A Dueling Distraction

"Angela, how are we going to explain this to Blaise?" Harry asked once he, Jet and Angela were alone in a classroom.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she began setting all the tables and chairs to the sides of the room.

"Well...it's going to be more than a little bit awkward explaining to my roommate that his sister is going to be mine to do with as I wish." Harry said in a dry voice.

"I don't know, sounds pretty simple to me." Jet replied. "Just go 'hey Blaise, your sister is mine now, deal with it.', that's what I would do."

"I have already anticipated that, don't worry." Angela replied. "I will deal with Blaise, I promise." She said before she drew a large white circle in the middle of the floor using her wand, once she was done she placed a bowl in the middle of the circle before sitting down in front of the bowl. Harry sat on the other side of the bowl. "Now Jet will have to leave the circle, sorry Jet, but we don't want to risk disrupting the ritual." She said apologetically.

"I understand, I'm so powerful that I would affect your ritual, it can't be helped." Jet said as he shook his head before climbing down from Harry and escaping the circle.

"Alright, are you ready Harry?" Angela asked as she pulled out a knife. "Do you remember how this works?"

"Yeah, you and me cut our palms, let some blood drop into the bowl and then we hold our cut hands together. We both chant for a bit before you swear to be my vassal, I accept and then hopefully we can get back to the great hall in time for lunch." Harry answered.

"That's about it," Angela nodded. "let's get started." She said.

It turns out that they were able to get to the great hall in time for lunch, Harry sat down in-between Daphne and Tracey while Angela sat opposite him, in-between Blaise and Theo.

"Blaise," Angela whispered to Blaise. "can I talk to you after we've finished eating?"

"In private?" He asked.

"Yep." Angela nodded.

"Um...okay." Blaise nodded.

"Good." Angela smiled, the rest of lunch continued with the Slytherin's enjoying some small talk before Angela and Blaise left together.

"I wonder what she wants to talk to him about." Tracey said.

"I have a feeling that somebody knows." Daphne said as she looked at Harry.

"Somebody might." Harry nodded without looking away from his food.

"Is there any chance that 'somebody' might be willing to tell the rest of us?" Draco asked.

"Well, 'somebody' might, but he'd like to wait until Angela and Blaise are done with their talk."

"This 'somebody' sounds like a git." Theo commented, earning chuckled from the others and a mild glare from Harry.

"The 'somebody' would like to remind you that he hasn't had a duel in ages and is looking for willing participants." Harry said with a small smirk.

"Draco, thanks for volunteering." Theo said quickly before returning to his food.

"What?" Draco blinked.

"Hmm...he'll do." Harry shrugged before going back to his food.


Harry was in his room, Jet was resting in Harry's bed while Harry was stood up and working on his shield charm, he had his wand in one hand and a book in the other.

"Harry," Blaise said when he entered the room. "I had a talk with my sister." He said in a quiet voice.

"Of course you did," Harry sighed as he set the book aside. "is that going to be a problem?" Harry asked. "Because I'd rather not spend the rest of our school years fighting."

"I...was mad at first, I admit." Blaise sighed. "I was tempted to pull my wand out and hex you but Angela explained how this was her choice and that I shouldn't be mad because it was either you or a fifty year old bloke who probably has a small noodle and bad breath, along with the fact that you would probably kick my ass if I did pull my wand on you. So...if it's between you and the fifty year old.." Blaise trailed off and shrugged.

"How nice of you to say that." Harry said in a dry voice as he rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean," Blaise replied. "this isn't easy for me, you know. All I am saying is I don't have any problems with...this thing between you and my sister...just promise me you'll treat her good."

"I will do my best to treat her as she deserves, Blaise, I promise you that." Harry said in solemn voice.

"Thank you," Blaise said in an appreciative voice. "what are you doing anyway?" He asked.

"I'm working on my shield charm, do you think you could fire a spell at me?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice as he raised his wand.

"Well...I'm not a hundred percent over the fact that my sister is your slave...so it would be my genuine pleasure." Blaise grinned as he pulled out his wand.

"What's going on here?" Harry said as he came down into the common room along with Blaise, he found two first years dueling each other and recognized one of them as the Lestrange kid. Most of the Slytherin's were cheering for the other first year with only the youngest Weasley cheering for Lestrange.

"That first year was messing with the youngest Weasley," Daphne explained as Harry and Blaise stopped next to her. "Lestrange challenged him to a duel."

"Hmm, kids got balls at least." Blaise commented as they watched the duel, it wasn't the most exciting duel as they both were limited to first year spells but it wasn't bad as far as first year duels go. Harry noticed that Roman was pretty decent, the other kid was alright even if he had a habit of stepping forward with his right foot every time he cast an offensive spell.


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