Unveiling Truths

"Where are you going?" Tracey asked just as Angela stood up.

"You'll see." Harry said just before he and Angela walked towards the head table. They didn't go unnoticed as all of the Hufflepuff's and Slytherins looked at them, which in turn caused the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables to stare as well. "Hello Professor," Harry said just as he stopped in front of where Dumbledore was sat. "enjoying your meal?" Harry asked just as Angela stopped behind him.

"Quite so," Dumbledore said with a smile. "and what a good meal it is. I must remember to to pass my thanks onto the house elves."

"They are underappreciated little workers, aren't they?" Harry replied.

"Yes, I must say I agree." Dumbledore nodded. "Now, Harry, as much as I enjoy talking to you, is there a reason for you coming here? Not that I am complaining, of course."

"Well, yes actually, I was wondering if I could have a few minutes to talk to the students."

"Talk to the students?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Potter, what are you doing?" Snape asked in an irritated voice. "Go and sit back down."

"Now hold on," Dumbledore said before anyone could reply. "what exactly do you wish to talk to the students about?"

"The heir of Slytherin." Harry calmly answered, the closest students heard him and began whispering to those behind them and soon the whole hall began whispering. "I assure you sir, that it will be a very interesting talk."

"Hmm...and this is something you must talk to the whole student population about?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Yes." Harry said with a quick nod. "Just a few minutes please, sir." Harry added.

"Hmm...very well." Dumbledore said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you," Harry nodded to Dumbledore before he turned around and took a few steps forward and faced the hall with Angela standing on his left. "Angela, be a dear and help me out." Harry said as he gestured to his mouth.

"Right away." She nodded before casting a sound amplifying spell on Harry's mouth.

"Thank you," Harry said to her, his voice echoing across the hall. "hello, can everyone hear me?" Harry asked out loud, he paused and waited until he could see everyone in the hall looking at him. "Oh great, hello everyone." Harry smiled. "Now, I know that many of you are likely wondering what I want and what I am doing. Well the truth is I want to discuss the heir of Slytherin." Harry said, he briefly paused to allow everyone a few moments of whispering amongst themselves. "Now, first and most important question, does anyone know who he or she is?" Harry asked. "Anyone?"

Harry looked around the hall, nobody appeared to be willing to talk, which was funny since a lot of these people seemed more than willing to talk and whisper about him before. Harry turned to Angela.

"Angela, do you know who it is?" Harry asked her.

"No, I can't say that I do." She replied.

"Hmm, me neither." Harry said as he turned his attention back to the hall. "But I'm pretty sure that between us all we can work it out together. We just need to look at this using logic." Harry smiled. "Not rumors and theories, not guesses, logic and facts, that's what we need. Now, suspects, we need a suspect. You know who I think might be the heir of Slytherin? Harry Potter." Harry said, causing most of the students to gape at him and look at him as if he had just grown two heads and a tail. "I mean think about it, it makes so much sense to blame Harry Potter." Harry continued. "I mean the boy is a parslemouth for goodness sakes, and he was abused by muggles, what more evidence do you need?" Harry chuckled, only to pause when Jet began hissing. "Oh...hmm, my friend over here makes some good points." Harry said to the hall. "I mean, isn't Harry Potter a halfblood?" Harry snorted. "I'm pretty sure that most of the population of the wizarding world knows that his mother was a muggleborn."

Harry paused and watched as some people actually looked like they had just remembered that, he was so very much tempted to start releasing a chain of insults that would likely get him several detentions but he was able to control himself.

"Hmm, also if I remember correctly then when the year is over then Harry Potter is going to go and live in a home with another halfblood and a muggleborn, a home that he chose to go to, one that he chose to go despite having several pureblood families offer him a place in their homes." Harry continued. "Plus, it can't really be Harry Potter, if people really thought about it then they would have noticed that since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts there has been less people using the word 'mudblood'."

Harry paused once more and looked around, he saw realization hit many people, especially the older years that had experienced Slytherin's using the word 'mudblood' whenever they could get away with it. It was at that moment that many of them realized that the word had been used a lot less since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts. If Harry looked back then he would have seen the same realization in many of the teachers.

"Yeah, and Harry Potter is tired of speaking in the third person so I'm going to start speaking normally now." Harry replied. "Now, Harry Potter, AKA me, is obviously not going to be the heir of Slytherin when he's a second year who openly walks around with a snake, that's be like saying 'hey, look at me, I'm a death eater, look at my mask'. Also, I am not as stupid as whoever is claiming to be the heir of Slytherin."

"What is that supposed to mean?" One Ravenclaw student asked.

"Well, let's imagine for a moment that I am the heir of Slytherin." Harry calmly replied. "Now, if I was the heir of Slytherin then when do you think I should start my attacks?"

"What do you mean 'when'?" One Hufflepuff student asked

"I mean what I mean, when should I start my attacks?" Harry replied. "Should I do it in my second year of school? That seems like a good idea, doesn't it? I mean if I start in my second year then I will have all muggleborns and halfblood out of he school by the time I graduate. However, I can't help but notice a slight problem with that, anyone picked up on what it is?" Harry asked the hall. "You." Harry pointed to a first year Gryffindor boy who had raised his hand.

"You would have a greater chance of getting caught?" He guessed.


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