The Weight of Allegations

"Harry," Tracey asked in a soft voice as they walked back to the Slytherin common room. "is Angela really your vassal?" She asked as she glanced between Angela and Harry.

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"That's what that whole thing between Angela and Blaise was about, right?" Daphne asked.

"Right," Harry nodded again. "she wanted to explain everything to Blaise."

"By the way, did my brother give you any trouble over it?" Angela asked.

"No," Harry shook his head. "he did be honest about how he wasn't yet a hundred percent okay with it but he is making an effort to deal with it in return for me treating you good."

"But...why did you become Harry's vassal?" Daphne asked Angela.

"A lot of it is due to personal reasons which I am not really comfortable with revealing," Angela replied. "but before either of you two say anything, I was the one who convinced Harry to take me as his vassal, not the other way around."

"Jet helped convince me." Harry added.

"I, along with Jet, were the ones who convinced Harry to take me as his vassal, not the other way around." Angela amended. "So please don't judge him, he has done it to help me."

"Of course he did," Daphne snorted. "still can't get rid of all of the Gryffindor nobility, can you Potter?" She said with a playful nudge.

"Believe me, I've tried." Harry joked as they arrived outside of the Slytherin common room.

"Just don't change too much." Tracey smiled at him.

"I am perfect the way I am, aren't I?" Harry grinned as they entered the common room. Once they were inside they saw all of the Slytherin's turn to look at them. "Right, screw this noise, I'm going to my room." Harry said to the girls before quickly walking up to his room while the girls took a moment before deciding that Harry's idea was a good one and quickly went up into their own rooms.

Once Harry was alone in his room he took his wand out and stared at it, his mind recalled that ball of lightning that came out of his wand during the meeting. Harry focused and tried to remember the feeling he had gotten from the ball. It took several minutes along with the combination of being too stubborn to give up but Harry was eventually able to get the ball to return.

"Ha! Can you see that Jet?!" Harry hissed happily.

"I can see it, well done, you are powerful master!" Jet hissed, just as happy.

"I...I don't even feel a little bit tired from doing this." Harry said before he heard the sound of footsteps, he quickly cut the spell off just before Blaise arrived.

"Alright Harry?" Blaise asked as he walked in and sat on his own bed. "Everyone wants to know what happened by the way," He added in a casual voice. "oh and by the way...what did happen? The rest of us missed most of it after you blasting Filch into Lockhart. You're a legend for that by the way." Blaise grinned.

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow." Harry smiled, "right now I just want to go to sleep." Harry said as he pulled his sleeping clothes out.

"Fair enough, good night mate."

"Good night, Blaise." Harry replied while internally he thought more about the ball of lightning, he would have to do some more experimentation with it.

The next day Harry realized something, everyone in the school thought that he was the heir of Slytherin. People took great care to avoid him, most of them looked at him like he was about to kill them at any second, and he wasn't going to do that, despite Jet's suggestion and belief that he should to do it to a few if only to teach the rest of them their proper place in the food chain.

Many of the Slytherin's also gave him odd looks, it seemed like they thought he was the heir of Slytherin because of his parsletounge ability and the fact that he was a great student but at the same time they doubted it because of him being a halfblood and the fact that he seemed to hold no grudge against muggles or muggleborns while also making sure that anyone who says the word 'mudblood' in his presence would get the crap scared out of them.

The Ravenclaws seemed to have joined the 'not sure' group on the topic of Harry being the heir of Slytherin, but the Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's on the other hand were a different story. The Hufflepuff's seemed scared that he would snap and suddenly set Jet or any other number of snakes on them while the Gryffindors thought that he was evil incarnate (no doubt at least partially thanks to a certain redhead). The fact that Harry had been abused by muggles certainly did not help him in the eyes of people who thought that he was actually the heir of Slytherin.

"It's just ridiculous, that's all I am saying." Harry was saying to his fellow second year Slytherin's as they sat at the Slytherin table for breakfast. "If I was the heir of Slytherin, which I am not, but if I was then I would do better than target the caretakers cat."

"People have been saying that you did it because you knew that Filch is a squib." Blaise commented.

"If I would have done it then it would have been because I thought Filch is a prick." Harry replied.

It turned out that Mrs Norris was simply the first victim and definitely not the last, the next person to be attacked was Colin Creevey who was found petrified in a hallway. And naturally the whole school knew of Harry's dislike of Colin so they were all pretty sure that it was Harry who was responsible. Though eventually the school stopped talking about how Harry was obviously the heir when something interesting was announced, starting today was the dueling club.

Harry and his friends naturally decided to go, which is why they were in the great hall with about ninety percent of all the other students from every year. In the middle of the hall was a long dueling platform, the Slytherin's and Ravenclaws stood on one side of the platform while the Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's stood on the opposite side.

"Who do you think is going to teach this?" Draco whispered to Harry, who was stood with Jet on his shoulders.

"I'm not sure." Harry admitted. "The best choice would either be Professor Dumbledore or Professor Flitwick. They're both powerful wizards and Flitwick is a former dueling champion."

"Gather around everyone." Lockhart said as he walked on to the stage.

"Or it could be that idiot." Harry sighed.


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