Family Bonds

"Thank you," Andromeda said to him before turning to the court. "and I just want it to be known that I was never a supporter of you-know-who. In case it escaped your notice, I married a muggleborn who was also a Hufflepuff." She said in a voice without shame or embarrassment as she gestured to her husband.

"I hardly think that marrying a muggleborn is something to boast about," Umbridge said in an irritated voice, looking at Ted like he had just been pulled out of a gutter. "if anything it is a mark down. Why should we allow the boy-who-lived, defeater of the dark lord, to live in a house with a muggleborn when we have plenty of pureblood families willing to take him in? I think that..."

"Ahem." A cough interrupted her, everyone turned to look at Harry.

"Pardon the interruption," Harry said in a sickly sweet voice as he looked at Umbridge with narrowed eyes. "it's very silly of me but it sounds to me like you are trying to imply that there is something wrong with muggleborns."

"Mr Potter, I was..."

"I would hope not," Harry continued, his voice no longer sweet and he was looking at Umbridge with narrowed eyes. "I would hope that you weren't insulting muggleborns in front of me, especially when my own mother was not only a muggleborn but also widely known as a war hero. Tell me Madam, did you forget that my mother was a muggleborn or did you simply just not care?"

"Mr Potter," Minister Fudge quickly spoke. "I assure you that Madam Umbridge intended no offence of any kind."

"And I feel very assured," Harry said in a sarcastic voice just as Jet began hissing threateningly in Umbridge's direction. "though I believe that you're right, I'm very sure that Madam Umbridge did not intend to cause offence, is that correct Madam Umbridge?" Harry asked, his green eyes locked onto her. She looked like she was about to say something that would likely get her into more trouble but managed to stop herself when she received a warning look from the Minister.

"Yes," She said after a moment with a forced smile. "I did not intend to offend you."

"That's nice, now you can just apologize and we'll put all this nonsense behind us." Harry said with an innocent smile. Umbridge looked like she was about to blow up with how red she was going, but another look from Minister Fudge was able to stop her from doing so.

"I apologize." She said quickly in a barely audible voice.

"I beg your pardon? My familiar was hissing too loud, could you repeat that?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"" Umbridge said through gritted teeth.

"Lovely." Harry smiled as he relaxed in his chair.

"With that being said," Umbridge continued speaking. "Mrs Tonks is related to several unsavory characters and..."

"Pardon the interruption," Ted spoke up. "I have a question, has Mr Malfoy applied for the position? I'm assuming he has."

"What is your point?" Umbridge asked, looking like it pained her to just look at him.

"Well, would you consider Mr Malfoy to be an 'unsavory' character?" Ted asked.

"Of course not." Umbridge scoffed.

"And what of his wife? Would you consider her to be someone who shouldn't be able to look after children?"

"Of course not." Umbridge repeated, this time in an annoyed voice.

"But his wife is my wife's sister," Ted calmly pointed out. "that means she is also related to Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange." He said, Harry looked at Umbridge and saw that she looked like she had tasted a very sour lemon. Everyone in the room turned to Harry when they heard him start laughing, he hissed several times with Jet before he stopped and shook his head in amusement.

"Mr Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"Sir," Harry said before he pointed to the Tonks family. "I want them." He said with a grin.


Harry, with Jet on his shoulders, found himself sat in a room with the Tonks family. After a bit it had been agreed upon that the Tonks family would be Harry's new guardians, of course a few people weren't that happy with the decision - three pink, toad shaped guesses on who that is - but eventually the Tonks family became Harry's guardians, which is why the group were given a private room so they could talk with each other.

"I am very glad that you've chosen to join our family," Andromeda smiled once they were all sat down. "I know you know our names so you can call me Andromeda and my husband Ted, there is no need for the 'Mr and Mrs'. As for my daughter..." Andromeda was about to say more but was interrupted by Nymphadora.

"You can and will call me Tonks." She said in a firm voice before countering whatever firmness she had with a smile.

"Alright...anyway before we get started I have to ask an important question." Harry replied as he calmly put Jet down on the chair next to him. "And that is the following: what in the name of sanity is happening with your hair?" Harry asked as he gestured to Tonk's hair which had turned pink the second they entered the room. "What kind of spell is that? I didn't see you use a wand, so wandless magic I'm guessing, am I right?"

"Well, it is wandless." Tonks grinned.

"Wow, you must be really powerful then." Harry said in an amazed voice.

"Well, I don't like to brag." Tonks said in a casual voice as she checked her nails. "But...yeah."

"I think what my daughter is neglecting to tell you is that she is a metamorphamaugus." Ted said in an amused voice.

"Dad." Tonks whined.

"A meta-what-a-magus?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A metamorphamaugus," Andromeda began explaining. "it used to be a common trait in the Black family a few hundred years ago but right now I believe that Nymphadora is the only one in the country."

"Mum, don't call me Nymphadora." Tonks complained, her hair turning red.

"It's a beautiful name," Andromeda said while rolling her eyes, "I don't see what the problem is."

"You're not the one who has to be called it." Tonks huffed as her hair turned back to pink.

"Harry, what do you think about it?" Andromeda asked Harry.

"'s better than Harry." Harry replied, the large smile that appeared on Andromeda's face after his response let Harry know that she liked his answer.

"Anyway," Tonks said as she turned to Harry. "it's an ability that I'm born. and you have to be born with it, it basically allows me to change my appearance."

"Hmm, that sounds interesting but I'm guessing that there has got to be limits to it." Harry replied. "I mean you can't turn into someone as big as Hagrid, can you?"

"No," Tonks sighed. "and believe me when I say I've tried. I can do his face but not his body, it's too big. For the most part all I do is just change my hair color," Tonks said before her hair started shifting through several colors before returning to pink.

"Cool," Harry smiled before a sudden thought caused his face to shift into a thoughtful look. "um, quick question, can you change your hair length?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, why?" Tonks asked.

"Um...I think I might be a metamorphamaugus as well." Harry said after a short pause, causing all three Tonks family members to blink at him. "When I was younger my aunt kept trying to cut my hair and get it short but it would always go back to the same length as before, one night she cut enough of it to the point where I was nearly bald and the next day I woke up and it was back to normal. When I learned about magic I thought it was all just accidental magic, but with what you're saying I think it's possible I might be a metamorphamaugus as well. I mean it's a Black family trait and I'm apparently related to the Blacks, so...what do you guys think?" Harry asked.


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