77 Lessons in Humility

"Can you all see me? Can you all hear me? You can? Excellent," Lockhart said as he stopped in the middle of the platform and smiled at everyone. "Now, Professor Dumbledore has made the best decision of his career and he had allowed me, Gilderoy Lockhart, to reform the dueling club. Exciting, isn't it? I will train you all up, in case you ever need to defend yourself, as I have done on countless occasions. For full detail, see my published works." Lockhart grinned before he removed his cloak and tossed it into the crowd where a bunch of girls caught it. "Let me introduce, my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart gestured to the end of the platform where Professor Snape seemed to rise up as if he was rising up out of hell. "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration," Lockhart said just as Snape walked over to the center of the stage. "now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You will still have your potions professor when I am through with him, never fear." Lockhart said, not noticing Snape's glare.

Lockhart and Snape stopped in front of each other, both raised their wands and held them in front of their faces, they then quickly brought their wands down and gave each other a short bow before turning around. Both walked five paces away from each other and once they were both sufficiently far away they turned around and faced each other as they both shifted into their dueling stances.

Harry easily recognized Snape's stance, he was facing side ways to reduce his target area while holding his wand up above his head, the second the duel started he would quickly bring his wand forward by swinging it down and fire. It wasn't the best dueling stance but was generally used if the person was confident of their victory. Lockhart hand one closed hand on his hip and had his wand about chest height in front of him while leaning on his back leg. Lockhart's stance was also one used by those confident of victory, but it was also used by those who were great at defence while also using a lot of power in their spells and Harry doubted that Lockhart had the sufficient power for it, or the skill, or the luck, or the brains, or...you get the picture.. If that wasn't bad enough then add in the fact that he was doing it wrong by facing Snape with his chest forward, giving Snape a larger target area.

"One," Lockhart began counting. "two...three."

"Expelliarmus!" Snape quickly said as he aimed his wand Lockhart, his disarming spell shot through the air and hit Lockhart dead center. The blonde haired professor found himself flying backwards through the air as his wand fell out of his hand.

"Oh look he managed to do a backflip." Jet said in an impressed voice just before Lockhart landed hard on his back. Many students began laughing while a smaller amount of students - mostly girls - began wondering if Lockhart was alright.

"I don't think Professor Snape likes him." Tracey said in a dry voice.

"An excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape," Lockhart quickly said as he got up and walked to Professor Snape. "though if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do and if I wanted to stop you it would only be too easy."

"Perhaps, it would be prudent to teach the students how to block unfriendly spells." Snape said, looking like he was doing his best to not insult Lockhart. Lockhart's smile faltered for a second before he brought it back up to full power.

"Yes, an excellent idea, Professor Snape. Now, how bout a volunteer pair?" Lockhart said as he looked around. "Um...Potter, how about you? Come on up." He said. Harry sighed before he handed Jet over to Daphne, in truth he didn't mind dueling someone but it was more the fact that Lockhart insisted on acting so friendly with him. Harry got on the stage just as Lockhart began looking around for an opponent for Harry. "Now, we've got Mr Potter, now who should he face? Hmm...how about..."

"I'll fight him!" Ron Weasley shouted suddenly.

"No," Harry shook his head. "I'd like at least someone who can give me a challenge."

"Shut it! I can beat you!" Ron said in a confident voice.

"Fine," Harry rolled his eyes. "let's duel then. I could use a good warm up."

"Mr Weasley it is." Snape said before Lockhart could reply. Ron got up on the stage, Harry and Ron walked towards each other and stopped in front of each other just like Lockhart and Snape had done before. They both brought their wands up in front of their faces.

"You scared, Potter?" Ron said as he glared at Harry.

"Yes, I am not sure what diseases you carry." Harry calmly replied, earning some laughter from nearby students. Ron's face went red because of that, Harry and Ron dropped their wand hands down to the sides of their body before turning around and walking away from each other. Harry stopped in front of Professor Snape while Ron stopped in front of Lockhart.

They both took their stances, Ron tried to copy Snape's stance but made the same mistake as Lockhart by not standing sideways. Harry, on the other hand. stood sideways with his wand in front of him at chest height while his other hand was behind him and held up for balance.

"On the count of three I want you to disarm, only disarm, we don't want any accidents over here." Lockhart said before he began counting. "One..."

"Kill him!" Jet shouted.

"Two..." Lockhart continued. "...three!"

"Expelliarmus!" Ron shouted as he fired his disarming spell towards Harry. To Ron's credit the spell looked decently powered for someone of his age, but it wasn't really enough when fighting against Harry. Harry casually leaned to the side and allowed the spell to shoot past him. Ron blinked before he fired the spell again, this time Harry side stepped before firing a disarming spell of his own. But unlike Ron he wasn't going to fire one spell and wait, he fired two more disarming spells to follow up.

Ron side stepped the first when he saw the second and third coming, he leaned to the side and was barely missed by the second but was hit by the third and went flying back before landing on his back just as his wand landed next to him.

"So I win then?" Harry asked in a bored voice. Ron, seeming to not understand that he would have been better accepting his loss, quickly crawled over to his wand. Harry rolled his eyes and waited until Ron got to a kneeling position, Harry aimed his wand at the floor in front of Ron. "Pila ricochet." Harry calmly said, a glowing white ball shot out of his wand and bounced off the floor in front of Ron before hitting Ron in the face, Ron let out a cry of pain as he landed on his back just before Harry's disarming spell hit him and his wand went flying out of his hand and was caught by Harry. "So...you want to go for a third round?" Harry asked in a casual voice.

"Weasley," Snape all but growled at Ron who was clutching his bleeding nose. "it wasn't bad enough that you so easily lost but then you try to attack your opponent after you've already lost. Ten points from Gryffindor and a week's detention. Someone take Weasley to the hospital wing." Percy glared at Harry before he quickly walked over and grabbed Ron before taking him out of the hall and to the hospital wing.


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