Justice for Mrs Norris

"Mr Potter, please do not threaten my staff." Dumbledore said as he examined Mrs Norris. "Hmm, she is not dead, merely petrified. Everyone except Mr Potter, Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis, leave." He ordered, the other students reluctantly left, all apart from one.

"Miss Zabini, the headmaster had ordered you to go." Professor McGonagall said when she noticed Angela was still here.

"Professor, I have every right to be present for any events concerning Mr Potter, unless of course Mr Potter wishes for me to not be present." Angela calmly replied.

"Why would you say that?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Because I am his vassal." Angela proudly replied, showing no shame or embarrassment at all.

"His vassal?" Professor McGonagall gasped, she looked at Harry with wide eyes, so did Professor Sprout and Flitwick. Professor Snape looked between the two with narrowed eyes while Professor Dumbledore's eyebrows nearly went up into his hair while Lockhart looked at the two with disbelief and with a hint of what Harry thought was jealousy.

"Angela's your vassal?!" Daphne and Tracey blurted out in shock at the same time.

"It was a recent development," Harry shrugged. "and before any of you say anything, she was the one who convinced me to accept, not the other way around." Harry said before turning to the Professors. "I don't mind if she stays."

"Very well," Dumbledore said before anyone else could reply. "all of you will come with me."

"Headmaster, feel free to use my office, it's the closest." Lockhart said.

"Thank you, Gilderoy." Dumbledore said before he turned and walked with everyone following after him. A minute or two of awkward silences later and they were all standing in the defence against the dark arts classroom. "Now," Dumbledore said, calm as usual. "perhaps somebody can tell me what happened."

"They attacked my cat! I want justice!" Filch shouted as he held a petrified Mrs Norris in his arms.

"Alright, you're either deaf or suffering from selective hearing." Harry said as he glared at Filch with such intensity that the man actually took a step back. "This is going to be the last time I say it, so you will listen carefully, I...did...not...harm your cat."

"Professor Dumbledore," Daphne said before anyone could respond. "I can tell you what happened."

"In that case, the floor is yours." Dumbledore said before gesturing her to start talking.

"Tracey and I were about to head off to dinner when we realized that we didn't know where Harry was," Daphne began. "we found him in the library."

"I was reading a book on shield spells." Harry added.

"Shield spells?" Professor Flitwick asked in an interested voice.

"I've been practicing." Harry said as he pulled his wand out. "Protego." He said, speaking the incantation, a second later a light blue shield briefly appeared. "I'm still trying to work on getting it invisible like it's supposed to be and maintaining it." Harry added.

"Even then, that is still impressive for your age. Five points to Slytherin, Mr Potter." Professor Flitwick replied. "Now, Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis found you in the library, what happened then?"

"We told Harry that it was time for him to leave the library and go and eat." Tracey answered.

"If this is the case then I am sure that none of you will hold any objections against we ask our school librarian if you all were there?" Professor Snape asked.

"Ask away." Harry nodded. "Madam Pince will tell you that I was there. Anyway, once we left the library we came across Mrs Norris, and then he tried to attack me." Harry said as he gestured to Filch. "And I expect there to be consequences, he put his hands on me and tried to wrap his hands around my throat." Harry said, his voice lower than before.

"Mr Potter, please calm down." Dumbledore said.

"I let the Dursley's put their hands on me before and I am not letting anyone do that again!" Harry growled.

"Harry!" Angela said as she grabbed his arm, he frowned and looked at her, she gestured down to his wand. He looked down and saw it shinning brightly as what looked like a light blue ball made of lightning hanged on the tip. Harry took a breath and a few moments later the ball dispersed, Harry looked at the teachers and saw all but Dumbledore had taken a step back.

"Sorry." Harry apologized.

"It is fine, Mr Potter." Dumbledore replied. "I understand your anger, and I assure you that I will be having strict words with Mr Filch."

"Headmaster?" Filch blinked.

"I am willing to be slightly more forgiving than usual as you have clearly been made emotional by what has happened to Mrs Norris." Dumbledore said, his eyes locked onto Filch and lacking their usual twinkle. "But with that being said, the next time you place a hand on a student will be the last." He said before turning to Harry. "I will deal with Mr Filch, you and your friends may go." He said.

"Headmaster." Harry nodded before he and the other girls walked out.

"Well...that was dramatic." Jet commented.


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