Confronting Accusations

Though Harry and the other Slytherins had enjoyed the the dueling club, they decided not to attend again, mostly because Lockhart was an idiot. It turns out that Harry's dueling prowess was something that the rest of the school took as more proof that he was the heir of Slytherin because obviously the heir would be good with a wand.

Harry walked into the library, intending to read for a bit before meeting his friends in the great hall. As he entered he went to the back of the library when he suddenly heard an interesting conversation.

"The common room is the best place, no way Potter can get us from there." A voice commented. Harry, through a gap in a book shelf, saw a bunch of Hufflepuff's in Harry's year standing on the other side and talking to each other, they clearly hadn't noticed him yet. Harry recognized them as Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Justin Flinch Fletchley and Ernie Macmillan. "If Potter tries again then we quickly go to the common room." Ernie said.

"I don't know," Justin frowned. "I mean I get why you think it's Potter but I am not sure."

"Come on, Justin." Ernie said as if Justin was being ridiculously stupid. "He has a snake, he is a Slytherin and he doesn't even bother to hide the fact that he is a parslemouth. Plus everyone knows that he was abused by muggles."

"You definitely think it is Potter, then, Ernie?" Hannah said anxiously.

"Hannah," Ernie said in a solemn voice, "he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard, I mean...have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? I haven't. They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue. Remember what was written on the wall? 'Enemies of the heir, beware'. We all know that Filch is a squib, maybe Potter was going for Filch but missed his target, that's probably why Filch's cat was attacked, or maybe he just wanted to send a warning to Filch. That first year, Creevey, was annoying Potter, we all saw it, he was taking pictures of him and irritating him. Next thing we know, he has been attacked."

"But...that doesn't really mean that it's Harry." Susan protested. "He's never been mean to any of us, except maybe Weasley but then again Weasley usually has it coming."

"Plus he was the one that made you-know-who disappear." Hannah added. "He can't be all that bad, can he?"

"No one knows how he survived that attack by You-Know-Who." Ernie sighed. "In case you all forgot, he was only a baby when it happened. He should have been blasted into smithereens, he should have been killed but he wasn't and we don't know why. Only a really powerful dark wizard could have survived a curse like that." He dropped his voice until it was barely more than a whisper before he continued speaking. "That's probably why You-Know-Who wanted to kill him in the first place. Didn't want another Dark Lord competing with him. I wonder what other powers Potter's been hiding?"

"I'm sorry but how stupid are you?" Harry couldn't help but blurt out as he walked in sight of the Hufflepuff's, they all jumped in their spots, looking like they just had heart attacks, though Harry wasn't entirely sure if that was because of him, Jet who was on Harry's shoulders or a combination of both. Probably the last one. "Really?" Harry said to Ernie. "Really?, no. Really?" Harry said with disbelief.

"W...what do you want Potter?" Ernie said in a shaky voice.

"Alright, number the first, if you're going to talk about me then you talk about me to my face." Harry said as he stepped in front of Ernie while the other Hufflepuff's took a step back. "Hufflepuff may not be the house of the brave but I thought you were all decent enough to at least not talk about someone behind their backs. If you are not willing to say what you just said to my face then at least have the decency to keep it to yourself." Harry said, giving Ernie a look that quite clearly dared him to argue. "Now, do you want to tell me more about how I am so obviously a dark lord?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"" Ernie said, he tried to take a step back but was stopped by Harry who grabbed him by the collar, Ernie froze while the other Hufflepuff's gasped.

"Now, you listen to me and listen carefully, I can tolerate a lot of things." Harry said, his voice nearly a whisper. "I can take pain, I can take insults. You want to call me a dark lord then you call me a dark lord, you want to insult me then you insult me. But don't you dare - don't you ever dare - say that the reason my parents are six feet underground is because of me." Harry all but growled, Ernie gulped but Harry didn't pay attention to it and kept going. "My parents, gave their lives for me, they died for me. Don't you dare disrespect their memory just so you can add more proof to your theory." Harry said as he let go of Ernie, Harry casually straightened out Ernie's clothes. "My parents died because they pissed off a dark lord, not because a one year old baby was somehow obviously a dark lord. If you truly think that that is the case then I pray to Merlin that you never have children, you'd probably kill them the second they misbehave because you would think that they would grow up to be evil or something like that." Harry said as he released Ernie after wiping some dust off his shoulders.

"Insult my master again and I will rip your cock off." Jet hissed at Ernie, who was quite scared despite not understanding what Jet said. "I don't have hands but I will find a way."

"Thank you," Harry said to the other three Hufflepuffs, causing them to blink in surprise at him. "for defending me." Harry added since it seemed clear that they didn't know why he was thanking them. "I appreciate it."

"'s not a problem." Susan eventually said with the others nodding in agreement.

"It is still appreciated," Harry replied, Jet hissed for a few seconds. "Jet says thank you as well." Harry translated.

" welcome." Justin said in an uncertain voice.

"By the way," Harry said suddenly. "bring yourselves and as many of your friends to the great hall for dinner."

"What? Why?" Susan asked.

"Because there is going to be a talk about the heir of Slytherin, by me." Harry said before he turned and walked out of the library.

Harry and the other Slytherins were sat at the Slytherin table during dinner, - where else would they sit - Harry sat next to Angela with Jet on his shoulders.

"Are you sure about this?" Angela whispered to Harry, having been told what he was planning to do. "It's not the most Slytherin plan." She commented.

"Blame my Gryffindor parents," Harry replied. "besides sometimes it's better to just mix it up a bit." He added with a smirk before he noticed that the Hufflepuff's were looking at him, Harry finished the last of his food before he stood up.


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