The Logic of Suspicion

"Exactly," Harry smiled. "if I start in my second year then I could get caught, and if I don't then it could happen in my third, fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh year. No, it would have made much more sense if I started in my seventh year, I would be able to take out a good amount of people and quickly escape if needed. But that's not the only stupid thing about the attacks, first of all, do we even know that the attacks were done by the real heir of Slytherin?"

"Who else would it be?" A sixth year Slytherin asked.

"A fake?" Harry shrugged. "An imposter, a delusional idiot who thinks that he is the heir of Slytherin. Just because the message says that it is from the heir of Slytherin, doesn't mean it is actually from the heir of Slytherin. If the message said it was from 'James Potter' then would you all believe that my father escaped from the grave?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow, when nobody responded he continued speaking. "But let's just say that this person is the real heir of Slytherin, in that case Slytherin's heir is an idiot if his - or her - choice in targets is any indication. If I was the heir of Slytherin then I promise you that my first target wouldn't be the cat of a caretaker, nor would my second be a first year with a camera. I'm sure many of you can think up better victims off the top of your head.

Now, you all blame me and accuse me of being the heir of Slytherin, and why? Because I'm the famous second year celebrity, I am the easy target, none of you want to actually take the time to think about it and just want to blame me, well fine. Why don't I start accusing you lot?" Harry said before he turned to the teachers. "Professor Sprout," Harry said. "can you name me a random student from my year please?"

"" Professor Sprout frowned, having not been expecting to be put on the spot, she glanced at the Hufflepuff table and picked the name of the first student she saw. "...Ernie Macmillan." She said with a shrug.

"Ernie Macmillan, he could definitely be the heir of Slytherin." Harry said as he turned back to the hall.

"What?!" Ernie shouted with pure disbelief as many people looked at him. "I'm not the heir!"

"You could be," Harry said as if talking to a child. "you are a pureblood, aren't you?"

"What?! I am but..."

" know several different muggleborns, scouting your targets were you?" Harry continued.

"What?! I...I wasn't..."

"Oh and I seem to recall that earlier you were trying to spread your 'lovely theories' about me." Harry cut him off. "Theories about how I was a dark lord because of an ability that I was born with, and what else did you say? Oh yes, I remember, you said that the reason you-know-who came after my parents was because he didn't want a future dark lord to grow up and compete with him." Harry said, his face the epitome of calm, even though his eyes were an different story entirely. Many people gasped and everyone looked at a red faced Ernie who shrunk under all their gazes. "It sounds to me like you could be the heir and were simply trying to push more attention on to me so you could work in the shadows and silently take us all out, one by one."

"I...I wasn't!" Ernie protested.

"Oh, come on Ernie, it's obvious. Just got to look at the facts." Harry smirked before turning back to the teachers. "Professor Flitwick, a student in my year please."

", Hermione Granger." Professor Flitwick answered.

"Oh, I could see her as the heir of Slytherin." Harry nodded in a thoughtful manner.

"What?!" Hermione screeched. "I am a muggleborn!" She pointed out.

"And I am a halfblood, if I can get blamed then why not you?" Harry shrugged. "Plus it does make a certain amount of sense, you spend a lot of time in the library, you must be doing your best to become a powerful witch. Maybe you're not even really a muggleborn, you could be a pureblood disguising herself as a muggleborn to avoid getting caught." Harry said, he waited for a response but apparently he wasn't going to get one as Granger was gaping at him with disbelief. "Alright, last one," Harry said as he turned to Professor McGonagall. "can you give me the name of a student please?" He asked. Professor McGonagall's lips thinned slightly before she eventually nodded.

"Ronald Weasley." She said, interested in how he was going to try and spin this.

"Oh that's the best one yet." Harry grinned as he turned to the Gryffindor table.

"I am not the heir of Slytherin!" Ron said in an offended voice.

"You sound really defensive, Ron." Harry lightly commented. "And it does make a great deal of sense to accuse you of being the heir of Slytherin."

"How?!" Ron demanded.

"Well, first of all you are a pureblood."

"That proves nothing, I..."

"And you hate me." Harry cut him off. "Ever since we've met, you have hated me. You've constantly tried to one up me, and failed to do so, you've spread stories about me being a dark wizard and have even tried to attack me, something that can be confirmed by everyone who had attended the first day of the dueling club along with Professors McGonagall and Snape. Maybe you saw my parsletounge ability and was angry at the possibility of their being someone else who could be the heir. Maybe you can actually understand parsletounge and simply pretend you can't, maybe you went to Gryffindor to draw attention away from yourself. After all, who would suspect that the heir of Slytherin would go to Gryffindor? It's the perfect plan." Harry paused and looked at the hall, he could see all were paying attention. "Do you guys know what the point of that little exercise was?"

Harry looked around the hall, nobody seemed to know the answer, or at least nobody seemed to be willing to give the answer. Harry shook his head before he continued speaking.

"It's to show you all how I felt, listening and pretending not to notice you all talking about me. You all want to act like little children, you want to blame and point fingers. You want to point fingers at me when you think I can't hear or when you are with your friends but when it matters, when it truly matters, then none of you are wiling to stand up and speak about what you believe."

"Well, now is your chance to prove me wrong. Does anyone here really think that I, the halfblood son of a muggleborn who will live with another halfblood and muggleborn at the end of the year, am the heir of Slytherin? If any of you really, and I mean truly, think that I am the one who will attack you and your family and your friends then stand up and let everyone know that that is what you believe. Go on." Harry said as he spread his arms out and waited.


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