Unexpected Encounters

"I'll come with you," Tonks said. "I'll pick up a few books for Harry to read." She said, she winked at Harry before walking off with her father.

"What are you doing here?!" A voice demanded, Harry turned to his left and saw Ron Weasley standing there along with the rest of the Weasley family. He knew the twins and Percy, with them was a short, porky redheaded woman who was clearly their mother. Along with her was a man with red, balding hair, he was likely the father. There was also a redheaded girl with them that looked to be younger than Ron, likely his sister, either that or the Weasley's had kidnapped a girl, Harry really wasn't sure.

"Eating ice cream," Harry said in a sarcastic voice. "it's a book store, what do you think I am doing?"

"Don't be rude, Ronald." The woman scolded, she tried to smile at Harry though it came out a bit odd since she also looked like she wanted nothing more than to run away from Jet.

"Mr Potter," The man said. "I am Mr Arthur Weasley, this is my wife Molly." He said as he gestured to the red headed woman. "And you know my kids." He said as he gestured to his children.

"Most of them, but I don't believe I know your name." He said, looking at the girl who blushed under his gaze.

"I...I'm G...Ginny, Ginny Weasley." She managed to get out.

"A pleasure," Harry smiled as he took her hand and planted a small kiss on her knuckles, causing her blush to increase tenfold and resulting in her brothers glaring at him. "I haven't seen you at Hogwarts, are you starting this year?" He asked.

"Um...yes, yes I am." She quickly nodded.

"Hey! Get off her!" Ron said as he yanked Ginny's hand out of Harry's.

"Ron," Mr Weasley said in a warning voice before turning to Harry. "Mr Potter, I would just like to apologize for the behavior of my children last year, I..."

"From what I have heard, your children don't seem to care about your apologies." Andromeda cut him off. "Their behavior at school certainly shows that."

"And who are you supposed to be?" Mrs Weasley frowned.

"I am Harry's guardian." Andromeda answered.

"I bet she's another snake." Ron said under his breath, though clearly not quiet enough as everyone heard him.

"As intelligent as ever, aren't you Weasley?" A voice drawled.

"Draco," Harry greeted as he turned around and shook hands with Draco who had walked up to him. "didn't expect to see you here today."

"Same," Draco nodded. "you doing your school shopping as well? Or just regular shopping?"

"School, maybe regular later." Harry answered. "I'm with my new guardians. This lovely woman over is Andromeda Tonks."

"Madam," Draco nodded to her. "Harry has told me that you are in fact my mother's sister."

"Yes," Andromeda nodded, a neutral look on her face. "we've had a few disagreements over the years but I do still consider her to be my sister."

"Wotcher Harry, what's going on?" Tonks said as she arrived, she was about to place an arm over Harry's shoulders but noticed Jet was currently occupying that spot. "Dad's buying the books for you." She added.

"Tonks, this is my friend, Draco Malfoy." Harry said as he gestured to Draco. "Draco, this is Tonks."

"Wotcher Draco." Tonks nodded to him.

"Hello," Draco said, sounding a little confused by her greeting. "your name is 'Tonks'?" He asked.

"Yep." Tonks nodded, her smile tightening slightly.

"What's your first name?" Draco asked.

"She doesn't have one." Harry said quickly, earning an appreciative look from Tonks and an eye roll from Andromeda.

"Why not?" Draco frowned.

"Because Tonks is a great name." Harry shrugged in a 'don't ask me' sort of way.

"Nymphadora." Mrs Weasley said in greeting.

"And there goes all my effort down the drain." Harry said under his breath just as Tonks scowled at Mrs Weasley.

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She said.

"It is good to see you, dear." Mrs Weasley said after a moments pause. "Are you working in your father's law firm?" She asked.

"No, I'm apprenticing under Mad-Eye Moody." Tonks said, much to the surprise of those not already in the know.

"Really?" Mr Weasley blinked. "The last time Alastor Moody had an apprentice they tried running away after the first month."

"He can't get rid of me that easily." Tonks grinned.

"That hardly seems like a safe profession." Mrs Weasley frowned, she was about to say more when Harry snorted.

"It's not her that I'd be worried about." He commented.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"She's great with a wand," Harry said as he gestured to Tonks. "the last time me and her dueled I wasn't able to get a single hit in."

"What?" Draco gaped. "But you're like a damn dueling prodigy."

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet the defeater of the defeater of you-know-who." Harry said with a small clap before he gestured to Tonks.

"Stop it," Tonks laughed as she ruffled Harry's hair. "you'll make me blush."

"I still think that you could go into something more safer, dear, you're still quite young." Mrs Weasley commented. "I wish Charlie would do the same but the boy is still obsessed with his dragons as always, are you two by any chance..."

"Nope," Tonks said in a firm voice as she cut Mrs Weasley off. "not a chance." Any further response was cut off just as somebody else arrived.

"Draco," Lucius Malfoy said as he arrived, "making friends I see." He said before turning to Harry. "Mr Potter." He nodded before extending his hand.

"Mr Malfoy, " Harry said as he shook the older man's hand. "it is a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Likewise," Malfoy replied. "I must say that it's a shame that I was not made your guardian."

"My apologies," Harry swiftly replied. "there was naturally no offence intended."

"Naturally." Lucius nodded, he glanced at Jet, a shiver spread through his body but he decided to ignore it.

"Lucius." Andromeda nodded in greeting as if it was common for the two to see each other.

"Ah, Mrs Tonks." Lucius replied. "how is that husband of yours?" He asked.

"Quite fine, thanks for asking." Ted said as he arrived behind Andromeda.

"Well, it's good to see you both." Lucius said with fake smile before turning to the Weasley's. "Ah the Weasley's," He said in an amused tone. "hello Arthur." He said to Mr Weasley.

"Lucius." Arthur said in a stiff voice.

"Busy time at the ministry, Arthur. All those pesky raids, I do hope they are paying you over time. though, judging by the state of these..." Lucius paused and picked up a book out of Ginny's cauldron, he examined it before smirking at Arthur. "I would guess not. Honestly, what is the point in being a disgrace to wizards if they don't even pay you well enough for it?"

"You and I have very different opinions on what disgraces the name of wizards." Arthur said, glaring at Lucius.

"Clearly," Lucius said as he returned the book back into Ginny's cauldron. "I..."

"Lucius," Andromeda spoke. "I trust that there are no problems here, after all I would not like it if Harry's day is needlessly ruined." She said, narrowing her eyes at Lucius.

"Of course not," Lucius quickly said, a small smile on his face. "come Draco, let's not waste anymore time here." He said to Draco before he turned and walked away.

"See you at school." Draco nodded to Harry before sneering at Ron just before leaving.

"We better get going too." Ted said before he ushered Harry and the Tonks women out of the shop.

"I'm sorry but was Draco's dad scared of you?" Harry asked Andromeda.

"He just has a 'healthy respect' for what I can do." Andromeda smirked.


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