Bonds and Blunders

"Well...I like it." Harry commented once he was done reading. He turned to look at his friends, who were all staring at him with shocked faces. "What?"

"Your relatives abused you?" Tracy hissed angrily. "How dare they?!" From the looks Harry was getting from Daphne and Blaise, he could tell that they agreed with Tracy.

'That's what I've been saying!" Jet hissed.

"I don't like talking about it," Harry sighed. "but the reason I have told people is simple, killing two birds with one stone."

"Huh?" Blaise blinked.

"Muggle expression." Harry explained. "What I basically mean is that I use this to not only get at Weasley while making me look good, but also to help get me away from those muggles, or at least punish them sufficiently. If all goes well then hopefully I can find a new family." Harry said, once he finished speaking Hedwig had jumped onto his shoulder and affectionately rubbed her head against his while Jet slithered up his arm and did the same on the other side. "Thanks guys." Harry smiled at both.

"The article is pretty good," Blaise said in an attempt to redirect the conversation.

"Yes," Harry agreed. "so are the letters, thanks guys, I'm finding it hard not to blush."

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true." Daphne replied with a smile.

"I met the reporter who made it," Blaise said. "Miss Madison knows my mother, that's probably how Angela was able to get her to write the article."

"Remind me to thank them both later." Harry said as he stood up. "Alright it's time to go to lessons, Hedwig I'll see you later." Hedwig hooted before flying off from Harry's shoulder.

"Finally, she's out of my spot." Jet said as he took his usual position on Harry's shoulders.

As Harry and friends exited the hall, they couldn't help but notice the hate filled glare coming from a certain red faced redhead at the Gryffindor table. What they didn't notice was the horrified look on Dumbledore's face.


Harry was currently stood outside of greenhouse with the other Slytherin's, waiting for the Professor Sprout to arrive so they could start Herbology class. They had arrived after the Hufflepuff's but before the Ravenclaws. The Hufflepuff's looked apologetic when they looked at Harry, the Ravenclaws the same but to a lesser extent. A few seconds later the Gryffindor's arrived, most of the Gryffindors had mixed expression's on their face, as if they were unsure how to feel about Harry, though not every Gryffindor had that problem.

"You think you're so great, don't you?!" Ronald Weasley spat as he tossed a copy of his newspaper at Harry.

"A little bit, yeah." Harry nodded with a small smile. "More than you, at least." Harry couldn't help but add.

"I can't believe you wrote all of this about me!" Ron growled.

"I didn't write anything about you." Harry pointed out. "All I wrote was my own letter, if you remember properly then you will remember that I never even mentioned your name."

"But they did!" Ron said, emphasizing his point by pointing at the other Slytherin's.

"I can't be held responsible for what other people do," Harry shrugged. "if they think that you're an arrogant jerk then that's up to them. Me, personally I didn't really bother seeing as I don't think you're really worth it."


"Can't you take a hint, Weasley?" Draco scoffed. "Even Potter can tell that you're not worth it."


"Honestly Weasley," Harry cut him off. "I'm sure you have better things to do than to stay here and bother us. I know I have better things to do than to listen to you."

"Watch yourself Potter." Ron growled.

"Do you have a mirror?" Harry asked innocently.

"You think you're so special, but I bet that you probably didn't even beat you-know-who!" Ron said, causing most of the people around him to gasp, most because they couldn't believe he had said that and the Slytherin's because Harry was one of them.

"I probably didn't." Harry said before anyone else could respond.

"You...wait what?"

"I said 'I probably didn't'." Harry shrugged. "Honestly Weasley, I was a year old at the time, I don't remember what happened. People say I defeated him, I'm taking their word for it since I don't really know, but I think it's more likely my mother and father did something. Either way, I don't really think it matters if I did or didn't defeat him. I'm still a better student than you, name me one class I am not beating you in, take your time." Harry said in a bored voice, he glanced around and could see everyone thinking on his words.

"You can..."

"Is there a problem here, Mr Weasley?" Professor Sprout said as she arrived.

"No, Professor." Ron said in a quiet voice as he backed away from the other Slytherin's. He couldn't really afford to get into anymore trouble, the rest of his house was unhappy with him as it is, some for his comments and some for the amount of points he had already cost Gryffindor. He knew things would have been much, much worse if it wasn't for the fact that he had three older brothers in Gryffindor to protect him.

Between Percy, who was a prefect and very likely to be head boy in the future, plus the twins who were referred to as the 'devil pranksters of Gryffindor', nobody was really willing to do much against Ron. Despite that all of Gryffindor was giving Ron a very cold and frosty treatment, as if he was a burden to the house. If that wasn't bad enough then he was also waiting for the howler that was likely to come from his mum.

"I'm sure." Professor Sprout said in a skeptical voice before she ushered the class inside.

"Why would you say that?" Draco whispered to Harry as they walked in.

"Say what?" Harry whispered back.

"Say that your biggest claim to fame was because of your parents."

"Because it probably was," Harry answered. "I don't know, I don't remember that night. Plus if I'm going to be famous then I'm going to earn it, I'm not going to be famous for something I can't even remember." Harry said before moving next to Blaise as the class started.


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