Quidditch Chats

"I think you two would be good beaters." Harry said as he continued to talk with Crabbe and Goyle, the conversation had admittedly started a bit slow but now the two were talking with Harry as if it was just a regular thing for them.

"Do you think so?" Crabbe smiled.

"Yeah, I mean you two certainly have the muscle for it." Harry joked as he tapped both of their arms, both boys smiled and actually blushed at the compliment. "Though I think it's possible that you two could be chasers as well."

"Really?" Goyle blinked.

"Well...possible," Harry repeated. "it rather depends on how good you two are on your brooms, I know you both got the throwing strength but if you have the accuracy and are fast when you fly then you could probably be good chasers."

"Hmm, we don't like flying too fast." Goyle frowned.

"Ah well, each to their own." Harry shrugged. "So, we've talked about quidditch, what else do you both like? What's your favorite subject?" Harry asked as he looked in-between both boys.

"Um...not sure." Crabbe admitted with Goyle nodding to show that he was the same. "Um...herbology." Crabbe eventually answered.

"Herbology?" Harry blinked, that was not exactly the answer he was expecting.

"Well, you just do gardening, don't you?" Crabbe said, a little defensively.

"Hmm," Harry hummed. "I suppose it's simple now, though it will undoubtedly get much harder as we get older, but at least Professor Sprout doesn't make us write too much, so I can sort of see the appeal." Harry nodded to him before turning to Goyle. "And what about you? Same as Crabbe?" Harry asked.

"Uh...um...I like charms." Goyle said in a tentative voice.

"Hmm, much different from herbology but also a good lesson. Tell me if you two ever need help with it, I don't want to brag but I'm pretty good at it."

"Really?" Goyle blinked. "You'd help me?"

"Yeah, why not?" Harry shrugged before turning to Crabbe. "I'd offer to help you in herbology but it's not really my best subject, if you need help you should probably talk to Daphne or Tracy, they're better at that stuff than me." Harry admitted.

"Crabbe, Goyle," Draco said as he walked back down, "what are you two doing? Please tell me that you're not bothering Potter."

"On the contrary, me and the boys have been having a lovely conversation about quidditch." Harry said before either boy could reply. "By the way, thank you for you Christmas gift," Harry said before Draco could respond. "I have no doubt that it will prove its worth over the next few years." Harry said, hoping that the compliment would take away Draco's focus from Crabbe and Goyle, the last thing the two boys needed was for Draco to discourage them from talking to him again.

"I'm glad you liked it," Draco smirked as he sat down on a chair next to the sofa, apparently the compliment had worked. "mother and father saw your gift."

"Did they now?" Harry asked, he remembered sending Draco an action figure of a quidditch player from Draco's favorite team and some sweets, since he wasn't really sure about what else to get him. "I'm sorry if it wasn't a good one, I am muggle raised after all and have little experience with shopping for wizards."

"No, they liked it." Draco waved him off as the other Slytherin first years came back down, Crabbe and Goyle took the opportunity to get up and go to their room, allowing Daphne and Tracy to take their places. Jet moved off of Harry's shoulder and onto Daphne's as soon as Daphne had sat down. "My father told me to tell you that he's inviting you to come visit during the school holidays."

"Hmm, I'll think about it." Harry hummed.

"I think it's terrible that you don't know more about the wizarding world," Draco said, looking like he smelt something foul. "all because of those muggle."

"I still don't think they should be letting mud..." Pansy paused when Harry glared at her. "...muggleborns into Hogwarts." She corrected.

"Tell me," Harry sighed as he looked between her and Draco. "do you two really think that we shouldn't allow muggleborns into the wizarding world?" Harry asked in a calm voice. "Answer honestly, I won't get mad."

"Um...no, I don't think they should be allowed." Draco admitted with Pansy nodding in agreement.

"So you guys like purebloods better than muggleborns, correct?" Harry asked. The two both nodded in response. "If that's true then you two should like muggleborns."

"What?" Both blurted out.

"Tell me, a pureblood is someone who has at least two sets of magical grandparents, correct?" Harry asked.

"That's right." Theo nodded.

"Well then, what happens if a muggleborn has a child with another muggleborn?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It'd be a halfblood." Theo answered.

"Excellent Theo, now tell me what happens if that child gets married to the child of another pair of muggleborns, then what would happen next?"

"They'd have a pureblood baby." Tracy guessed. "Because that child's baby would have two pairs of magical grandparents."

"Good," Harry smiled at her. "now can someone tell me what happens if a muggleborn had a child with a pureblood?"

"The child would be a halfblood," Daphne answered. "but then he or she could go on to produce a pureblood child."

"Exactly," Harry smiled and looked around at all of the Slytherin's, Harry noticed that a few nearby students from other years had been listening but he chose to act like he hadn't noticed. "muggleborns might not have pureblood but they do give us the opportunity for the wizarding world to gain more purebloods." Harry looked around, he could see that most of them were thinking on his words, even if Parkinson was looking like he had just suggested they each start French kissing a cow. "By the way, are any of you guys up for a duel?" Harry asked suddenly. "I haven't practiced against anyone in a long time."

"No," Blaise said quickly with the others nodding in agreement. "you've already beaten everyone of us, we're not doing it again."

"Wimps." Harry said under his breath as he rolled his eyes.

The next day Harry walked into the great hall with the other Slytherin's, Jet was on his shoulder as always. As Harry walked in he glanced at the Gryffindor table.

"You guys go ahead." Harry said to the other Slytherin's. "I need to talk to someone." He added, he walked off before any of them could respond.

"Hey," Harry said as he stopped at the Gryffindor table. "Longbottom, I need to talk to you, in private." Harry said to the Gryffindor who now looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

"What do you want with him?!" Ron demanded as he glared at Harry.

"I want to talk to him, not that it's any of your business." Harry said in a bored tone.

"It is my business if you're going to bully him!"

"When have I acted like I'm going to bully him?" Harry said, trying very hard to not roll his eyes. "I simply want to talk to him."

"About what?" Ron asked in suspicious voice.

"It's between me and him, do you know what that means, numbnuts?" Harry asked, this time giving into his urge to roll his eyes.

"Numbnuts?" Ron repeated in an offended voice.

"It's an insult." Hermione Granger explained.


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