The Rise of Harry Potter

Harry paused and looked at the opposite team, the Weasley twins were tall redheads with freckles on their faces, Harry suspected they'd more than likely be aiming at himself all match, probably just so they could get back at him for getting them in trouble.

Oliver Wood was well built and burly, slightly taller than Flint but nearly as big horizontally, Harry couldn't help but compare him to those football enthusiasts that would spend everyday playing football when they weren't doing anything else.

It was well known throughout the school that the guy was a quidditch nut. Cormac McLaggen was a large, wire-haired boy, everything about him screamed arrogant.

The chasers were just as advertised, in that they were stunningly beautiful, they all wisely had their hairs in ponytails so they wouldn't get in the way while flying. Katie Bell, the youngest and a year older then Harry was a brunette, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson were both in the same year as the Weasley twins, Alicia being a pretty blonde and Angelina being a pretty girl with light brown skin and black hair.

"Now, I want a nice clean game, from all of you." Madam Hooch, who was acting as the referee for this match, said before she waved her wand. The trunk next to her opened, the snitch and two bludgers flew out first, the bludgers began flying around while the snitch disappeared. Harry stayed ready, he knew that the game would start once the quaffle was released.

A few seconds later the quaffle shot into the air.

"The quaffle is up and the game begins!" Lee Jordan announced just as the chasers all rushed for the quaffle. Thanks to having the fastest broom, along with the skills to use it properly, Harry was quickly able to grab the quaffle before the others. He ducked under Katie bell as she attempted to grab it from him, he then dodged Alicia Spinnet's attempt to take it before flying off while Adrian Pucey blocked Angelina from getting close to him.

Harry flew straight towards the Gryffindor hoops, he dodged a bludger that was shot at him from one of the Weasley twins. As he got near Harry pulled his arm back to throw the quaffle, Oliver Wood was ready to block or catch it when Harry suddenly tossed it backwards to Marcus Flint who flew to the right, Oliver quickly flew to his left hoop as it looked like Flint was gong to shoot there.

But he didn't, Flint threw it back to Harry who span in mid-air and hit the quaffle with the back of his broom stick, sending it to the opposite hoop from the one that Wood was guarding. To Wood's credit he was able to quickly get from his left hoop to the middle hoop but was unable to stop the quaffle as it went into the other hoop.

"Slytherin scores." Lee Jordon said in a disappointed voice, "that's ten points to Slytherin. Come on Gryffindor, get back in the game!"

The game continued for another twenty minutes, Lee would cheer every time Gryffindor got a goal but Slytherin was leading the game with a score of 120 - 40. Harry had scored most of those goals, with Pucey scoring three and Flint also scoring three.

The Weasley twins, as Harry predicted, had spent the majority of their focus trying to hit him with a bludger, but Harry was able to dodge all of them, one managed to graze the side of his right arm but none got closer than that. Harry noticed something out of the corner of his eye, he saw Higgs chasing after the snitch, with Cormac chasing behind them.

Harry caught the quaffle after Flint tossed it to him, an idea came in Harry's head. He smirked and and flew towards the Gryffindor hoops, he managed to stick his tongue out at both Weasley twins on the way.

One of the twins - Harry had no idea if it was Fred or George - swung at a bludger with full force, the bludger rushed through the air towards Harry. Harry waited and at the last moment he shifted into a sloth roll, leaving himself flying upside down.

The bludger flew past where Harry's body used to be and headed straight towards the two seekers, Cormac was about to reach out for the snitch when the bludger hit his broom, causing him to go out of control and crash into the pitch. That distracted the others long enough for Harry to shift back into a normal flying position and take advantage of the distraction to score once more, a few seconds later the snitch was caught.

"H...Higgs caught the snitch." Lee Jordon said in a pained voice. The Slytherin stands erupted with cheers and clapping, Harry looked at the Weasley twins and winked at them before flying up to the commentator stand where Lee Jordan was sat along with other teachers. The Slytherin's all became quiet when they noticed Harry stop in front of Jordan and start hovering there. "Potter? What are you..." Lee was cut off by Harry casually grabbing the microphone out of his hand.

"Testing, testing." Harry spoke into the microphone. "Can you all here me?" Harry asked, after receiving a confirmation cheer from the Slytherin's, Harry continued speaking. "Well great, I am sorry about interrupting, I just need to say three things. First of all, an excellent job being on being a smart, entertaining and unbiased commentator, Mr Jordon." Harry said sarcastically, Jordon growled as many of the Slytherin's laughed. "Second of all, in regards to my spot on the team, I'd like to think it's earned. What do you lot think?!" The Slytherin's cheered loudly for Harry. "Thank you, thank you!" Harry spoke again, causing the cheering to die down. "Oh and one more thing," Harry turned to Lee and grinned. "I think you may need to pick another profession, because you forgot to mention the most important part. Slytherin wins." Harry said before he tossed the microphone into Jordon's lap.

Harry flew to the middle of the pitch, hovering with the other Slytherin team members. They soaked in the applause they were getting, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws were clapping for them, but the Slytherin stand was ear deafening with the amount of noise they were making.

"Go! Go! Slytherin! Go! Go! Slytherin!" They cheered.

As Harry sat on his broom, he couldn't help but think how much better his life had gotten. He was no longer the skinny kid under the stairs. Now, as he sat in the air with the wind blowing through his hair and the crowd cheering for him, he was Harry Potter, proud first year Slytherin, talented wizard and youngest chaser in a century.


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