Victory Celebration

"Slytherin! Slytherin!" Everyone in the common room cheered as the quidditch team finally entered. The Slytherin team were stunned by all the applause, the older members because they never really received an applause like this, no matter how many times they had played. Harry was also stunned as this was also his first time receiving an applause. It seemed much more real than the applause from the match, likely due to how close these people actually were.

Harry recovered quicker than the others and gave a small bow, the other members of his team saw him doing so and quickly copied him. Harry looked around and saw his friends cheering for him, Jet was perched on Daphne's shoulders.

"Speech!" Harry just about heard Jet hiss. Harry looked at the other team members and saw that they looked unable to speak as they were dumbfounded by the volume of cheering.

"Thank you everyone," Harry called as he began walking forwards, he walked to the center of the room, the crowd parting for him. "Thank you, thank you." Harry said once the cheering died down enough for him to speak. "Hey, can somebody give me something to stand on? I'm still unfortunately small." Harry said, a few seconds later a seventh year waved his wand and made a stand for him. "Thank you," Harry said before he got on the stand. "so...we won!"

"Slytherin! Slytherin!" The room cheered again.

"Yes, yes," Harry calmly said as he gestured them to all stop so he could talk. "yes Slytherin won. I wish I could take all the credit for it but I have to give credit where credit is due and say Slytherin wouldn't have been able to win without the help of the rest of my team." Harry gestured to the other members of the quidditch team, despite trying hard not to, they blushed when the room clapped for them. "Yes, well done to them all." Harry nodded.

"You scored the most points out of everyone!" Blaise shouted with a grin on his face

"Thank you, and yes I did." Harry grinned back. "I had to, I wasn't about to let us lose to Gryffindor." Harry said, earning a few laughs.

"Weasley is going to be pissed off!" Malfoy laughed.

"Yes, he will, but that's actually what I want to talk to everybody here about." Harry said, causing the room to go silent.

"You are worried about Weasley?" Pansy said with pure disbelief in her voice.

"No," Harry shook his head and tutted his teeth. "not Weasley, Weasley is an incredibly idiotic, ignoramus. No, Weasley's power comes from the fact that he has at least three other brothers currently in the school. Percy the prefect is one but he's not a major problem because based off what I've seen and heard, he's a major rule follower so won't do anything to us yet. It's the twins that I'm worried about."

"The devil pranksters of Gryffindor?" Angela asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep," Harry said, popping the 'p'. "They've tried to prank us before, but we were able to avoid that. During the quidditch game you may have all noticed them aiming their bludgers at me. And if that wasn't enough then I also embarrassed their little friend, Lee Jordan."

"He deserved it," Tracy commented, earning several agreeing noises from other Slytherin's. "I mean did you hear him? He was a biased git."

"I doubt he'd agree," Harry said in an amused voice. "to start with, I know one way to deal with Jordan. I want Slytherin house to petition for for there to be a second announcer at each game."

"Why?" One fifth year asked.

"In muggles sports they would usually have at least two announcers so they can give different opinions on a match," Harry explained. "imagine during the next match we have a Slytherin announcer to cancel out Jordan's biased commentary. Or at the very least we all band together to make sure the Professor's force the announcers to be unbiased, we've all heard McGonagall try and keep Jordan in line and fail to do so, so if everything goes right then next time he'll get one warning before getting booted.

As for the twins I bet that sooner or later the idiots are going to want to get back at me. Likely either in the form of an ambush or more than likely in the form of another prank."

"What do you plan to do about that?" Angela asked.

"Well..." Harry hummed, he stayed silent for a few second before he finally spoke. "I like to think that perhaps we should simplify things, the Weasley's want to prank Slytherin house, let's just get it over with."

"What?" Malfoy blinked in confusion.

"Malfoy, thanks for volunteering." Harry smiled down at the blonde.



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