Clash of the Houses

"Maybe, but I've got a note from Professor Snape that says we can use the pitch." Flint grinned. "We need it to train our new seeker."

"You've got a new seeker? Who?" Wood all but demanded.

"That'd be me." Draco said as he steps forward, past the other Slytherin's. "And that's not all that's new this year." Draco grinned as he held up his new broom along with the rest of the team.

"Those are Nimbus 2001's!" Ron exclaimed. "Where did you get those?"

"Oh, they're gifts for you." Harry said.

"What? Really?"



"God, you're thick." Harry said as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"You see, Weasley, unlike some my father can afford the best." Draco smirked.

"At least nobody on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione replied. "they got in on pure talent."

"Nobody asked you, know-it-all." Draco said, glaring at Hermione. He was tempted to call her a mudblood but knew that Harry wouldn't like that at all and he had no desire to make Harry angry, that was not a safe thing to do.

"Ladies," Harry said to the Gryffindor chasers before anyone could say anything else. He first extended his hand to Katie Bell, the youngest of the chasers and only a year older than himself She gave him his hand, he kissed her knuckles, causing a small blush to form on her face. He then repeated the process with Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson, the two older chasers. "you're all looking lovely today." He smiled at them.

"Someone's being extra charming today." Angelina smiled.

"Only for the charming." Harry replied without missing a beat.

"Oi Potter," One of the Weasley twins. "stop flirting with them."

"Yeah, they're our girls." The other added.

"'Our girls'?" Harry repeated. "Honestly, they're young women, not toys." Harry said, remembering a talk he had with Tonks which was really more of a rant on her behalf about working with men - or 'pigs' as she called them - who think they own women.

"Potter's right," Alicia said as she and the other girls glared at the twins. "what do you mean 'our girls'?" She demanded.

"I..." Both of them stuttered as they struggled to think up an answer, wondering why the girls were suddenly turning on them.

"Of course, if these girls were able to be stolen then I promise I would have already stolen them by now." Harry said as he gave a charming smile to the girls.

"You are such a flirt!" A gaping, red faced Katie said, though her amused tone and face showed that she wasn't really angry with him.

"I'm surrounded by beautiful goddesses, it's hardly my fault." Harry replied. "By the way, he's uncharacteristically quiet." Harry noted as he gestured to an annoyed looking Cormac McLaggen, seeker for Gryffindor and general asshole.

"Silencing charm." Alicia smiled.

"Ah." Harry nodded before turning to Wood. "Look, we've got new brooms and a new seeker, we need the training time more than you do seeing as you have the exact same brooms and players. Besides, based off my experience last year and from what I hear about you, it is likely that you're going to spend every free moment you have making them practice anyway, so how about you don't hoard the pitch like last year and delay your daily practices by a day." Harry calmly suggested.

"We do practice more than necessary." Angelina agreed, sending an apologetic look to Oliver who looked like someone had just insulted his mother.

"See," Harry nodded. "now we have permission to use the pitch. So why don't we go and do that while you Gryffindor's go and relax for the day?"

"Shut it, Potter." Ron said before Wood or any of the other Gryffindor's could reply. "You and your snakes should be the ones that should go."

"Hey Draco," Harry said as he turned to Malfoy. "can you imagine that? He is already in his second year of school and he still hasn't realized that we are not actual snakes and that the snake is just a mascot."

"Hmm, maybe he thinks that he's an actual lion." Draco laughed. "Though I think he's more of a untrained house cat. How much do you want to bet that somebody has put a scratching post in his room?"

"Probably next to his litter box." Harry grinned.

"Shut it." Ron said as he pulled his wand out, he wasn't able to get far as Harry had quickly pulled his own wand out and hit Ron with a wind blast that knocked him off of his feet and onto his butt. This caused the other Gryffindor and Slytherin students to pull their wands out.

"What is going on here?" A voice demanded, just as Professor McGonagall arrived on the scene.

"Weasley was about to attack me Professor," Harry said quickly before anyone could reply. "I saw him pulling out his wand so I quickly hit him with a wind blast."

"And why would he pull his wand out on you?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking very unamused.

"Well, Professor, it kind of went like this..." Harry said before he began explaining what had happened, the Slytherin's all agreeing and nodding in the right parts, by the end of it Professor McGonagall had a thoughtful look on her face.

"That's what the Slytherin's are saying, what about you?" Professor McGonagall asked the Gryffindor's. Ronald immediately began claiming that the Slytherin's started all of this with the twins backing him up, unfortunately for them the other Gryffindor's were not so willing to lie to their head of house and actually told a version of events that matched Harry's story. "I see, Mr Ronald Weasley, that will be two weeks of detention for lying and pulling your wand out on a student along with five points from Gryffindor. Mr Fred and George Weasley, a week of detention for lying and five points from each of you. I expected better from all of you." She said in a disappointed voice before turning to the other Slytherin's. "You may go to your practice." She said in what was a clear dismissal, the Slytherin's took it for what it was and quickly left.

"Weasley is about as smart as he was last year." Draco commented once they were far enough away.

"Really? I couldn't tell." Harry snorted.


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