Unraveling Mysteries

"You heard me the first time." Angela said, her voice was odd and held something that almost sounded like shyness. That was odd enough, Angela Zabini does not get shy.

"I...I just don't understand. A...a vassal?" Harry asked, looking very confused.

"In the magical world, a vassal is someone who serves you with all that they have." Angela began explaining. "In return you would have to obviously help keep them alive and healthy so that they can serve you, but that's about all you have to do."

"So...you would be my slave?" Harry asked.

"If you wanted me to be." Angela nodded without hesitation.

"I...I don't want to make you my slave, Angela."

"Then don't," Angela shrugged. "what I am will depend on you. If you want to treat me like a slave then treat me like a slave, if you want to treat me like a servant then do that as well, or if you want then I can be your friend."


"Harry, if you accept me as your vassal then I will do anything you want." She purred as she reached up and placed her hands on both sides of his face. "I can and will do anything that you want." She smiled as she licked her lips.

"A...anything?" Harry echoed, suddenly feeling himself lost in her eyes, there was something about her voice that lured him in. The musical quality of her voice made her words linger in his ears, suddenly Harry realized something, Angela was beautiful. Of course he always knew that but now it felt like he had just realized it.

"Anything." She whispered as she leaned in closer, her lips were seconds away from his when Harry suddenly raised his hands and grabbed her shoulders before pushing her back slightly.

"What is happening?" Harry asked. "Are...are you doing something to my head?" He asked, keeping his eyes locked onto Angela's as she removed her hands from his face.

"You...what do you feel?" She asked quickly, looking more excited than anything else.

"In my head...I felt...I suppose you'd call it a tingle." Harry frowned.

"I knew it." She said under her breath, looking extremely pleased.

"Angela?" Harry asked, it seemed like his confusion rose up at the same time as her happiness.

"I don't know how but I knew that you could resist it." She grinned.

"Resist what? Some answers would be nice right now." Harry said in a slightly irritated voice.

"Right, sorry." Angela apologized as she took her wand out and cast a locking charm on the door and placed several silencing charms around the room. "Alright, just give me a sec." She took in a deep breath. "Okay, me and Blaise have the same mother, but we have different fathers. My father was...different from Blaise's."

"Different how?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He was the son of...um...he was the son of a ..." Angela paused and took another deep breath. "...I trust that you won't tell anyone what I am about to say." She said.

"Uh...if you don't want me to tell anyone then I won't, but what is this about?" Harry asked.

"Even Blaise," Angela replied instead of answering Harry's question. "he doesn't know yet." She added before Harry could ask.

"Look," Harry sighed. "I promise that I will not tell anyone what you're about to say unless you want me to or I absolutely have to. Now can we get on with this, the suspense is killing me."

"Okay," Angela took a deep breath. "my father was the son of a siren." She blurted out.

"A siren?" Harry blinked. "As in the 'sing on rocks and lure sailors with their singing' type of siren? Are you trying to say that you're a siren?"

"No, they don't really lure sailors in with their songs." Angela replied. "Well, a few have in the past but that's like a very rare thing. As for me, I'm not really a siren, though I suppose I am part siren."

"Part siren?" Harry repeated with disbelief.

"I don't have wings or anything like that, but I do have a small allure and that's about it." She admitted. "I can control it, unlike a veela, I used my allure on you to see if you can resist it, it's rather amazing that you can."

"Okay, but why?" Harry frowned.

"Just wanted to get more evidence about what kind of a wizard you are." She grinned at him.

"I'm sorry but I just don't understand what is going on here, I get that you're a half siren but what does that have to do with you wanting to become my vassal?"

"Right, sorry, I'm not really explaining this well. Okay, well I haven't told Blaise this yet but I have a marriage contract in my name."

"You know every time you give me an answer I get about ten new questions." He said in a dry voice as he tried to process what she just said. "A contract with who?"

"This really ugly fifty year old git who lives in Italy." She said in a bitter voice. "My mother's head of house, my grandfather, is a real prick and he set up a marriage contract between myself and one of his friends in Italy. I've talked with my mother and she can't find a way to get me out of the contract and believe me when I say that she has tried."

"Alright do forgive me for what I am about to say, but your mother, the infamous 'Black Widow' is unable to find a way to get you out of the contract?" Harry asked, it was hard to stay in Slytherin and not hear about Angela and Blaise's mother. The woman who had had many husbands and apparently killed them all to gain their wealth, Harry wasn't really sure how much of that he believed seeing as Blaise and Angela turned out pretty good for kids that were raised by someone who marries then kills for money. "Either her reputation has been exaggerated or this situation is more complicated than you're letting on."

"Do you believe the stories going around about my mother?" She asked, her voice wasn't an angry one or even a disappointed one, it was pretty much neutral.

"I don't know your mother," Harry shrugged. "I know the stories and I know what I've seen from you and Blaise. I don't think that she's a crazy murderer but with that being said I am not going to form any opinions until I've met her." Harry added.


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