Slytherin Bonds

"Hmm," Dumbledore hummed, he knew that Lucius was indeed rich and respected in certain areas of the wizarding world but that doesn't mean that he believed that Lucius was a good enough person for Harry. Dumbledore knew for a fact that Lucius was a former death eater and that the man had been subtly building a power base and was doing his best to control the ministry by whispering into the ears of the Minister. "you have been noted as applying for the position."

"Come now, Albus, surely we could just end this now and give the guardianship to Lucius." Minister Fudge commented.

"Might I remind you, Minister Fudge, that there is a procedure to this and that there are other people who also wish to apply for the role of Mr Potter's guardian." Dumbledore said before nodding to the man near the door. "Bring in the next applicant." He said, the man at the door nodded before going out. A few seconds later he escorted three people in, the first was a man that was nearly six feet tall, he was a handsome man with light brown hair and a small brown beard plus brown eyes. Following next to him was a beautiful, regal woman with long brown hair that fell down to her shoulders and soft grey eyes. They both looked to be in their thirties, the girl following behind them appeared to be much younger.

The older couple were wearing simple robes, this girl was wearing black boots and trousers with a red shirt that was barely poking out from under her black robes. The robes themselves were fitted with silver studs, she was also wearing fingerless gloves and an odd necklace that looked like it was made of strings and had several bronze orbs hanging off of it, she also had a pair of orange earrings. Her hair was a mousy brown color and in terms of age she looked like she had just recently left school.

The man who brought them in took his place near the door while the three walked forward and stopped a short distance away from Harry, standing on his left. When the man and woman stopped they greeted with a nod and smile which Harry returned, the girl stopped behind them a second later and looked at Harry. Instead of nodding like everyone else had she simply smiled before she raised a hand and gave him a wave. There was something so disarming about the smile that Harry couldn't help but smile and wave back.

Jet took this moment to slither out from his spot in Harry's right sleeve, everyone in the courtroom looked at Jet as it appeared like they had all forgotten that Harry had a snake for a familiar. Jet looked at the new family that had just walked in, the man and woman stayed still, hoping that was the right move. The girl on the other hand looked at Jet with slightly widened eyes before smiling and waving again.

"I like this family," Jet hissed to Harry. "do you?" He asked.

"Well, they don't look bad." Harry commented before nodding to Dumbledore.

"Now," Dumbledore said, bringing the attention of the room back to him. "our next applicants are the Tonks family: Mr Ted Tonks, Mrs Andromeda Tonks and their daughter Miss Nymphadora Tonks." Dumbledore announced.

"He had to say the name." Harry heard the girl say to herself, he looked at her and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that her hair was now slightly red, a second later it turned back into brown.

"Now, you wish to apply for the position of guardians for Mr Potter, is that correct?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, we do." The woman, Andromeda, nodded in a firm manner.

"Tell us why you would be good guardians for Mr Potter?" Dumbledore said before gesturing them to start talking.

"Well, me and my wife may not be the richest people in the country but we are fairly well off, money isn't an issue for us." The man, Ted, said. "I'm a lawyer and I can do most of my work from home, my wife is a potions mistress, she makes and sells potions in her free time and can also do most, if not all, of her work from home."

"And what of your daughter?" Dumbledore asked. "I seem to recall that she graduated top of her class, last year."

"I did," The girl said with a bright smile. "I'm apprenticing under old Mad-Eye Moody, sir."

"Under Alastor? That is an impressive achievement," Dumbledore said with a proud nod. "are you planning to become an auror?"

"Yes sir." She nodded.

"Excellent, excellent." Dumbledore said to her before turning to the other two. "Are there any other reason for why you wish to become Mr Potter's guardians?" He asked.

"Yes, there is." Andromeda nodded. "Firstly I wish to point out that Mr Potter and myself are in fact related through his grandmother."

"Grandmother?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Dorea Black." Andromeda smiled. "She married your grandfather, Charles Potter. I..."

"Ahem." A girly voice interrupted with a cough, everyone turned to the toad like woman who was sat next to the Minister. "Pardon the interruption," She said in a sickly sweet voice. "but does that not also mean that you are related to Sirius Black? The mass murderer? And not just him but you are also the sister of mass murderer Bellatrix Lestrange, formerly Black?" She asked, Harry's eyes widened and he looked at the family.

"And you would be?" Andromeda asked in a calm voice.

"Dolores Umbridge, senior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic." She said, her voice was filled with pride but also a hint of annoyance at the fact that Andromeda apparently didn't know who she was.

"Well Miss Umbridge, I have no control over who I am related to." Andromeda replied. "You mentioned my sister and my cousin but not my aunt who is Harry's grandmother and not my own grandfather who fought in the war against Grindelwald along with Harry's grandfather. I have no control over my family's actions, good or bad."

"Slytherin?" Harry asked suddenly.

"I beg your pardon?" Andromeda asked, looking towards him.

"You're a Slytherin, aren't you?" Harry asked with a grin.

"I was." She nodded with a small smile. "We Slytherin's can always spot each other, can't we?"

"The good Slytherin's can at least." Harry nodded, he was tempted to judge them by their family but stopped himself, knowing that he certainly wouldn't want to get judged for being related to the Dursley's, any opinions Harry would make on them would be based on how they act.


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