Facing the Future

"Professor, what's going to happen now?" Harry asked. "With the stone?" He added, masterfully playing the innocent schoolboy.

"I've talked with Nicolas," Dumbledore replied. "we've both agreed on what to do, the stone will soon be destroyed."

"But won't Flamel die?" Harry asked with a frown.

"He has enough elixir to get his affairs in order," Dumbledore responded. "he is over six hundred years old, Harry. He has lived a long life and wishes to go out on his own terms."

"Sir, if the stone's gone then...does that mean that Voldemort won't come back?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"Ah, I'm afraid that there are ways in which he can return." Dumbledore said in a tired voice. "Tell me, have you been wondering why Professor Quirrell couldn't allow you to touch him?"

"The thought had crossed my mind a few times." Harry nodded.

"It's because of you mother," Dumbledore said, surprising Harry. "she sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark. No, no," He said when Harry was about to raise his hand to touch his scar. "this kind of mark is an entirely different one. One that lives in all of your skin, all of your body."

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Love, Harry."

"Love?" Harry repeated with disbelief.

"Do not underestimate its power," Dumbledore smiled. "I see it every time I see you and Jet together. You both love each other and I have no doubt that you'd die for each other, the same way your mother did for you. Do not underestimate it Harry."

"Thank you, sir." Harry said in a quiet voice as he digested what he was told. Was love a real power? Harry had his doubts, but this was a world where anything is possible so it could be true.

"You are quite welcome, Harry." Dumbledore nodded. "I'm also sorry about not letting you have more time to rest, but two days from now I will be bringing you with me to the Ministry."


"There will be a session in which we will discuss who shall be your new guardian," Dumbledore explained. "though I have also arranged for you to come in earlier to talk with someone about the Dursley's."

"Sir?" Harry repeated.

"The Dursley's will be brought to justice," Dumbledore replied. "but I and several others believe it'll be better if they are not handled in such a public manner. You have already revealed their crimes to the world, there is no need for it to be done a second time. You will give a statement about your time at the Dursley's and then answer a few questions, after that we should hopefully be able to have a half an hour to eat before we head over to get your guardianship sorted."

"Okay," Harry nodded after taking a moment to process all of that. "my new guardian, who is it going to be? What if I don't like the person?"

"Your new guardian will be decided when we go there, however if you don't like the person then you may refuse. If you accept and then find you don't like this person after a while then you will come to me, I will be here to make sure you are not placed with someone who won't look after you."

"Thank you, sir." Harry nodded, an appreciative look on his face.

"Do not thank me, Harry. I am merely doing my best to make up for past mistakes." Dumbledore said with a sad smile before he stood up, he reached out and patted Harry on his head. "You look so much like your father, even with your mother's eyes, and you hold their best qualities. I hope you continue to do so. I will leave you now, goodbye Harry, goodbye Jet." Dumbledore added before fearlessly stroking Jet's head. He nodded to Jet and Harry before leaving.

"What do you intend to do with the stone?" Jet asked Harry.

"I had thought about giving it back to Flamel but if he doesn't want it then I suppose I could put it to good use." Harry smiled. "It's a good back up for us, if we ever need to run or need more money then we'll be able to get some gold and sell it for money."

"Yes, if needs be then we'll just escape, it'll be just you and me."

"And Hedwig."

"If we have to, but if we do then I'm bringing my pet as well."

Harry was currently sat in a court room, he wasn't in trouble as he hadn't committed any crimes. At least not any that they knew of, no Harry was in a court room to discuss where and who he'd be living with in the summer. Harry was already a bit tired from answering questions and giving his statement about the Dursley's to an auror before coming here, though thankfully he was able to get some food before coming here.

Harry was sat in the middle of the courtroom, behind him were the guest stands which were full of reporters and rich people who were able to get in to see what was happening, but Harry didn't focus on them and was instead looking up at the stands full of people in front of him. Harry wasn't going to bother to pretend that he knew half of them, he knew the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, from reading newspapers. He was sitting next to a woman who looked unbelievably like a toad. Harry recognized Lucius Malfoy - he was able to do so thanks to seeing pictures of the man from Draco - who also happened to be sitting in the stands, he was quite noticeable with his long, shoulder length, blonde hair. Harry also - once again thanks to seeing pictures from his friends - recognized Theo's father, Lord Nott along with Lord Parkinson, Greengrass and Davis.

Lord Nott was a rather unpleasant looking man with brown hair and yellow teeth, Parkinson was the same except with black hair. Lord Davis was a handsome looking man with short brown hair and brown eyes, while Lord Greengrass was the same but with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Harry also recognized the man who appeared to be in charge of the whole thing, Dumbledore. Dumbledore was sat in the middle of everyone and was apparently in charge of the whole thing, though that wasn't surprising as the man was the Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump.

"Thank you for your time, Mr Burgundy." Dumbledore said just before another man was escorted out of the court room, it turned out there were plenty of people willing to adopt Harry. Plenty of people willing to adopt the famous, rich, dark lord stopping eleven year old, can't imagine why. "Now, is there anyone else who wishes to try and adopt Mr Harry Potter?"

"I do," Lucius Malfoy said as he stood up. "my family is rich and we are respected members of the wizarding world, he is friends with my son and I know my wife would undoubtedly like another child to dote on." He added with an amused smile.


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