A Warning and a Meeting

"Come in." Professor Babbling called when she heard a knock on her door.

"Um, hi Professor." Harry said as he leaned his head in. "You're not busy, are you? Because if you are then I can go."

"No, I'm fine." She said replied. "What is it I can help you with, Harry?" She asked.

"Well...I kind of wanted to give you something." Harry said as he entered the room while holding a box of chocolates with Jet on his shoulders.

"Oh, what's this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to thank you." Harry admitted as he walked over and placed the box on her desk. "I didn't really know what else to get you." He said in an apologetic voice.

"You didn't have to get me anything." Babbling said as she took the box, she opened it and had to fight herself to stop her eyes widening and her tongue from licking her lips when she saw the heavenly looking chocolate in front of her. "Though I am glad you did." She added.

"Thanks," Harry smiled. "it's just...a small thank you. You know? For introducing me to the wizarding world and for the pictures and stuff. I'm going to miss you this summer but I hope that we can talk more next year and maybe the year after I can join your class." He grinned.

"Oh Harry, you're the sweetest." She smiled as she got up and walked around the desk before pulling him into a hug.


Eventually Harry found himself standing on platform nine and three quarters, Slytherin had one won the house cup so Harry and the rest of the Slytherin's spent their remaining time at Hogwarts celebrating before they found themselves on the Hogwarts express. Harry and his fellow Slytherin's had spent a rather enjoyable train ride together before arriving here.

"Alright Harry, I'll be off now." Blaise said, just as the rest of the first year Slytherin's stepped out of the train. "See ya, mate." He nodded to Harry before walking off. The other first years said goodbye before leaving until it was just Daphne and Tracy left.

"I see my mother up there," Daphne said as she looked down the platform. "Tracy, your parents are there as well. I guess that's our cue to leave. Bye Jet." Daphne smiled as she reached a hand up and stroked Jet's head.

"Goodbye my pet," Jet softly hissed. "remember to eat plenty." He added.

"What did he say?" Daphne asked Harry.

"Basically 'goodbye' and 'look after yourself'." Harry replied.

"Oh, thank you." She smiled at Jet before looking at Harry. "I'll see you later, Harry."

"Yeah, you too, Daph." Harry smiled. Daphne's smile got slightly smaller, Harry was about to ask her about it when she suddenly reached forwards and kissed his right cheek before pulling back, she looked pleased at his surprised expression.

"Goodbye Harry." She said as walked off.

"Tracy, did she just..." Harry found himself cut off as Tracy kissed the other cheek.

"Um, goodbye Harry?" She said, her face blushing red.

"Uh...yeah, goodbye Tracy." Harry nodded, his own cheeks slightly red, though not as much as Tracy's. She nodded and walked off, looking back and giving him one last smile leaving.

"Aw, that was cute." A voice said, Harry looked to his left and saw Angela standing next to him. "Do you have two girlfriends?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have friends that are girls but I do not have 'girlfriends'." Harry answered just as Jet hissed under his breath, he had said something that sounded a lot like 'bloody complicated humans'.

"Hmm, well I imagine that won't last." Angela shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Harry frowned.

"Well," Angela leaned down and whispered into his ear. "you're too cute to let slip so I imagine quite a few girls will be fighting for you in the future." She said before kissing him on the side of his head. "Goodbye Potter." She said as she started walking away, leaving a red faced Harry.

"Oh, look at you!" A voice said just before an arm dropped around Harry's shoulders, Jet had fortunately been able to see her coming and moved to Harry's arm in time so that didn't accidentally get crushed or instinctively react and bite her arm. Harry looked up and saw Tonks giving him a one armed hug. "I saw all of that," She grinned. "you're only eleven years old and you're already a ladies man." She said, as of the moment her hair was blonde, curly and it descended to her shoulders.

"I...I am not." Harry replied with a shake of his head, "I did not encourage nor suggest that they kiss me, they simply chose to." Harry said in a calm voice.

"Hey, your face isn't red anymore." Tonks noted, her grin widening. "You must have changed it with your powers. Oh, we are going to have so much fun together." She smiled as she hugged him tightly. "Come on squirt, Mum and Dad are waiting up the platform."

"Alright, but 'squirt'?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow as the pair began walking.

"Oh I'm testing out nicknames for you, at least until I find one that I like. Hmm, how about kiddo? Nah, I don't like that, makes me feel old. I've only been out of Hogwarts for a year. Ah well, I'll think up something."

"Sounds...thrilling." Harry drawled.

"Whoa, what's up with the whole 'I'm better than you, Slytherin act'?" Tonks frowned.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Harry apologized. "When you spend as much time with Slytherins as I do then you tend to pick up their habits, especially when your verbal opponents are idiots in red." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah...I suppose I can see it." Tonks said. "I've been tempted to hex a few Gryffindors in my days, I also have done. But then again I've also been tempted to - and have - hex a few Slytherins. To be honest, you're about the only Slytherin I like, not counting my mum."

"You don't need to resort to flattery, I already like you." Harry smiled at her.

"Hey you're the flatterer, this is probably why you have so many girls fighting over you." Tonks smirked just as they arrived in front of her parents.

"Girls fighting over him?" Ted asked before Harry could respond.

"Well," Harry began. "it's really nothing."

"Yeah nothing." Tonks snorted. "Just that little Harry over here was kissed by not one, not two, but three girls. One of them was even an older girl."

"Really?" Andromeda asked, looking at Harry.

"Yeah but they were just friends and it was on the cheeks and head." Harry sighed.

"Sign of things to come." Tonks said in a sage like voice.

"I'm sorry, but I think I've forgotten your first name, you want to remind me?" Harry calmly asked. Tonks looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"You're a real Slytherin, aren't you?" She said eventually, her eyes still narrow and her hair was a shade more red, but a smile on her face.

"Yeah, which is why I'd like to remind you to keep the teasing down unless you want me to return it tenfold once I am able to get sufficient ammunition." Harry warned.

"Fine, but if you call me by my first name then I hex you."

"Of that, I have no doubt." Harry nodded.

"Alright, I think it's time we go home." Ted said.

"Ah yes, and Harry...someone wants to meet you." Andromeda said in an apologetic voice.

"Why does that not sound good?" Harry frowned.

"I'm really sorry about it," Andromeda said. "I've agreed to let him have one conversation with you. And if it goes good then you can talk more, if not then I promise I will keep him away from you."

"Okay, perhaps you could tell me who I would be talking with." Harry suggested.

"My grandfather, Arcturus Black."


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