Family Revelations

He looked at them, taking in their reactions. Ted looked surprised while Andromeda looked surprised and thoughtful, Tonks on the other hand was looking at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

"You...are a...metamorphamaugus?" Tonks asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, I think I might be." Harry replied, he was about to say more when he was suddenly cut off by Tonks who squealed with delight before rushing forward and pulling Harry into a hug. Her chin was resting on his head and her arms around his neck. Harry froze as he, unlike Tonks, became aware that his face was shoved against her chest.

"Oh! We're keeping him right? Please say yes!" Tonks said in a hopeful voice.

"Not if you smother him to death." Andromeda said in a dry voice. Tonks frowned before realizing where she was pushing Harry's head, she let go as if burnt and quickly sat back down. An apologetic look on her blushing face.

"Sorry," She said as she ran a hand through her hair, "just never met another shape shifter, you know?"

"Uh...yeah," Harry said after taking a moment to allow his own blush to die down. "I get it. But like I said, I 'think' I might be."

"Well, when's the last time you had a haircut?" Ted asked.

"Um...I believe I was seven years old at the time."

"And you haven't had one since?" Ted blinked.

"Um, no, not really." Harry said as he shook his head.

"In that case I think you are definitely just like my daughter," Andromeda replied. "perhaps during the summer she can help you work on it. We'll see just how much you can change, some can only change their facial features, others only their hair, but full metamorphamaugus's like Nymphadora can change pretty much any part of her body." Harry glanced at Tonks who didn't say anything about her mother using the forbidden name, apparently she was just resigned to it happening.

"Cool, but will that set off the underage magic detector?" Harry asked.

"No, it won't." Ted said with a small shake of his head. "You won't be using a wand so it naturally won't be detectable, it would be like trying to detect if someone was sitting down or not from the other side of the country."

"Oh, I suppose that makes sense." Harry replied.

"Yeah, you and me will have a lot of fun together." Tonks grinned. "I know I'm going to get along with anyone who can put Umbitch in her place. According to Mad-eye, about ninety-five percent of every worker in the Ministry hates her and the rest just tolerate her."

"Mad-Eye?" Harry asked. "The name sounds familiar, and you mentioned it to Dumbledore."

"Mad-Eye Moody is like the best auror of all time, most of the prison cells in Azkaban have been filled by him." Tonks replied. "He's called Mad-Eye for two big reasons, the first being he has this fake eye that keeps spinning around in every direction possible."

"What's the second reason?"

"He's absolutely mad." Tonks shrugged. "But still, he's really good at what he does. He taught me lots of spells."

"Can you teach me them? Please!" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"Well...I would but...statue of secrecy, remember?" Tonks reminded him, causing Harry to deflate in a way that made Tonks want to reach out and hug him again. "But I can teach you some stuff!" She said quickly. "Like theory and give you some tips and stuff."

"Really?" Harry lit up, a wide smile on his face.

"Yeah!" Tonks said happily, deciding in that very moment that anything or anyone that dares to get in that way and stop her from seeing that adorable smile was going to get a unbelievable amount of curses flying at them.

"We can probably help you out as well." Ted offered. "I'm not half bad at magic." He said, earning a snort from Andromeda.

"Please," She said while shaking her head. "you'd wipe the floor with most people." She added before turning to Harry. "As for me, I can also help out if you want. The Black family were known for their curses. But we can discuss this more later, for now let's hear more about you, Harry. Do you have many friends at school?" She asked.

"Quite a few," Harry nodded. "the first two friends I made are a couple of girls called Tracy Davis and Daphne Greengrass."

"Girls? Oh, we're dealing with a ladies man." Tonks joked.

"It's not like that," Harry protested. "we're just friends. Anyway, the next person who tried to become my friend was a complete idiot named Ron Weasley."

"Weasley?" Tonks frowned.

"Do you know them?" Harry asked.

"I don't know much about Percy and the younger ones, but I did know two of their older brothers. Bill was the oldest and a few years older than me, I spoke to him a few times but I was in the same year as the second oldest brother, Charlie." Tonks briefly scowled. "Don't ask." She said when Harry opened his mouth.

"O...kay, anyway the youngest Weasley boy - or at least he is as far as I'm aware - is called Ron, on the train ride to Hogwarts I had started talking to Tracy and Daphne when he came in, first he started talking about my scar, then he asked me if I remembered how it happened." Harry scowled.

"He does know that you were a year old when it happened?" Ted asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'd be surprised if he knew which end of his wand to shoot from," Harry replied. "anyway then he started being mean to Tracy and Davis because their families were in Slytherin and he started going on about how Slytherin's and snakes were bad so I directed his attention to this handsome fellow over here," Harry said as he stroked Jet's head. "Weasley ended up running so fast that he nearly broke the sound barrier. Since then he has constantly been trying and failing to get the best of 'the dark wizard, Harry Potter'. I'm a first year but according to him I'm the next dark lord in training. His brother's aren't much better.

I don't have many interactions with Percy but he clearly doesn't like me because of his brothers, the twins are like Ron where they don't like me because I'm not a Gryffindor and am apparently 'dark'. Also because I'm better at them in quidditch and because they can't prank me. They like to think they're funny but in my opinion they're just bullies."

"I've never been fond of the Weasley's," Andromeda admitted. "anyway enough about them, tell me about the rest of your friends." She said as she looked at the boy, her thoughts had gone back to when he had 'talked' with that Umbridge bitch. When he was talking to her she couldn't help but be reminded of her Grandfather, Arcturus Black, apparently Harry was just as much of a Black as he was a Potter.


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