Unexpected Tactics

"Anyone else?" Harry asked as he twirled his wand in his hand.

"We'll fight him." The Weasley twins said at the same time.

"There are two of you." Snape sneered at them.

"Indeed boys," Lockhart chuckled. "we appreciate the enthusiasm but it's hardly fair for Mr Potter to fight two on one. He'll need a partner."

"A partner?" Harry blinked.

"Yes, come on, a two on two duel is exciting." Lockhart grinned. "Anyone want to volunteer to be Mr Potter's partner?" He asked the room.

"Professor," Daphne raised her hand, narrowly beating out Angela. "I'll do it." She said. Harry glanced at Angela and saw that she was giving him a questioning look, clearly asking him what he wanted her to do.

"I'll take her." Harry nodded, though his nod was more focused at Angela who nodded back in understanding.

"Here Jet, you stay with Tracey." She said as she handed Jet to Tracey before walking onto the platform.

"Hey Jet," Tracey whispered to Jet. "I know I'm not your favorite or anything but just behave for me, please? She said, giving him a questioning look, a relieved sigh escaped her when Jet nodded in response.

"Thanks for volunteering, Daph." Harry whispered to Daphne when she stopped next to him and stood on his left side.

"Thanks for accepting, I want to see how good I am, I've been practicing really hard." She whispered back. "You know it's not too late for you to switch me for Angela." She said, giving him a questioning look.

"You are more than good enough Daphne." Harry smiled at her, she smiled back just before the Weasley twins stepped onto the other side of the platform. Harry and Daphne met them in the middle of the platform, all four raised their wands in front of their faces.

"This time..." One of the twins began.

"You'll lose." The other finished.

"Doubt it." Daphne and Harry said at the exact same time, each with matching grins. The twins scowled at them before all four of them lowered their wands and turned around before walking away from each other. Once they were far enough away they faces each other and took their stances.

"Alright, this is exciting." Lockhart grinned. "Start on three, one...two...three!"

The Weasley's went first and both fired disarming spells at the same time, Harry and Daphne dodged before they both returned fire with their own disarming spells, the twins dodged and returned fire with what the two Slytherin's recognized as a couple of prank hexes, no doubt to humiliate them. Daphne ducked under her spell but Harry did not, nor did he attempt to dodge.

"Protego!" Harry said and to the shock of the Weasley's - along with everyone else in the hall - he blocked the spell with a fully functioning protego shield, a shield that was really not supposed to be able to be learnt at Harry's age. Harry took advantage of their shock and aimed his wand at the Weasley twins while his free hand quickly reached over and covered Daphne's eyes. "Solis flare!" A bright light shot out of Harry's wand, blinding the Weasley's who quickly covered their eyes and took a couple of steps back. A few other people had to close their eyes as well, but Angela, Tracey and the other Slytherin's had seen Harry use that spell before and the more fast thinking Slytherin's were able to close their eyes in time while Tracey also made sure to cover Jet's eyes.

Harry removed his hand from Daphne's eyes and gestured to the twins with a grin, Daphne looked at the red eyed twins who were still blinking in an attempt to clear their version. Daphne grinned back at Harry before they both aimed their wands at the twins. The two started with disarming them but before anyone could even blink the pair quickly shot as many hexes as they could before Lockhart eventually called them to stop.

By the end of their barrage of spells the twins were looking very different, Harry's twin was now supporting silver hair, elf like ears, a green face, several boils along his face while also suffering from a bad case of purple nurples. The twin that Daphne got was suffering from a a silver face, green hair, a nose longer than Snape's nose, a severe cold and a wedgie.

"I like to think we won that." Harry smiled at Daphne.

"I like to think so too." She smirked just as everyone who wasn't prepared finally recovered from Harry's 'Solis flare' and were able to finally see the Weasley twins. The Slytherin's didn't even bother to hide their laughter, they were glad that the twins that took so much joy in pranking them were now embarrassed in front of the whole school, by second years no less.

"I think that's enough excitement for today." Harry said as he offered Daphne a hand, she placed her hand in his and he escorted her off the platform while Snape said something under his breath that sounded a lot like 'ten points to Slytherin'.


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