The Burning Touch

"Quirrell's hand burnt when I touched it," Harry answered, "I didn't even do anything, I just touched it and it started burning."

"Hmm," Dumbledore hummed after a small silence. "I feel like I must thank you Harry, if not for you then it would be very possible that Voldemort would have gotten the stone, I have checked the mirror and the stone is still inside."

"The stone is actually in the mirror?" Harry asked. "How would you even get it out?" He couldn't help but wonder.

"It's a rather genius idea of mine," Dumbledore smiled. "the stone is hidden in the mirror thanks to some very, very advanced magic. Though it can be taken out, only those who wanted to find the stone, but not use it, could get it from the mirror. This way anybody who wants it, including Voldemort, can not get it. Now, we will talk some more Harry but first I think we should get you to the hospital wing."

"Sir, I'm fine." Harry insisted.

"You might be but I'd rather not risk the chance that you've been exposed to some harmful magic," Dumbledore replied. "I will take you to the hospital wing and you will stay there for the night, then tomorrow you can be released if Madam Pomfrey believes that you are healthy enough."

"Fine," Harry sighed, realizing that he wasn't going to be able to get out of this. "but can I at least go to my common room first and get some sleeping clothes and a book to read."

"Hmm, I believe that will be fine." Dumbledore said before he looked back at what was left of Quirrell, he was saddened that the young man had become another victim of Voldemort's, but despite that he was glad that Harry was alive and safe. "Harry," Dumbledore said as he looked back to Harry. "tomorrow when you have time I would like to talk to you in more detail about what has happened tonight, but until then I want you to not mention what has happened here to anyone, is that understood?"

"Yes sir," Harry nodded with Jet nodding alongside him.

A few minutes later Harry was in his room, picking up his sleeping clothes and a book to read, Dumbledore was in the common room and fending off the many questions about what had happened while also telling everyone to not bother Harry.

"Jet?" Harry frowned when he noticed Jet's mouth was wider than normal. "Have you got something in your mouth?" Harry asked, Jet nodded before he opened his mouth and a red stone dropped out of it and onto Harry's bed. "Is that?!" Harry's jaw dropped as he looked back and forth between the stone and Jet. "Did you nick the stone?!" Harry hissed with disbelief.

"The bearded one said that the stone would come to those who wished to find it but not use it." Jet replied. "I wanted to find it but I don't want to use it, I wanted to give it to you. When we were leaving I looked in the mirror and suddenly found the stone in my mouth, I was careful and made sure to keep my head out of sight of the bearded one and hid behind your head. Do you like it?" Jet asked in a hopeful voice.

Harry found himself unable to speak, he glanced between Jet and the stone repeatedly until his eyes were locked on the stone. Before he could even think about it he had a face splitting smile, he quickly stopped himself from laughing out loud, knowing that the Dumbledore and the other students might hear him.

"Jet, I love it!" Harry grinned. "You absolutely brilliant snake!"

"Brilliant, hmm...yes, I suppose I am."


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