Gifts and Secrets

"Harry!" Draco whispered to Harry once they left the greenhouse after a herbology lesson involving mandrakes. "Guess what, I'm going to be on the quidditch team." He said, unable to hold in his excitement.

"What?" Harry whispered back, raising an eyebrow.

"Higgs doesn't want to be seeker anymore so I'm applying for the position," Draco informed Harry with a smile. "I told my father and he said that he's going to send some 'gifts' to the team." Draco grinned. "That includes you." He added.

"Well, you are a good flyer." Harry said, remembering the few times he had flown with Draco. "How good are you at being a seeker?" Harry asked.

"I like to think I'm fairly good." Draco smirked.

"Get better," Harry said quickly. "I'm going to assume that you are at least a decent seeker, that's good. But you will need to keep practicing and you will get better, the 'gifts' that your father is sending, I'm sure that people will claim that you used them to get on the team. You need to prove everyone wrong, got it?" Harry asked.

"Got it." Draco nodded firmly.

"Good." Harry nodded back. Harry knew that the fact that Lucius Malfoy would so generously hand out 'gifts' had helped Draco get on the team but Harry quite frankly didn't care as long as Draco proved he deserved to keep his spot. And if Harry ended up benefitting from it then all the better.

"Harry," Angela said as she sat opposite Harry at lunch time. "how was your day?" She asked as she and everyone began eating.

"It's been alright," Harry shrugged as he placed Jet on the table just as a plate with a bit of meat was placed in front of the lovable snake. "how about you?"

"It's been fine so far," Angela replied. "by the way I know I said I wanted to talk to you later today but something's come up and I'm awfully busy now, could I take some time out and talk to you later this week?"

"Yeah, sure." Harry nodded.

"What do you want to talk to him about anyway?" Blaise asked, looking between Harry and Angela.

"None of your business." Angela smirked as she tapped him on the nose.

"Get off." Blaise said as he swatted her hand away. "I'm your brother in case you have forgotten."

"That doesn't mean that you get to know all of my secrets." Angela pointed out. "After me and Harry have our talk then you can learn what it's about." She said.

"This sounds very important," Harry noted. "is it..." Whatever else Harry was about to say was cut off by a bright flash of light that was aimed at him, Harry quickly got his wand out and aimed it at the source along with Angela who had quickly span around in her seat, at the same time Jet was hissing in a threatening manner at whatever idiot had dared to interrupt his meal. The source of the bright flash turned out to be a curly haired, blonde, first year Gryffindor with a camera.

"Hiya Harry!" The first year said in an excited tone. "I'm Colin Creevey, it's nice to meet you!" He said quickly.

"What are you..." Harry was interrupted by another flash as the boy had taken another picture.

"I heard that you're the youngest chaser in a century and that you can do advanced spells, is it true?" The boy asked excitedly.

"What is going on here?" A voice drawled, everyone quickly became aware of the arrival of Professor Snape.

"Sir," Angela said before anyone could respond. "this first year just started showing up and taking pictures of us without permission."

"Is that true?" Snape asked the other Slytherins.

"It's true, sir." Harry nodded along with the other Slytherins. "He started taking our pictures without permission."

"Ten points from Gryffindor," Snape said to Creevey. "and you will get rid of those pictures as well."

"But sir..." Colin began. "I..."

"Are you arguing with me?" Professor Snape asked in a dangerous tone.

" sir." Creevey said, quickly shaking his head.

"You had better not be," Snape said, glaring down at him. "follow me, we will talk to your head of house about this." He said, Snape turned and began walking away without waiting for a response.

" Harry." Creevey waved at Harry before he walked off and began following Snape.

"Fangirls." Harry said in an annoyed voice as he shook his head.

"Don't you mean 'fanboys'?" Tracey asked.

"Fangirls." Harry repeated in a firm voice that clearly said 'don't argue with me'.

A few days later Harry was in his quidditch gear and walking towards the quidditch pitch along with Draco, the other members of the Slytherin quidditch team, each member of the team walking with their new gifts. Their gifts which happened to be Nimbus 2001's, the latest model from the Nimbus brand. Harry had rode on his new broom a few times already, it was admittedly faster than Harry's Nimbus 2000 but with that being said Harry currently preferred the steering on his older broom. Harry still kept his Nimbus 2000 on the chance that he broke his new one or needed a back up.

Harry had also left Jet with Daphne as the snake wasn't really fond of flying but was fond of Daphne, just like how she was fond of him, even if she couldn't understand a single thing that he could say.

As they were walking they were stopped by the Gryffindor team who were also dressed in their quidditch gear.

"Flint, what are you doing here?" Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor keeper and team captain demanded. "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor."

"Hi Wood," Flint said in a cheery voice. "how are you today?"

"I booked the pitch!" Wood repeated through gritted teeth. Harry noticed several other Gryffindor's arriving, including Weasley, Granger and Longbottom.


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