A Grim Message

"Lestrange is on the defensive." Daphne noted just as Lestrange jumped over a spell, he dodged another spell and tripped on his foot, he stumbled and his back crashed into Harry who caught him, Roman glanced back and his eyes widened.

"I...I'm sorry!" Roman quickly said when he realized just who it was that had caught him. Roman was about to move away when Harry pulled him in closer.

"Watch his right foot." Harry whispered into Roman's ear before he shoved him away. Roman blinked at Harry in surprise before he quickly turned his attention back to the duel in time to avoid a stinging hex to the face.

"Are you getting a new pet?" Jet asked from his position on Harry's shoulders.

"No, just offering advice." Harry replied. Thirty seconds later the duel finally came to an end when Roman managed to get a stinging hex on his opponents foot before he followed it up with a knockback jinx, Roman's opponent fell to the floor and his wand fell out of his hand.

"I win." Roman grinned.

"You cheated! I know you did!" Roman's opponent shouted.

"You're only saying that because I'm the one that still standing." Roman replied, not at all bothered by the words coming from his opponent. "Now, you remember the deal, I won so you have to apologize to Miss Weasley." He said as he gestured to Ginny. The boy growled but knew better than to try and get out of it in front of everyone, he stood up and looked at Ginny who was stood with her arms crossed and an expectant look on her face.

"I am...sorry for my comments." The boy said, looking as if the very words coming out of his mouth pained him.

"Hmm, I guess I accept," Ginny said after a moment. "since I'm sure you've learnt your lesson." She added with a small grin which did not help the first year boy who looked looked like he was going to pop a vein.

"That was nice of you to help him." Daphne whispered to Harry.

"Don't call me nice." Harry said in a mock offended voice, not noticing the pair of first year twin girls that were looking in his direction.

"Harry," Harry looked up and saw Tracey and Daphne standing in front of him, he was sat in the library, looking through a book on shields in the hopes to improve his own. "you have been in the library for ages." Tracey said with a small sigh. "Come on, it's time for you to eat." She said.

"Just five more minutes, please." Harry asked hopefully, giving her his best puppy eyes.

"Potter, put those adorable green emerald orbs away." Daphne said in a tired voice. "Come on, food now."

"Listen to my pet and eat already." Jet added.

"Fine," Harry sighed as he got up and put his stuff away. "alright, I'm ready to go." Harry said before Jet slithered into Harry's robes and wrapped himself around Harry's left arm, Harry followed Daphne and Tracey out of the library.

"What were you reading about anyway?" Tracey asked as the trio walked to the hall.

"Oh, I was reading about shield spells." Harry answered. "I wanted to learn how to make my own better and see what other spells I could use to shield."

"Find anything interesting?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, actually," Harry grinned. "I..." Harry paused and trailed off as he suddenly stopped upon turning the next corner. Daphne and Tracey saw what he was looking at and quickly stopped alongside him, they all started with wide eyes at the sight before them.

Mrs Norris, the cat of caretaker Filch, was frozen stiff and hanging upside down by her tail from a torch. Next to her was a message written on the wall, a message written in blood.

The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened!

Enemies Of The Heir Beware!

"Enemies of the heir?" Tracey read with disbelief.

"We need to get out of here quickly." Harry said but before they could move a large amount of students came forward and stopped to see the message, then more students came and more after that. "Well...their timing is brilliant." Harry said in a dry voice just as the students all began whispering to each other and glancing at Harry.

"What is going on here?" A voice said just as Argus Filch made his way through the students. "Make way, make way." He said before he stopped in front of Harry and Daphne. "Potter, what are you..." Filch trailed off as he finally noticed Mrs Norris.

"We found her like this." Tracey said as she gestured to Mrs Norris.

"You...you murdered my cat." Filch said in a shaky voice.

"He did not." Angela said as she arrived behind Harry.

"Angela, it's fine." Harry said to her before turning to Filch. "I didn't do it, me and my friends just found her like that."

"You murdered my cat." Filch said once again as he walked towards Harry, his whole body shaking in anger.

"Look, I understand the connection between animals and humans better than most and I understand your anger but I didn't harm your cat."

"I'll kill ya," Filch growled as he grabbed Harry tightly by the collar, he didn't hear the intake of breath from the other Slytherin's, just like how he didn't notice them take a step back or how he ignored the way that Harry's eyes narrowed. "I'll kill ya!" He yelled as his hands moved to Harry's neck.

A few moments later Dumbledore arrived along with Professor McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, Snape and Lockhart. The second they stopped walking they saw Argus Filch flying towards them, he landed on Professor Lockhart, both of them falling onto the floor with Filch landing on top of Lockhart. Both groaning in pain, if anyone payed attention to the teachers then they would have seen the small smirk that briefly appeared on Professor Snape's mouth when he saw Lockhart on the floor.

"Touch me like that again and we are going to have more problems than just your cat." Harry snarled as he aimed his wand at Filch.

"Mr Potter, that shall be enough." Dumbledore said in a stern voice. Harry grunted and lowered his wand. "Now, perhaps you can explain to me why you have blasted my caretaker across the hallway?" He asked.

"Your caretaker put his hands on him," Angela growled. "if Harry hadn't blasted him then I would have."

"Headmaster." Snape said before anyone could reply, he gestured to the frozen Mrs Norris and the message on the wall.

"We found her like this, Professor." Daphne said quickly.

"He murdered my cat!" Filch shouted as he got up off of Lockhart. "And he attacked me!"

"You put your hands on me and are you deaf? Because if you're not then you would have heard me repeatedly say we found her like this." Harry said as he glared at the caretaker while Lockhart was getting up on his feet. "And I blasted because you grabbed me, while we are on that note, if you dare to touch me again then I will do worse than blast you."


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