Words and Wisdom

The Slytherin first years currently found themselves sat in charms class with the Gryffindor's, Harry was currently sat in-between Tracy and Daphne with Blaise sat on Daphne's left and Draco sat on Tracy's right.

The Gryffindor's sat on the opposite end of the classroom, naturally, though Harry couldn't help but wonder if it was planned or just a horrible coincidence that he was sat opposite Ron. Ron was limited to glaring at Harry as he was never able to find Harry when he was on his own.

"Bring it, you redheaded baboon." Jet hissed at Ron while perched on Harry's shoulders. Ron was not a parslemouth and could not understand what Jet was saying but understood that it was not something nice, he turned away. "That's what I thought." Jet hissed.

"Good morning everyone," Professor Flitwick said as he arrived and stopped at the front of the class. "let's begin, shall we? Now, one of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation, which in simple terms is basically the ability to make objects fly. Now, do you all have your feather's?" He asked, he paused and looked around to make sure each student had a feather in front of them. "Ah, that's good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement, a swish and a flick. Not a flick and a swish or a flick and a flick, remember it's a swish and flick. Show me everyone." Professor Flitwick paused and allowed the class to show him the movement. "Very well done, now remember that the incantation is 'Wingardium Leviosa', be careful to say it properly. Now go on everyone, give it a try." He said

"Why isn't it working?" Daphne wondered after three tries.

"I don't know, Harry?" Tracy asked Harry who hadn't yet attempted it.

"Brain thinking, hush." Harry said with a thoughtful look on his face. "Alright, let me try. Wingardium Leviosa." Harry said calmly as he pointed his wand at the feather, a second later it rose up into the air, expertly controlled by Harry.

"Oh well done Mr Potter," Professor Flitwick exclaimed in a happy voice. "very well done Mr Potter, five points to Slytherin."

"Thank you, sir." Harry smiled before lowering his feather.

"How'd you do it?" Daphne whispered once Professor Flitwick turned his attention back to the other students.

"You guys are saying it wrong." Harry replied. "You need to make the 'gar' part a bit longer then..." Harry was cut off by the sound of speaking from the Gryffindor students.

"You're saying it wrong." Hermione Granger said to Ron in a condescending voice. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long. And remember to say 'Levi-o-sa', not 'Levios-a'."

"You do it, then, if you're so clever." Ron responded in an annoyed voice. "Go on then."

"Fine," Hermione huffed before pointing her wand at the feather. "Wingardium Leviosa." She said before the feather rose into the air.

"Ah well done Miss Granger, you're the first Gryffindor to get it." Professor Flitwick smiled. "Five points to Gryffindor."

"Thank you Professor." She said with a smile, one that wasn't as bright as it usually was when she got points, it seemed more like a half-smile.

"I think Granger might be jealous that she wasn't first." Blaise whispered to the others. Harry didn't respond but thought that was probably it, he hadn't talked to Granger much but she seemed obsessed with always raising her hand whenever she could in class. And Merlin forbid a teacher not pick on her right away because she would start waving her hand if given ample time to do so, she would do so every lesson without fail if a teacher wanted students to answer questions.

"Look at Weasley," Malfoy snorted. "he's so pathetic that even the mud..."

"Ahem." Harry coughed, interrupting Malfoy. Harry looked at Draco with narrowed eyes, a look on his face that clearly said 'choose your next words wisely'.

"Uh...even the muggleborn is better than him." Draco quickly amended. It was Angela who had explained to Harry what the word 'mudblood' means, it basically meant filthy blood and was an insult to muggleborns. Harry, who knew that his mother was a muggleborn, did not like that at all. The last time someone used the word in front of him was a fourth year and she ended up getting held upside down by the snakes in the common room until she nearly passed out, then she was dropped on the floor, only to be picked up again a minute later, nobody in Slytherin dared use that word in front of Harry since.

"Careful Draco," Harry warned before he continued. "Weasley is an idiot, blood has nothing to do with others being better than him, my theory is he simply got dropped on his head too many times."


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