Confronting Quirrellmort

"Ah yes, I have been made aware of the abuse you suffered at the hands of those muggles." Voldemort replied. "You are a lot like me, Harry, or at least like a younger version of me. I was also handsome, magically talented and a parslemouth, but like you I was also placed with muggles not fit to even clean my shoes."

"Or his shoes in this case." Harry said as he gestured to Quirrell's feet. "And that might be true, but why should I help you get the stone?"

"Join me, Harry." Voldemort replied, his red eyes locked on Harry. "You're not like the rest, I can tell."

"You're evil." Harry couldn't help but point out.

"There is no good or evil, only power. And I can grant you that, Harry." Voldemort responded. "You understand, that's why you train day in and day out. That's why you push and drive yourself to succeed, you tasted power and you want more. If you study under me then you could become one of the best wizards of all time."

"You'd kill me the second I finished helping you." Harry growled.

"I will not, I give you my word that if you help me then me and my followers will not harm you."

"And I'm supposed to trust your word?" Harry snorted just as he brought his hands to his side. "I think not." Harry said as his wand flicked into his right hand, Harry raised it only for Quirrell to suddenly turn around and Quirrell's wand was in his hand before Harry could blink, Harry found his own wand had flown out of his hand and landed nearby. He couldn't help but blink at the speed showed by Quirrell.

"Think carefully, Potter." Quirrell warned as he pointed his own wand at Harry. "My master is the most powerful wizard in the world, you can join him and be an important part of history or you can be stupid and be a footnote in the history books. What say you?"

"I say that you've forgotten that I am not alone, and that I still have my familiar." Harry said as he thrust his left hand towards Quirrell who responded by quickly catching him by the sleeve with his free hand, hoping to stop Jet from popping out of Harry's sleeve, though he quickly realized that Jet was not in Harry's sleeve. "Hey Quirrell," Harry grinned, causing Quirrell to look at him with confusion. "made you look." He added as he gave him the finger using his left hand. "Attack!" Harry hissed in parsletounge.

"Watch out fool!" Voldemort screamed, having understood what Harry had said. But it was too late as Jet had jumped off of the top of the mirror and at Quirrell who had tried to blast Jet but Jet was able to avoid the spell by twisting in midair, Jet landed on Quirrell's wand arm and quickly bit into Quirrell's hand, causing Quirrell to scream in pain, he dropped his wand but Harry was able to catch it before it hit the ground.

Quirrell released Harry's other arm and tried to snatch his wand back but Harry had used the released hand to grab Quirrell's hand while holding Quirrell's wand out of reach using his other hand. It was then that something strange happened, Quirrell's skin started burning as soon Harry had touched it, Quirrell howled in pain and yanked his hand out of Harry's. But it seemed too late for his hand as it crumbled into dust, Jet removed his fangs from Quirrell's other hand and went for his throat, only for Quirrell to quickly shake him off and cause him to land on the floor.

Jet reacted quickly and slammed his fangs into Quirrell's leg, Harry had gotten over his shock from Quirrell's hand burning, now was not the time for that, he would think about it later. Harry went on instinct and did the first thing that came into his head, he pulled his leg back and kicked Quirrell between the legs. Quirrell screamed in pain and fell to the ground, hands clutching the latest victim in a never ending war between the heroic feet of an eleven year old and the balls of a creepy man. Harry snapped Quirrell's wand before quickly rushing over to pick up his own.

"Jet, return." Harry ordered, Jet released Quirrell and slithered other to Harry before climbing up so he was resting on Harry's shoulders. "Nice try,, yeah that works." Harry said as he kept his wand aimed at Quirrell.

" will!" Quirrell gasped.

"Oh god, I kicked him so hard that the stutter is back." Harry sighed. He was about to say more when Professor Dumbledore arrived, he looked between Harry and Quirrelmort with widened eyes before aiming his wand at Quirrell.

"!" Quirrell suddenly screamed as his body began shaking, a small, smoky black cloud flew out of the back of his head and hovered in the air, it shifted so its face was the same as Voldemort's. The moment the cloud had come out, Quirrell's body had turned to dust, leaving behind only his clothes.

"This is not over! You have not seen the last of me!" Voldemort's voice shouted out angrily from the cloud before the cloud flew away.

"Please tell me that wasn't what I fucking think it was!" Harry said to Dumbledore once the cloud was gone.

"I believe it just might be," Dumbledore said, choosing to ignore Harry's language for now. "are either of you hurt?" He asked, looking between Jet and Harry.

"No," Harry shook his head after several calming breaths, he hissed at Jet who shook his head. "no, Jet's fine as well." Harry added.

"What happened here?" Dumbledore asked as he quickly moved over to the mirror and began casting diagnostic spells over it.

"Quirrell came to the common room, he took me over here, he made me go through all those little tests." Harry quickly began explaining. "I knew something was wrong but I decided to just go along with it, see if I could work out what he was doing. Quirrell brought me here and told me that philosopher's stone was in the mirror, he wanted to see if I could try and get it out and then he took off his turban and Voldemort's face was on the back of his fucking head!"

"And then?" Dumbledore asked while continuing to cast spells and once again ignoring Harry's language.

"He tried to get me to join him," Harry admitted just as Dumbledore finally finished casting his spells. Dumbledore turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "He said we're alike and that I would be a great wizard if I listened to him."

"You are alike in certain regards, but also incredibly different in other ways." Dumbledore replied. "And you are already a great wizard, Harry."

"Thank you," Harry couldn't help but smile a little at the compliment, especially since it was coming from the man that many considered to be the greatest wizard of all time. "but I knew he was trying to trick me, even if he didn't try I still wouldn't trust the man who killed my parents." Harry scowled. "I tried to take my wand out but then he disarmed me, Jet quickly bit him and I was able to take his wand but then...something weird happened."

"What happened, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.


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