Weasley's Misadventures

Harry was sat in the Slytherin common room with Jet resting on his lap, Harry was admittedly a little excited as today was the day that the other Slytherin's would be coming back, meaning that Harry's friends would come back. It was still a very odd feeling knowing that he had friends other than Jet.

Soon the common room door opened and a large amount of Slytherin's walked in, Harry calmly stood up and placed Jet down on the chair that he had just gotten off of. The first year Slytherin's moved towards Harry when they saw him, the boys all calmly greeted him with hand shakes, the girls were a bit of a different case. Millicent Bulstrode didn't really bother as the two weren't friends and didn't even speak to her, not that they had anything against each other, Millicent just preferred to stay on her own.

Pansy Parkinson on the other hand gave Harry a small nod. Harry's relationship with Parkinson was an odd one, Harry knew that she disliked him for being a half-blood and for the fact that he was unofficially in charge of the first years when she thought that Draco should be in charge.

But on the other hand she knew that Harry was a powerful wizard and a parslemouth, Parkinson was also besotted with Draco, in her eyes Draco should be the top Slytherin but Draco appeared to be fine just following Harry's lead.

Parkinson didn't know but Draco had discussed it with his father who had advised him to not get on Harry's bad side, and Draco was intelligent enough to see that Harry - half-blood or not - was the best wizard in their year since he usually got most of the spells first and was quite creative with his use of spells. So Draco, much like his father had been with the Minister of magic and Voldemort, was content to be behind the biggest power available. All in all Harry didn't really care if Parkinson hated him or not, if she wasn't going to be his friend then he didn't mind as long as she didn't turn into his enemy.

This left the two other Slytherin girl in Harry's year, Daphne and Tracy, Daphne had reached Harry first and quickly pulled Harry into a hug, one which Harry returned after a brief pause. Once they were done Tracy then pulled Harry into a hug while Daphne moved over to pick up Jet.

"How have you been, Harry?" Tracy asked once she let go.

"Good as can be." Harry answered just as Daphne put Jet over her shoulders.

"Hi Jet." Daphne smiled at him.

"Hello pet," Jet softly hissed as he rubbed his head against her cheek. "what have you been doing, second favorite human?" Jet asked.

"He's said 'what have you been doing?'." Harry translated, choosing to leave out the bits before and after.

"Oh, just a normal, boring holiday for me Jet." Daphne answered while stroking Jet's head. "What about you, Harry? Anything interesting happened?"

"Not much," Harry said, a thoughtful look on his face. "I mean there was that one time when Weasley tried to attack me." Harry said, causing the first years to blink at him. "Oh and there was the second time he tried to attack me and I put him in the hospital wing." Harry added as if he just remembered.

"Weasley tried to attack you?" Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course he did."

"Probably thought he could get you while the rest of us weren't here." Theo commented.

"He seemed to have forgotten that Harry over here could kick his ass while blindfolded." Blaise commented.

"One arm behind his back as well." Angela said as she arrived, she draped an arm over Harry's shoulder and smiled at him. "What had happened?" She asked Harry, who fought back a blush at the sudden close contact.

"The first time was at Christmas," Harry began explaining. "I had finished going through all my presents - they were brilliant by the way - and I was relaxing in here for a bit before I went to the great hall. Weasley stopped me on the way, he tried to engage me in a battle of wits but hadn't really realized he lacked a sufficient amount of wit." Harry paused briefly to allow everyone a few moments of laughter before he continued. "Anyway he was about to pull out his wand but Angela over here had given me a wand holster for Christmas."

"Did you like it?" Angela asked.

"Loved it." Harry grinned. "I did practice with it like you advised, I was able to get my wand in my hand before Weasley was able to even pull his out. I had told Weasley that I would be nice to him this one time because it was Christmas and I let him go. The next time was the day after, he tried to throw a spell at me when I wasn't looking but I was able to avoid it and then I hit him in the face with a stinging hex then I hit with a disarming spell that sent him crashing into a wall." Harry grinned, choosing not to mention how his wand had reacted, he couldn't explain it but just felt like it was better to keep it to himself unless he had to.

"Nicely done, my green eyed student." Angela grinned. "What happened to him?"

"Well when he didn't get up I got Madam Pomfrey to check him out," Harry admitted. "last I saw him he was in the hospital wing with bandages on his head and body while Madam Pomfrey was shoving potions down his throat." Harry said, earning amused looks from everyone.

"Brilliant!" Draco laughed. "Pure brilliance!"

"Can't believe that Weasley thought he could get away with it." Tracy scowled.

"You put Weasley's name in a sentence with the word 'thought', it should take you less than ten seconds to realize what's wrong with what you just said." Harry replied.

The Slytherin's spent some more time talking before Daphne handed Jet back to Harry and went to her room with the other girls, the boys followed suit, except for Crabbe and Goyle, both had started following the others but were stopped by Harry who grabbed them by their arms and pulled them to a sofa. He sat them both down before sitting down in-between them with Jet on his shoulders.

"Ah, this is nice, isn't it?" Harry asked as he looked between both boys, both looking confused. "Now, I want to talk with the two of you, but before we do that are either of you hungry?" Harry asked, their confused frowns quickly turned into hopeful smiles as they both nodded. "Okay, well I'm sorry but all I've got is two packets of 'Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans'." Harry said as he pulled out two packets, and handed one to Crabbe before handing the other to Goyle.

The beans were exactly as advertised, which is why Harry was rather reluctant to eat them, the first few times he had gotten lovely flavors like chocolate, ice cream and cake, after that he had gotten one that tasted like what Harry assumed wallpaper tasted like, and that was right before Blaise informed Harry about him eating one that was bogey flavored. The two boys didn't share Harry's apprehension and gladly took the offered packets and began eating.

"Orange." Crabbe hummed after eating one bean.

"Chicken." Goyle smirked after eating his own.

"So guys, tell me, what do you two like?" Harry asked the boys.

"What we like?" Goyle repeated, not really able to remember the last time somebody had asked that.

"Um...we like quidditch." Crabbe offered.

"Then let's talk about quidditch." Harry grinned, he and the two boys then began talking about quidditch. Harry knew that Crabbe and Goyle were simply brainless brutes as far as everyone was concerned, but Harry figured that the two could at least become decent wizards with a bit of effort. Draco only ever really saw the two as his personal bodyguards, the two were indeed loyal to Draco but they mostly seemed to just follow his lead. Harry figured that if the two were going to be followers then they should probably start following the best, AKA himself.


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