Hospital Wing Confrontation

Dumbledore followed Professor McGonagall into the hospital wing where he found Ronald Weasley laying in a bed with a bandage wrapped around his head and his shirt was pushed up so his stomach was exposed while Madam Pomfrey - the school nurse - had just finished putting some bandages around his midsection before picking up a potion.

"Drink this." She ordered before feeding Ron the potion, it was then that Dumbledore also noticed a big red mark on Ron's right cheek. Dumbledore looked around and saw Harry was standing and leaning against the bed opposite Ron's bed, he had his arms crossed while Jet rested on his shoulders, both looked bored and irritated.

"Perhaps someone should start explaining what happened." Dumbledore suggested, alerting everyone to the fact that he was in the room.

"He attacked me!" Ron shouted instantly as he pointed at Harry before wincing at the pain he felt.

"Calm down, you foolish boy." Madam Pomfrey ordered as she pulled his shirt down so it was covering his stomach. "I hardly need you to cause yourself another injury."

"It'd be kind of funny if he did though." Harry mused, earning a glare from Ron and a disapproving look from Madam Pomfrey. At that moment Professor Snape walked into the hospital wing, he took one look at Weasley and raised an eyebrow before glancing at Harry then giving Dumbledore and McGonagall a look that clearly said 'explain'.

"Mr Weasley, perhaps you can go from the start." Dumbledore said after catching Snape up on all that happened, giving Ron his full attention.

"I was walking down the hallway when he attacked me, for no reason." Ron said as he gestured to Harry with his head. Harry snorted in amusement before he could stop himself.

"Mr Potter?" Professor McGonagall turned to him. "Do you disagree?" She asked, her lips thinner than usual.

"I do disagree." Harry nodded. "And I am more than willing to tell my side of the story, and unlike Weasley over there I can expand my story beyond a single sentence."

"Well we are very interested in hearing what you have to say, Mr Potter." Snape drawled, as he stared at Harry.

"Well Professor, I had just come out of Professor Dumbledore's office and was walking back to the common room." Harry began explaining. "We had a very serious conversation and I was rather emotional and intended to go to my common room and spend some time to sort through my thoughts."

"A serious conversation?" Professor McGonagall repeated.

"A personal one." Harry replied, McGonagall looked at Dumbledore who nodded in response. The two appeared to be engaged in a silent conversation but eventually she nodded to him before turning to Harry and gesturing him to continue. "So like I said I was emotional and was walking back to the common room when out of nowhere Weasley tried to curse me, thankfully he wasn't able to hit me but he did fire the first spell. I then hit him with a stinging hex on the face followed by a disarming spell, unfortunately I overpowered the spell and he ended up flying into a wall. After that I quickly went to fetch Madam Pomfrey and informed her about what happened, she followed me to him and then she levitated him back. She then called you, Professor, then you called Professor Dumbledore and here we all are." Harry finished with a shrug.

"I can confirm the last part," Madam Pomfrey commented. "Mr Potter did indeed contact me and tell me the same story."

"I don't suppose Jet counts as a acceptable witness?" Harry asked Professor McGonagall.

"No," She said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "no, he does not."

"Why the fuck not?!" Jet hissed in an offended voice.

"Well, as of the moment it is clear that one of you is not telling the truth." Dumbledore said as he glanced between both boys.

"Headmaster, clearly the Weasley boy is lying." Snape said as if it was stupid to even consider that he wasn't.

"We don't know that for sure." Professor McGonagall frowned.

"Please," Snape scoffed. "the boy has caused nothing but trouble since coming here and from what I've observed is always the one to approach Mr Potter, not the other way around."

"He tried to attack me yesterday as well." Harry said, causing everyone to look at him.

"Explain." Snape ordered.

"He tried to confront me yesterday when I was going to the great hall," Harry began explaining. "he tried to insult me and then he got angry and was about to pull his wand out but I was able to get my wand out first, I advised him not to finish pulling his wand out and he then began accusing me of using dark magic, I tried pointing out that I am only a first year but he was insistent that if I didn't know dark magic now then I'd definitely know it later. I told him that since it was Christmas I was willing to let it go and then I told him to leave, I had hoped that he would have learnt from it but sadly not."

"That's not true!" Ron protested.

"Which part?" Snape said as he looked at him, Ron struggled to think up a good answer and by the time he was able to he realized that he had waited too long. "That's what I thought." Snape said when Ron didn't answer. "Potter," Snape said as he looked at Harry, part of him hated the fact that he had to help the son of James Potter but he would be damned if he willingly let one of his Slytherin's get bested by a Weasley of all people. "you can leave, now." Harry nodded before looking at Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall with a raised eyebrow, both nodded to say that Harry could indeed leave. Harry nodded his thanks and walked out, making sure to throw a discreet grin at Weasley just before getting out of the door.


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