An Unwelcome Encounter

"Alright, so the disarming spell makes a person's wand fly out of their hand but it's also like a knockback jinx?" Harry asked. He, Jet and Angela were currently in an abandoned classroom, today was the day of the Halloween feast, the majority of the student population would be in the great hall.

Harry on the other hand had decided - despite his friends objections and offers - to not go. Why? Simply because this was the day that his parents died, he didn't much feel like spending it eating and partying.

His friends had tried to convince him to come, and when that failed they offered to stay with him. He refused on the basis that they shouldn't be denied their fun, they reluctantly left him, leaving Harry alone in the common room. Or at least he was before Angela came and offered to help teach him some more spells.

"Yes, but not always." Angela nodded. "It's easy to use it to get a wand out of someone's hand, but you have to put more power into it if you want to knock someone off of their feet. A good disarming spell that connects will guarantee that your opponents wand fly's out of their hand, a great one will possibly blast them off of their feet."

"Right so if I want to knock someone over then I should stick with the knockback jinx." Harry replied.

"Yeah, but personally I would always chose getting rid of their wand over knocking them down."

"Why not both?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Fair enough," Angela chuckled before she held her wand out. "alright let's try it one last time."

"Alright." Harry took a deep breath before he aimed his wand at her. "Expelliarmus!" Harry said, a white flash shot out of his wand and Angela's wand flew out of her hand and into Harry's.

"Well done, Harry." Angela smiled proudly.

"Thank you," Harry blushed slightly, still not used to compliments, he handed her wand back to her. "was it good or do I need to practice more or do something better?" Harry asked.

"You did great, the fact that you got it makes you better than I would expect from a first year." Angela said as she walks out of the classroom with Harry following after her. "I think some practice to help build up your speed and power, then you'll easily be throwing people back with your spell."

"Awesome," Harry grinned for a second before his face turned thoughtful. "Angela, if you don't mind me asking, how come you didn't go to the feast with everyone else?" Harry asked.

"Before I answer, why didn't you?" Angela asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, today's the day that my parents died." Harry sighed. "I don't know why, I just...I didn't feel like I should be out eating as much as I can and enjoying myself. I was going to spend the night quietly reading a book before you came along."

"Well Harry, it's simple," She said as they turned a corner. "I just want to..." Angela paused when she and Harry stopped to see who was standing in front of them. "...fuck." She blurted out.

Standing in front of them with a big club in its right hand was a twelve foot, grey troll. It wore no clothes beyond a loincloth and a small, open brown button shirt that really didn't cover much apart from the shoulders and upper back of the troll. It had hair under its nose that looked more like whiskers than a mustache, it had a bald head with long ears, big feet with two toes on each foot and a pot belly.

"Uncle Vernon?" Jet asked in a confused voice.


"Bloody hell, do you know anything useful about trolls?" Harry said to Angela as they both pulled their wands out.

"They've got thick skin and they're very strong but very stupid." She said as the troll got near. "Stupefy!" She shouted, shooting a stunner at the troll, it didn't knock the troll out like it would a human but did as intended, distracting it for her follow up spell. "Obscuro!" She said and a blindfold shot out of her wand and wrapped around the troll's eyes.

"Nice," Harry said before he aimed his wand at the troll's blindfold. "Incendio!" Harry yelled, a burst of flames shot out and set the blindfold on fire, the troll screamed and began shaking and quickly clawing at the blindfold to remove it.

"Oh, vicious." Angela commented with an approving nod.

"I'm not done." Harry said before he aimed his wand at the ground. "Serpensortia." Harry said, a black mamba snake, shot out of Harry's wand. "Attack the troll!" Harry ordered, the snake nodded before doing as it was told.

"You know how to do 'Serpensortia'?" Angela blinked.

"A spell to summon snakes and you expect me to not learn it?" Harry snorted before casting it again, this time summoning a rattlesnake. Harry gave it the same order as the previous one. Harry then levitated Jet up into the air.

"Incendio." Angela said, hitting the troll in the face with a fire blast once it was able to get the blindfold off. The troll howled in pain, it was distracted long enough for the snakes to bite it. Once that was done she summoned some more snakes to help Harry. Soon several different types of snakes were sinking their fangs into the troll. Harry dropped Jet onto the troll's shoulders and Jet quickly sunk his teeth into the troll's neck.

"Hey, knockback on the club, quickly." Harry said, Angela didn't waste time arguing or asking questions and performed the knockback jinx on the troll who was holding the club in front of his face. The double knockback jinx pushed the club, causing it to smack right into the troll's face. The troll dropped the club, it's nose was broken and it wasn't looking too good. "Retreat!" Harry told the snakes before he levitated Jet off of the troll's shoulders.

The troll's eyes had rolled to the back of its head and it stumbled forwards before falling face first in front of Harry and Angela, fortunately they and the snakes had managed to avoid getting crushed. Harry carefully lowered Jet down into his arms.

"You alright?" Harry asked.

"Better than him." Jet hissed before climbing up onto Harry's shoulders.

"You alright?" Harry asked Angela.

"I'm fine," She said before looking at the troll. "he's not though."

"Is he dead?" Harry asked.

"Knocked out would be my guess, but with the amount of venom coursing through him I would say that if he's not dead now then he'll be dead sooner or later." Angela replied. Any further response was cut off as Professor McGonagall arrived along with Professor Flitwick, Snape and Quirrell.


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