Memories Unveiled

"Weasley's!" The two Weasley twins were interrupted from their breakfast by Snape. The two had planned to enjoy their breakfast then spend any time that didn't have to do with school on figuring out a way to get back at Potter and the other Slytherin's. The two turned around and looked at Snape, only to see that he was looking more furious than usual and was standing next to another boy. The boy was a first year judging by his size, but for some reason his robes were orange and his hair looked exactly like Ron's. Upon closer inspection the twins realized that it was actually Draco Malfoy. "You two will come with me, now!" Snape growled.

"But we didn't do anything!" The twins protested.

"A likely story," Snape scoffed. "follow me, now!"

As the twins were being dragged out of the hall, the Slytherin table gladly watched with amused looks on their faces.

"Pure evil, Harry." Daphne grinned at him. "You're a genius."

"What can I say? I try." Harry shrugged as he grinned back.


Harry woke up on Christmas day, he glanced in the direction of Blaise's bed and saw that he wasn't in it. Most of the students of Hogwarts have decided to go home for the Christmas holiday's to spend time with family, that included all of the first year Slytherin's and Angela. Though Harry wasn't mad or upset with them, he understood the importance of spending time with family.

Not something that Harry was really willing to do when his 'family' were the Dursleys, Harry had heard from Draco that his father found out that the Dursley's were likely to soon be arrested then they would be put on trial sooner or later, they would then likely contact himself to be a witness.

Hopefully by the end of the year he would escape their reach in a permanent manner. Harry climbed out of his bed and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later he exited the bathroom and realized that Jet was in a corner of the room alongside a pile of presents.

"Jet?" Harry asked in a confused voice. "What are you doing?"

"These were here this morning," Jet hissed in response. "what are they?"

"They appear to be presents." Harry commented as he walked over, barely keeping the disbelief out of his voice.

"We've never gotten presents before." Jet commented in a surprised voice.

"We've never had friends before." Harry reminded him as he knelt down next to him. "It used to just be us against the world, but now we actually have friends." Harry smiled as he stroked the back of Jet's head before he started opening his pile.

"Okay, this one is from Crabbe and Goyle." Harry said as he took one box, he opened it to reveal a couple of bags of sweets, funnily enough Harry had sent the same thing to those two. "Hmm, we're not really good friends with Crabbe and Goyle, are we?"

"Not really," Jet admitted. "why do you ask?"

"I think the two have potential," Harry answered. "when they get back we'll start working on them." Harry said as he put the box aside before taking another one. "Ah, this one is from Malfoy. Hmm, a book on quidditch plays."

"That could be useful." Jet hissed.

"Indeed, let's look at the next one, it's from Nott, sweets as well."

"So you will be getting diabetes this year then?" Jet asked.

"Possibly." Harry chuckled before moving onto his next present. "Tracy got me a book on my family history."

"Really?" Jet asked, sounding very interested. "That is excellent, you can learn more about your family. Maybe you can learn if any of your ancestors could speak to snakes."

"Possibly, but I doubt it." Harry replied before moving onto the next present. "Daphne sent me a book of spells, ah...and so did Blaise."

"So we know what you're going to be spending your Christmas break reading." Jet commented in an amused voice.

"Don't judge me," Was all Harry said before he looked at his next present. "this is from Angela." Harry opened it and pulled out his present.

"What is it?" Jet asked.

"It's a wand holster." Harry gasped before he began reading out loud the note that Angela had left for him.

'Hi Harry, I hope you like my present. It's a wand holster made from scales from a Hungarian Horntail, that's a dragon in case you didn't know. You just wrap it around your wrist and then put your wand in it, then when you need your wand you just flick your wrist and it pops out into your hand. There will be more detailed instructions inside but that's the basic idea. This'll be safer than keeping your wand in your pocket, it'll stop it from being summoned and it'll be quicker for you as well. Though I'd recommend practicing using it first, you don't want to overshoot and send your wand flying across the room. Hope you like your present.

From Angela XXX'

"What a lovely woman." Jet hissed happily.

"Yep." Harry grinned before putting the black holster on his forearm, Harry placed his wand inside then flicked his wrist. The wand shot out into his hand but nearly slipped out of his grip. "I think Angela is right, I need more practice with it." Harry said before he opened his second to last present, one which seemed to be a simple cloak. Harry frowned and looked at the note on it.

"What does it say?" Jet asked.

"Well, it says 'Your father left this in my possession before he died, I am returning it to you, use it well'." Harry answered. "There must be more to it than that, I mean why would an old cloak that my father had be valuable enough to give as a present? I mean it means a lot to me but it must have some value beyond just being a cloak, right?"

"I don't know, try it on." Jet suggested.

"Fine." Harry sighed before he put the cloak on, he looked down and blinked when he saw his body had gone. "What the hell? I've gone invisible!"

"An invisibility cloak?" Jet asked. "That could be useful. Does it feel weird being invisible?"

"A little bit, it's like you know your body is there even though your eyes are telling you that it isn't." Harry replied before taking the cloak off, Harry looked at the note once more but couldn't really recognize the hand writing, though it did seem familiar, hopefully he could figure out who it belonged to sooner, rather than later. Harry opened his last present, inside he found a photo album and a note.

'Hello Harry, I wish you a happy Christmas. I wasn't sure what to get you, or if I should get you anything since I'm a Professor, but I like to think that we're friends as well so I got you a gift. I spoke with Hagrid, he was working at Hogwarts when your parents attended. He even knew them, I asked him if he could go out and get some pictures of them. It turns out he could, in this album are pictures of your parents, and there's room for more pictures for you to add. I hope you like it, merry Christmas.

From Professor Babbling AKA Beth.

P.S Say hello to Jet for me.'

Harry smiled brightly, despite the tears running down his eyes, he opened the album and looked at the picture the same way a starving man would look at food.


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