A Slytherin's Dilemma

"Spoken like a true Slytherin," Angela smirked. "but she really can't do anything against my grandfather or his friend, if she could then she would have. Anyway when I was younger I eventually became resigned to enjoying life for as long as I could before I get sent to get married. I spent days crying about it, wondering what would happen when he discovers that I am a siren."

"How bad would that be?"

"Very, but I did eventually discover a way to escape the contract."

"Let me guess, becoming a vassal?" Harry asked in a knowing voice.

"Exactly," Angela nodded. "a vassal lives to serve, and it would remove my grandfather's ability to put me into a contract as I would essentially no longer be a Zabini and instead become your property. Then only you can put me in a marriage contract."

"Okay, I suppose that makes sense but why me?" Harry asked as he ran a hand through his hair. "Why not someone else?"

"I can't become a vassal for anyone else in my family because they're still under my grandfather's rule," Angela began explaining. "and you aren't the first person I've been thinking about asking. You're just the best option."

"What are you..."

"Harry," She cut him off. "look at yourself, do you know what you look like to me?"

"No," Harry said in a confused voice. "what do you see?" He asked, stopping his hand from going up to touch his scar.

"So, so many things." She smiled at him as she took her hands in his own. "Physically, you are attractive, yes even with your scar. You're cute now and I suspect that you will be very handsome when you're older. But that is not all, you're an intelligent boy, a strong wizard and yet you are still kind. The fact that you can resist my allure shows how strong your mind and will is. You were the one who stood up for the Lestrange boy, nobody else did. When I look at you, I see greatness and I want to be a part of it. I don't want to be a simple house wife, a broodmare, I want to become great and I know I can do that with you. We can do that together, Harry, you have great potential and I want to help you reach it." She said, her voice had risen in volume and passion as she spoke. As Harry looked into her eyes he realized that she was being a hundred percent serious, he saw pure devotion in her eyes.

"I...I need to think about this." Harry said after a few moments of silence. "This is a...rather big decision. Can I talk to somebody about it?"

"I understand," Angela nodded in a way that told Harry she had been expecting this answer. "I just want you to know that even if you say no, I will still consider you to be a good friend. And yes, you can talk to someone about it, but just do me a favour and don't mention the siren part, if you can leave out my name then all the better." She stood up and planted a kiss on his forehead before she walked over to the door and undid all of her spells before walking out.

Harry shook his head and span his seat back around to his desk.

"I'll have to ask Tonks for advice." Harry said to himself before he took his quill and continued writing his letter to Tonks.

"Alright mate?" Blaise said as he came in a few moments later. "Hey, was my sister in here?" He asked as he sat down on his bed.

"Yep." Harry answered without looking away from his letter.

"Huh, what did she want?" Blaise asked, this time Harry did look away from his letter and looked Blaise right in the eye.

"She begged to become my slave." Harry said with a straight face.

"Smart ass." Blaise said as he rolled his eyes before picking up a book.

"That I am." Harry nodded before going back to his letter.

It was a a day later when Harry got his response from Tonks, it arrived during breakfast via the one and only Hedwig. Hedwig flew into the hall and landed gracefully on Harry's outstretched arm.

"Hi Hedwig." Harry greeted her with a smile as he removed the letter before he began stroking her.

"Hello Master's pet." Jet greeted Hedwig, a nice side effect from letting Jet 'keep' Daphne was the fact that Jet suddenly became more understanding about the fact that his master had a pet despite having a familiar, because pets were fun. "You look the same as always." Jet couldn't help but add, despite his progress he was still trying to get used to being nice to Hedwig.

"Here you go, girl." Harry said as he handed her a piece of bacon before he took the letter and quickly opened it.

To Hare Bear

Wotcher little bro, nice to hear from you. Are you missing me? Only natural I suppose. Mum and Dad are missing you as well, oh and Jet too, hope the little bugger is doing good. Mad-Eye's pretty impressed with me, he's been teaching me some new spells, can't wait until our rematch, I'm going to kick your cute little arse. As for your 'older girl' problem, I just want to say I knew you were a total flirt. I mean older girls throwing themselves at your feet so they can serve you, I am very impressed.

Dad's looked into the whole thing from a legal point of view, he told me a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo but basically you can legally have a vassal. Mum wanted me to let you know that they are very rare and not many people have them anymore, mostly because not many people wish to become vassals. If you were my vassal then you would have to do pretty much whatever I want, and I have to admit that you would find yourself dressed in a good amount of adorable costumes. So if this girl wants to be your vassal then she is probably very serious about it and has likely spent a lot of time thinking about it.

Mum and Dad are saying the whole usual 'go with your heart', 'do what you think is right'. Me, on the other hand, I'd like to say grab that girl quickly Harry. Come on! An older girl throwing herself at you, asking to be your faithful servant that will do whatever you want, that's like the dream for every boy at your age. Wait a sec...okay, Mum's telling me to be serious so what I am really going to say is you're a good kid, do what you think is best, I trust your judgment. If you don't want to do it then nobody's going to force you into it (I will bloody well curse them if they try), but if you do then I want - no, cross that 'I want' part out and replace it with 'I need'- it confirmed in writing that I'm still your favorite older girl.

Alright, I've got to go now. Do what you think is best and then for Merlin's sakes, write to me about it. Okay, I'm off now. See ya, or if you're reading this at night then good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Sweet dreams, on the dot, keep having them even if your sleep stops, sleep well, sleep nice, don't get bed lice. Sleep...okay I'm stopping now.

Bye Harry.

From your lovely and incredibly attractive sister, Nym.

P.S: It's a hot older girl Harry, come on!

"Jet, what do you think about all of this?" Harry whispered to Jet.

"I just need to confirm something, you like this girl, yes?" Jet asked.

"Um...yeah, she's nice to me." Harry nodded.

"She's a powerful and pretty witch, correct?"


"You would like to help her out, yes?"


"This could also benefit you and therefore me in a large way as well, correct?"


"Then why the fuck haven't you said 'yes' yet?" Jet said in an exasperated voice. Harry stared at Jet for several long seconds before he looked around until he caught Angela's eye, he gave her a small nod. Her face lit up, having clearly understood what he was saying, Harry returned to his breakfast while Jet began mumbling about silly humans.


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