points by Madam Hooch, the teacher in charge, before she took the girl in question to the hospital wing. It had been reported that one boy, a Ronald Weasley, decided to make an offensive comment about how he couldn't believe that Mr Potter was rewarded for 'saving another snake'. The other Slytherin's had much to say on that.

'Weasley is a tactless idiot, after he said that Potter had called him a 'dark wizard'. Weasley had been telling everyone that Potter was a dark wizard for having a snake and being a Slytherin, but Potter rightfully pointed out that since coming to Hogwarts all Weasley had done was shout and point fingers at us Slytherin's. Potter had just saved a girl's life and Weasley complained about Slytherin getting points, between the two I can easily tell which is the more evil wizard.' Draco Malfoy, first year Slytherin.

'I am Harry's roommate, and his snake has never bothered me. It's never tried to attack me or anyone else, in fact most of the time all it does is just lay about and occasionally hiss. It's actually a rather peaceful animal, doesn't make loud noises and doesn't leave its droppings everywhere. As for Harry, he's a great wizard, he gets spells before anyone else and is pretty smart. I have to admit that when Weasley had made his horrible comment I was very close to hexing him, along with the other Slytherin's, and we would have done if not for Harry. He held us all back, talking about how it wasn't worth it. If he's a dark wizard then I'm a broomstick.' Blaise Zabini, first year Slytherin and Harry Potter's room mate.

'Harry Potter has been nothing but a kind and polite boy, he's been very nice to me ever since we first met on the train. Since then he has helped me with school work and had generally been a good friend. As for his snake, it's a very kind and peaceful animal. I have petted it a few times and never once has it acted violent towards me. I actually think it likes me, and I do not like hearing Harry and his familiar get bad mouthed for being different, especially when it's from someone like Ron Weasley.

Honestly, the only thing boy had actually done since meeting Harry was to tell him he can't do or be certain things because he is the boy-who-lived. In our first transfiguration class he tried to use the names of Harry's parents to make him feel bad for having a snake, add that to his comment after Harry saved a friend of mine and I can't help but wonder who the real dark wizard is.' Daphne Greengrass, first year Slytherin.

These, fine people of the wizarding world, are just a few of the letters I have gotten. All of the first year Slytherin's have sent letters to me, basically saying the exact same things. I urge the wizarding world to truly think about our treatment of Harry Potter, despite what he has done we judge him for matters out of his control yet do nothing when a boy like Mr Weasley misbehaves. If we're not careful then it's entirely possible for us to drive our savior away.

Article by Sharon Maddison.


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