Chasing Excellence

"Flipsy." Harry called, he was currently standing in an abandoned classroom with nobody but Jet with him. A second later that changed when Flipsy the house elf arrived.

"Mr Harry Potter be calling Flipsy?" Flipsy asked.

"Yes, I am leaving for the year and won't be back until the summer holidays are over." Harry informed him. "My information on house elves is limited but from what I understand they work for free, and I was wondering if you knew any elf that would be willing to work for me." Harry said, his reasons for wanting an elf were simple reasons. Firstly he didn't want to waste more time than necessary on cleaning, not when he could be learning or having fun. Second of all having a house elf to help might make the Tonks family feel better about taking him in, sort of a two for one deal...or a one and a half deal. Thirdly, from what Harry had heard, they were dead useful and it could be very beneficial to have one.

"Y...yous be needing an elf?" Flipsy gasped.

"Yes, do you know if there is an elf willing to work for me?" Harry asked.

"Flipsy be willing!" Flipsy said quickly, bouncing on his feet excitedly. "Flipsy would be good elf!" He said, looking really hopeful.

"He seems a little too excited." Harry hissed to Jet.

"True," Jet agreed. "though if he gets too annoying then I can just eat him and we'll get another elf."





"Welcome aboard." Harry smiled at Flipsy.

The rest of Harry's year went by pretty quickly, he felt like he had done fairly well on his exams and he had also helped the Slytherin quidditch team gain another victory, much to the dismay of the Gryffindor team, especially the team captain Oliver Wood who according to rumor's tried to drown himself after losing. On the day they were leaving Harry and the other first years gathered around a notice board to see where they ranked in the standings for their exams.

"I can't see anything." Harry sighed to the other Slytherin's as many other students were in the way, including Hermione Granger who had roughly shoved through the crowd until she was at the front.

"We'll help you." Crabbe and Goyle said at the same time.

"Hmm? Help me how?" Harry asked, he got his answer a second later when Crabbe and Goyle reached down and picked him up, putting Harry on both of their shoulders. "Oh...thanks guys." Harry smiled at them, the other Slytherin's looked amused and in various states of disbelief.

"Hmm, these are good slaves." Jet commented, as he was on Harry's shoulders he also experienced the feeling of being higher in the air. The other first years eventually stopped trying to get to the notice board as they all noticed Crabbe and Goyle carrying Harry. The two beefy boys walked forward while carrying Harry, the other first years moved out of their way until they reached the board, then the two gently placed Harry down.

"Hmm, nice one guys." Harry smiled at them, the two smiled back in an almost embarrassed way.

"It was certainly entertaining." Daphne commented as she and Tracy managed to sneak through the crowd and stop next to Harry.

"Oh look, Potter's already got a couple of slaves." Ron commented loudly.

"Weasley," Harry rolled his eyes. "I understand that you are hoping to get a last minute victory over me or something but if I was you then I would use this final day at school as a chance to not get embarrassed, in trouble or both." Harry said before he looked at the notice board.

First year students:

First place: Harry Potter - Slytherin

Second Place : Hermione Granger - Gryffindor

Third place : Daphne Greengrass - Slytherin

Fourth place : Sue Li - Ravenclaw

Fifth place: Tracy Davis - Slytherin

Sixth place: Blaise Zabini - Slytherin

Seventh place: Terry Boot - Ravenclaw

Eight place: Susan Bones - Hufflepuff

Ninth place : Draco Malfoy - Slytherin

Tenth place : Megan Jones - Hufflepuff

"Wow, you got first place, well done Harry." Tracy smiled at him.

"Thanks." Harry smiled back.

"I bet you cheated." Ron scowled.

"You know what, you're right, I did. When nobody was looking I swapped your name with my own."

"You what?!" Ron yelled.

"Alright, can someone with at least half a brain explain sarcasm and/or jokes to Weasley?"

"But how did you get first place?" Hermione Granger all but demanded. "I know for a fact that I've spent more time in the library than you."

"Well Granger, you see what I did was actually a very brilliant and very special technique for studying." Harry replied.

"What?" She frowned, but was still looking very interested.

"I studied and then I rested before doing it again," Harry replied. "I find it works much better than the 24/7 studying approach you are going with." Harry added before he turned and began walking off with Tracy and Daphne following behind him. "Can you believe her?" Harry asked the girls. "I mean, 'I know for a fact that I've spent more time in the library than you', really?"

"Ignore her," Daphne replied. "but still, you have to admit that she does spend a lot of time studying."

"Yeah," Tracy agreed. "I knew the top student of the year would either be her or Harry. I mean, I know that you're a great student Harry but Granger practically lives just to study."

"That's the difference between her and me," Harry shrugged. "she really wants good grades, hoping that it would lead her to success. That's what she's chasing, success."

"What about you?" Daphne asked.

"Me? I chase excellence, because when you're excellent then success follows you, not the other way around." Harry responded. "Good grades are just a bonus for me."

"Fair enough...but I bet that you are still proud of yourself." Daphne grinned at him.

"Little bit." Harry grinned back.


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