Support from the Slytherins

The next day Harry calmly sat at breakfast with the other Slytherin's, he was sat in-between Daphne and Tracy and was casually ignoring the not so subtle glances from the others.

The story of how Angela and Harry fought off a troll had circled the school already, and looked like it was going to do so again if the way people were talking about it was any indication.

"At least you weren't injured," Draco commented. "Flint would throw a fit if you became chaser only to get injured before the match."

"Is quidditch all you care about?!" Tracy hissed. "He could have died!"

"Tracy, relax." Harry said just as Draco raised his hands in surrender. "I was fine, I had Angela with me, besides even without her I like to think that I could have lasted long enough to make enough snakes to kill it."

"Harry," Daphne spoke. "troll's aren't easy to kill, that's why the rumor mill is filled with people talking about it. To knock out a troll is an impressive feat but to actually kill one, especially as a first year with only a third year for back up, is incredibly impressive."

"Harry 'The Incredibly Impressive' Potter." Harry hummed. "I rather like that."

"You would," Blaise snorted. "I know Angela is going to send a letter home to Mum, she'll be furious."

"What would your muggles say if they got sent a letter about what happened?" Theo asked in a curious voice.

"Most likely something along the lines of 'we don't care or want to know and why didn't you die?'." Harry shrugged.

"You should hex them to the ends of the Earth and back." Daphne scowled.

"I'm tempted." Harry admitted. "Though I'd just leave them at the ends of the Earth, I don't really want to have them back."

"Most muggles aren't like your muggles, are they?" Tracy asked.

"No," Harry shook his head. "you see my muggles are obsessed with appearing 'normal', so when other muggles come around they'll shove me out of the way and act like normal people. However if the other muggles could see them act the way they usually do then they'd be disgusted and likely arrest them for child abuse. I can't wait until I'm out of there." Harry said as he lifted his goblet to his mouth.

"Stop!" Jet suddenly hissed, Harry paused and lowered the goblet down.

"What?" Harry asked.

"There's something in the goblet, tell your friends to stop as well." Jet hissed.

"Guys," Harry said. "don't drink from your goblets."

"Why not?" Draco frowned.

"Jet said that there is something in them, give me a sec." Harry took a deep breath. "Flipsy." Harry called, a second later Flipsy popped into existence.

"Is that your house elf?" Pansy asked.

"No, one of the Hogwarts ones." Harry answered.

"Great Harry Potter be remembering Flipsy?" Flipsy spoke in an awed voice.

"It's the 'Incredibly Impressive Harry Potter' now." Blaise informed the elf.

"Oh!" Flipsy gasped. "I's be sorry 'Incredibly Impressive Harry Potter'." Flipsy apologized.

"Just call me Harry, it'll keep this conversation shorter if nothing else." Harry replied after giving Blaise a small glare. "Who was responsible for serving the drinks for the Slytherin table?" Harry asked.

"Is there a problem Mr Potter?" A voice drawled from behind Harry, Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened his eyes before responding.

"Actually, yes. Yes, there is a problem Professor Snape." Harry said without turning around. "We were simply enjoying our breakfast when my familiar warned me that there was something in our goblets. I had called this house elf merely to question him about it."

"Hmm," Snape turned to the elf. "elf, what do you know?"

"Oh, two boys comes into kitchen yesterday." Flipsy replied. "They's be saying that Slytherin's want special potion's in their drinks."

"What special drink?" Snape asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Flipsy is not be knowing." Flipsy said in an apologetic idea.

"Um sir, I think I might have a clue." Harry said as he gestured up the table to a fifth year, Snape looked at the Slytherin and saw that his skin had turned green.

"Who...were...the...boys?" Snape said through gritted teeth once he turned back to Flipsy.

"They's be both having red hairs and...oh...that's be them." Flipsy said as he pointed to two redheaded twins at the Gryffindor table, Harry recognized them as Ron's older brothers.

"All Slytherin's do not touch your drinks." Snape ordered before he stormed over towards the Gryffindor table, a few seconds later Professor McGonagall came over to question Snape on what was happening.

"Flipsy," Harry said to the elf. "those two lied to you and the other elves, what they actually did was try and prank us Slytherin's through you."

"Oh no!" Flipsy gasped in a horrified voice. "I's be telling the other elves, would yous be liking if we punish ourselves?"

"No, just keep an eye out in the future." Harry replied.

"Flipsy be doing that." Flipsy nodded before popping out of sight.

"Getting friendly with house elves now?" Pansy sneered.

"Please stop Parkinson, you look much prettier when you're not sneering." Harry said calmly as he returned to his food.

"Are you blushing, Pansy?" Draco asked in an amused voice.

"Shut up." Pansy said before swatting him on the arm.


Harry, dressed in green Slytherin quidditch uniform along with the other members of the quidditch team, walked onto the pitch. Harry had the number '7' on his green robes, in his hand he had a nimbus two thousand, which was currently the fastest broom in the world.

It was expensive but Harry had enough money to buy it. Flint had looked like he was going to pass out from excitement when he saw that Harry had the fastest broom on the market.

Harry was very much looking forward to play, he knew all the rules and positions thanks to his friends. The seeker would chase after a golden ball called the snitch, catching it would mean the end of the game plus a hundred and fifty to the team of whoever catches it.

The keeper would simply defend the hoops while the beaters would defend their own team from bludgers while also batting those bludgers towards the opposite team, meanwhile the chasers would simply focus on throwing the quaffle through one of the three hoop of the opposing team.

As soon as they got on the pitch he and the other Slytherin's took to the air, they flew around the pitch in a 'V' formation before stopping at their end of the pitch.

"Welcome to the first match of the school quidditch tournament!" Lee Jordan, the quidditch announcer, spoke through a magical microphone as he was sat in the commentator's stand with Professor McGonagall and a few other teachers. "Today's match is between the brave lions of Gryffindor, and the cowardly snakes of Slytherin."

"Jordon!" Professor McGonagall, who was sat next to him, shouted while the Gryffindors in the stands cheered at his comment just as the Slytherin's booed.

"Sorry Professor," Lee said quickly before he continued speaking. "introducing first, the Slytherin's team captain and chaser Marcus Flint, joining him as chaser is Adrian Pucey. Their beaters are Morris King and Rufus Jackknife. Miles Bletchley takes the position of Keeper and Terence Higgs takes position as Seeker. Joining them is surprise entrant and third chaser, none other than the youngest chaser in a century, Harry Potter."

The Slytherin's all cheered at Harry who happily waved back, he smiled when he saw his friends cheering for him. Though the cheering stopped after Jordan's next comment.

"Yes, first year Harry Potter is on the team, I suppose we'll soon see if he's really earned his spot." Lee said in skeptical voice.

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall admonished but was drowned out by the large amount of booing from the Slytherin stands.

"Sorry Professor," Jordan said, not sounding very sorry. "I..." Jordan tried to speak but even with his magical microphone he found it hard to speak over the high levels of booing, some of the Slytherin's had even cast sonorous (a sound amplifying charm) on each other just so they could boo louder.

Harry felt quite touched by this show of support against Jordon, it was clear to everyone that Jordon was implying that Harry had used his fame to get his spot. Harry knew why Jordon was rooting against him, besides the fact that Jordan was a Gryffindor, it was because Jordon was in the same year as the Weasley twins and was in fact their best friend.

After the failed prank by the twins Snape had tried to have them removed from the quidditch team, the fact that the twins were flying opposite Harry and glaring at him showed that Snape wasn't too successful.

That wasn't to say that the twins weren't punished, they had lost a large amount of points for Gryffindor and if that wasn't bad enough they also gained a weeks worth of detention and the house elves were ordered to no longer allow the twins into the kitchen.

Harry looked at the twins and gave them a cheeky wave. Harry didn't feel bad about them getting punished, they were the ones who tried to prank him and if it wasn't for Jet then he would be green skinned right now.

"And now introducing the Gryffindor team!" Lee shouted into his microphone once the booing had finally stopped. "Team captain and Keeper, Oliver Wood along with the beaters Fred and George Weasley! Followed by the three stunningly beautiful chasers Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson! With them is their new seeker, Cormac McLaggen." It was not lost on everyone that Lee wasn't quite as enthusiastic when introducing McLaggen, though the one person it it was apparently lost on was in fact McLaggen as he happily waved at the Gryffindor stands.


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