Unwanted Attention

The next morning Ginny walked down to the great hall along with Roman and the other first year Slytherin students, the other Slytherin's in her year had so far taken to simply ignoring her with the exception of Roman, but that was likely partly due to the fact that they were ignoring him as well. It seemed like Harry's short speech had stopped them from trying anything but it wasn't helping them make any new friends.

"Ginny!" A voice said, she along with Roman stopped before reaching the Slytherin table while the other Slytherin first years had just walked past. Ginny looked up and saw Ron walking towards her.

"Ron," She said with a small smile. "I...

"How could you be in Slytherin?!" He demanded, cutting her off. His face red with anger.

"Ron? I...the hat put me there...I..." Ginny began, only to be interrupted again.

"You should have argued against it and told it you didn't want to be in the house of snakes!"

"Hey," Roman interrupted before Ron could say anything else. "she's your sister, she..."

"It's none of your business, snake!" Ron spat. "What would you know about family anyway?"

"He probably only knows how to destroy them." Another voice commented just as Neville stopped next to Ron, the chubby cheeked boy was openly glaring at Roman. "Just like his dad." He added, snarling at Roman.

"Hello everyone," Harry's voice interrupted, Harry arrived just behind the two first years. "I hope I'm not bothering anyone by interrupting this little conversation." He said with a small smile.

"Yeah, you are actually." Ron said, glaring at Harry.

"Naturally the exception for that is you," Harry smirked. "now I couldn't help but overhear all of this."

"I bet you couldn't." Ron snorted with disbelief.

"Well, it might have been possible if not for your instance on shouting out everything you say like an attention seeking, red howler monkey." Harry shrugged. "Anyway, you wait a minute." Harry said to Neville. "I'm going to deal with the stupider one first." He said as he turned his attention back to Ron.

"This has nothing to do with you, Potter."

"Wrong as usual Weasley, you see your lovely sister is now a member of Slytherin house, as an older Slytherin it is my duty to help protect the younger Slytherin's against others who wish to harm them, physically or otherwise." Harry calmly replied.

"She's my sister!" Ron reminded him.

"A fact that you didn't seem to care when you were telling her off for being a Slytherin." Harry replied. "It's laughable how you are so quick to claim that all Slytherin's are evil when you were the one who complained last year when I was rewarded for saving the life of another Slytherin. Slytherin's are evil? Funny coming from the guy who thought that a girl's life wasn't worth some house points." Harry glared at him before turning to Neville. "As for you, leave the kid alone."

"You don't know what he's done to me!" Neville growled.

"He hasn't done anything to you." Harry calmly replied.

"His dad..."

"Exactly," Harry cut him off. "I can't speak for his father but he is just an eleven year old student, he hasn't even met you before today as far as I'm aware. I am truly sorry that you and your family have suffered through what you had to suffer but you cannot blame him for it."

"Don't act like you know what it's like!" Neville all but shouted.

"No, you're right. What would I know about it? I'm just the one living with the cousin of Sirius Black, the man who betrayed my parents." Harry replied. "I wanted to hate her to but I gave her a chance and now I have a family, I'm not saying that you and Roman have to be best friends but you can't blame him for the actions of a man he never knew."

"How can you defend him?!" Neville demanded. "Our parents fought in the war! They fought..."

"Against idiots who judge people for who they are!" Harry snapped, cutting off Neville. "That's what our parents fought against, they fought against people who would judge others based on who they are, or who gave birth to them and who their parents are, just like you're doing now. Leave him alone, Neville."

"Or what?!" Neville said, glaring at Harry.

"Because if you want to get to him then you have to go through me," Harry said, his green eyes flashing briefly, as his wand flicked into his hand. "or to be more accurate...I go through you." He finished while taking a step towards Neville who took a step back. Neville continued to glare but quickly turned and walked back to the Gryffindor table. "What about you, Weasley?" Harry said as he turned to Ron just as Tracey, Daphne and the other Slytherin's arrived behind Harry. Ron scowled before he walked off back to the Gryffindor table.

"T...thank you!" Roman said quickly.

"Slytherin's look after each other." Harry shrugged before he and the other second years walked off and took their seats at the Slytherin table, a few moments later Ginny and Roman sat a short distance away from them.

"Ah Mr Potter." A voice said several minutes later, Harry looked up and saw Gilderoy Lockhart, the new the defence against the dark arts teacher - seriously? - smiling at him.

"What does this peacock want?" Jet hissed from his spot on Harry's shoulders, Lockhart's smile faltered slightly at hearing Jet hiss but he quickly brought it back up to full force.

"It's good to finally see you again, Mr Potter," Lockhart smiled. "I was hoping that you and I can have a little chat sometime soon."

"Am I in trouble sir?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, of course not," Lockhart chuckled. "you are not in trouble. I simply just wished to talk to you."

"Forgive me, but talk to me about what?" Harry replied, giving Lockhart a questioning look.

"My boy, I understand that you are a young celebrity, almost as famous as me." Lockhart grinned. "But you don't really act much like a celebrity, I can help you with that."

"Help me act like a celebrity?" Harry slowly repeated with disbelief

"Yes!" Lockhart smiled brightly, having likely missed the disbelief in Harry's tone. "So what do you say? A few hours with me and you'll end up being almost as famous as myself." Lockhart said, dangling what he thought was a pretty tasty carrot.

"I'm afraid I will have to politely decline sir." Harry said after a few moments.

"Personally I would forget the polite and just tell the idiot to fuck off." Jet commented.

"D...decline?" Lockhart echoed as if Harry was not speaking English.

"I am not interested in boosting my fame sir," Harry replied. "I intend to be a great wizard and I will be a great wizard, famous or not."


"Excuse me," A voice interrupted Lockhart, Angela stepped behind Harry. "pardon me Professor but I do need to borrow Harry for a moment." She said.

"Um...right, right, of course. We'll talk later Mr Potter." Lockhart smiled at Harry before walking off.

"Idiot," Angela said under her breath before she leaned down to speak to Harry. "can I talk to you in private?" She whispered.

"I've got to go to Herbology for first period." Harry replied.

"Fine but can I talk to you later today?" She asked.

"Um...sure." Harry nodded.

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed his forehead before walking off.

"She keeps kissing you, have you ever thought about returning a few?" Jet asked.


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