Dueling Lessons

"If Harry Potter doesn't listen then Dobby must stop Harry Potter, for his own good." Dobby said in a sad voice, only to jump when Jet began hissing threateningly jut as Harry's wand lit up.

"Do not make threats, Dobby." Harry said in a low voice. "I know who you are and I know where you live, any attempt to stop me from going to Hogwarts will result in me speaking to Draco about your disobedience." Harry warned.

"Please sir," Dobby cried, tears dripping down his face. "you must not go, you will be in danger."

"I have my wand and I have my familiar, I will be fine." Harry replied. "Now, I might consider it if you tell me what the danger is?"

"He cannot, Master." Flipsy replied. "He must keep his Master's secrets."

"Dobby is already being bad by coming here," Dobby admitted. "Dobby will have to punish himself later."

"Punish?" Harry repeated before realization hit him. Elves will punish themselves sometimes, if they don't behave properly or if they don't do their work good enough or even if their master tells them to. "You don't have to punish yourself you know, if your master doesn't know then he won't make you punish yourself."

"No," Dobby sadly shook his head. "Dobby must punish himself. Dobby must go now."

"Let him go." Harry said to Flipsy when he looked like he was about to stop Dobby. "If you don't try to mess with me and stop me from going to Hogwarts then I won't do anything to you," Harry added. "and I promise that I will do my best to stay safe."

"Please be careful great Harry Potter." Dobby said before popping away.

"That was nice of you," Tonks said to Harry. "you let him off quite easily."

"I have a soft spot for people with shitty lives, it apparently extends to house elves as well." Harry shrugged. "So, now that you've heard all of that, is there anything you can do about it?"

"Not much," Tonks admitted. "Malfoy is a pretty big name and people aren't going to act over the word of a house elf, but we'll tell Mum and Dad and I'll still tell Mad-eye and see if he can do anything about it."

"Solis flare!" Harry yelled out, a bright light and blinding light shout out from his wand, blinding Tonks.

Right now Harry could admit that he was exhausted, mainly because there was no point in denying it when he was sweating enough to fill up a bucket. Harry was currently dueling Tonks who was proving exactly why she had been recruited by Mad-Eye Moody the second she left Hogwarts, she was bloody good with her wand. So far Harry hadn't been able to land a single hit against her, he had lost count of how long they had been dueling. Although it felt like an hour, he was sure that it was probably just a few minutes.

Harry's bright light had succeeded in stopping Tonks from being able to look at him, Harry aimed his wand at Tonks and was about to fire off a disarming spell when Tonks suddenly dropped onto her back and sent a wind blast that pushed Harry down onto the floor. Tonks opened her eyes and saw Harry on the floor, she followed up with a quick disarming spell to cause his wand to fly out of his hand.

"Damn." Harry sighed as Tonks caught his wand.

"Nice try," Tonks grinned as she got up. "you did good."

"You did do very good." Andromeda said as she walked up to the two with Jet on her shoulders, it had been decided that Jet would stay with Andromeda while Harry dueled with Tonks. Unfortunately Ted wasn't here as he had been called into work.

"Really?" Harry asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah, you really did do good." Andromeda said as Harry pushed himself onto his feet. "It was very impressive for someone of your age." She complimented before waving a wand to get rid of Harry's sweat.

"Thank you," Harry said appreciatively. "I really did good? I didn't even get a single hit?"

"Yeah you did good," Tonks said, agreeing with her mother, as she continued speaking Jet moved himself from Andromeda's shoulders to Harry's. "you didn't beat me but you've got to remember that I am not only older than you but am also training under the best - and most paranoid - auror of all time. You did better than I would have expected at your age, have you been in many duels before?" She asked.

"A few." Harry nodded.

"Oh, who did you duel?" Andromeda asked.

"Every Slytherin in my year, and I joined one third year in a duel against two other third years."

"Wow, how did they go?" Tonks asked.

"I'd like to congratulate you, you're the first person to ever beat the 'legendary, great Harry Potter' in a duel." Harry replied.

"Really?" Tonks blinked before a large grin appeared on her face. "I guess that makes me better than you-know-who then." She said in a casual voice.

"Oh undoubtedly," Harry said, playing along. "he couldn't handle me when I was a year old and here you are, beating me when I'm eleven, you're too strong Tonks."

As the two continued their back and forth, Andromeda was smiling at them both. She was glad that the two were getting along with each other, it was no secret that Harry had a pretty horrible past, so she was happy that the two were getting along, it had been a great worry of hers that Tonks wouldn't like Harry or vice versa or both. But looking at them now, it felt like they had known each other for years.


Today Harry was in Diagon Alley with the Tonks family, he had just exited Gringotts with Ted after getting a sufficient amount of money, though not before wishing death via extreme constipation on the goblin teller's enemies. Harry and the Tonks family started walking through the alley to get Harry's school supplies, with all three of them recommending some excellent equipment for Harry to use. The family had really been encouraging Harry's love of learning, Ted had helped Harry with charms and taught him a few basic things about runes while Tonks helped him with transfigurations and defense against the dark arts. Andromeda, being the potions mistress in the family, had helped him with potions but also in defense against the dark arts.

"Okay, now we just need to get Harry's books." Ted noted just before they arrived outside of the book store, 'Flourish and Blotts'. "Hey, look at this." Ted said as he gestured to the sign outside of the shop that informed everyone that Gilderoy Lockhart would be signing books today.

"Who the hell is Lockhart?" Harry asked, in response he got a snort from both Tonks women.

"Lockhart is this 'great wizard' who has done many, many 'great things'." Andromeda said in a disbelieving tone.

"You know, I don't know why but for some reason I feel like you're trying to imply that he is not a great wizard." Harry idly commented. "Odd that, isn't it?"

"I take it that you haven't read any of his books yet." Tonks said.

"No, are they any good?" Harry asked.

"They're like romance novels but ten times more tacky," Tonks replied. "he might be a good wizard but I doubt it. He's too clean, if you have a trained eye then you can tell if someone has actually gone through half of the shit that he claims he has gone through. Let's just say that if he actually has done half of that stuff then I will buy a hat just to eat it."

"Right...so we're not letting you near any clothes shops anytime soon." Harry noted just before they walked into the store. It was packed full of people, opposite the door was a table and standing behind the table was Gilderoy Lockhart, a blonde man in gold robes with teeth that were so white that they were likely magically spelled to look like that.

"Alright, I'll go get Harry's books, hopefully we can make a quick getaway." Ted whispered to the others before he walked off to get the books.

"Bless my soul!" Lockhart suddenly blurted out upon noticing Harry. "It's Harry Potter!" He said, the whole shop went quiet as everyone now looked from Lockhart to Harry.

"Quick, come here." A photographer said as he reached out to grab Harry, only to quickly pull his hand back when Jet crawled out of Harry's collar and hissed threateningly at him. Jet climbed out of Harry's collar and was now perched on Harry's shoulders.

"You should learn to keep your hands to yourself, mate." Harry calmly advised the photographer.

"Come, Mr Potter, together the two of us would make the front page." Lockhart said as he gestured Harry to come over.

"I'm fine, thanks for the offer though." Harry replied, standing still in his spot.

"Ah camera shy," Lockhart grinned as if he had worked out a particularly complicated puzzle. "fear not Harry, fear not, I understand. Ladies and gentlemen," Lockhart said as he turned to the crowd. "when young Harry Potter came into Flourish and Blotts to purchase my autobiography, 'Magical Me', he didn't expect to leave this store with my entire signed works for free with no extra charge." Lockhart said as he helped up a pile of books just as the crowd cheered.

"For free?" Ted said, reappearing like a ninja. "That's a good deal, Harry." He said before leaning down to whisper in Harry's ear. "Apparently you need the books for school and I'd rather not pay for them." Ted admitted before he walked over and collected the books from Lockhart before walking back and handing them to Harry. "Alright, wait here, I'll go get the rest of your books."


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