Training Bonds Formed

"You have certainly made an impression, Master." Angela said just as Harry and her arrived in the common room.

"You know you don't have to call me 'Master'?" Harry said as Jet slithered down placed himself on the arm rest of a chair.

"I know," Angela shrugged with a small smile on her face. "now that you've made your speech..."

"Was it a speech?" Harry asked, "It felt more like a rant."

"Let us call it a 'one sided debate'." Angela replied. "Anyway, after today the whole school is never going to look at you the same way again."

"Good," Harry nodded. "I am not going to waste time on them if they're not going to learn from their mistakes." Harry said just before the common room door opened. Tracey entered first, followed by Daphne. Before Harry could even say 'hello' the two girls quickly rushed forwards and pulled him into a hug. "O...kay, what's this for?" Harry asked as he awkwardly hugged them back.

"Are you alright?" Tracey asked as she and Daphne took a step back to look at him.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"I believe that they may or may not be worried about your mental and emotional health." Angela said in a dry voice.

"Oh, well I am fine." Harry said to Tracey and Daphne. "No, I really am." Harry added when they looked disbelieving. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not at my emotional or mental best but it's nothing that won't be fixed by a good night sleep." Harry said as he sat down in the chair, one hand began stroking Jet.

"You had better not be lying." Daphne sighed as she and Tracey sat down on the sofa next to his chair. "By the way, can I just ask a question? What..."

"What were you thinking?" Tracey interrupted before Daphne could finish her sentence.

"...What she said." Daphne said as she gestured to Tracey.

"If you mean what was I thinking when I basically verbally smacked down the whole school then the answer was something along the lines of 'these blithering idiots need some sense slapped into them'." Harry calmly replied. "This is the second time in two years that they have turned on me, it's about time they take a hint. And if they don't after today then I am just not going to bother with them." Harry finished with a shrug.

"He makes a good point," Angela agreed. "besides, after today nobody is going to openly accuse Harry of being the heir of Slytherin, not unless they want everyone else to start breathing down their necks." Angela said just as the other Slytherin students began entering.

"By the way, Harry," Daphne suddenly spoke. "do you think there is any chance that you and I can train together?"

"Train together?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, after the dueling club I've gotten a bit of a taste for it." She said with a small grin. "So do you think we can practice together?" She asked in hopeful voice.

"Sure thing Daph, we can start tomorrow." Harry smiled.

Meanwhile in the headmaster's office another conversation was taking place.

"The brat is just as much, if not more, of an attention seeker than his father." Snape growled. "He couldn't handle his problems so he goes about and makes a big show and..."

"Shut up Severus!" The other three head of houses snap at the same time, shocking Snape into silence.

"You have no idea what you had just witnessed, do you?" Professor Sprout said, shaking her head at him like he was a child who didn't know how to put his own clothes on.

"What you just saw was not 'James Potter' showing off, and while we are on the subject, James Potter is dead!" Professor McGonagall yelled at him. "I've seen the graves! I've seen the dead body! The man is dead, let your grudge die with him and stop projecting the sins of a dead father on the son who never knew him!"

"Minerva is right on both points," Professor Flitwick agreed. "but back to the current topic of our discussion, what we saw was not James Potter showing off, what we saw was Arcturus Black and Charles Potter going about their business."

"Potter's grandfather? What does he have to do with this?" Snape asked.

"Ah yes, you've never had the pleasure of meeting him." Professor Dumbledore replied. "Let's just say this, I am nearly a hundred percent sure that I am more magically powerful than Charles Potter, but with that being said I would avoid fighting him at all costs. If he didn't die through natural causes then there would have likely been a great deal less living death eaters at the end of the last war." Dumbledore added.

"You fear him?" Snape looked at Dumbledore with disbelief. "You don't even fear the dark lord!"

"I hold Charles Potter, Arcturus Black and Voldemort as the same in that they will both do whatever it takes to reach their goals and that I have a healthy level of respect for how much damage the three can cause." Dumbledore responded. "Once, during a Wizengamot meeting, a few people made the mistake of getting on Lord Potter's bad side, Lord Potter gave a speech that took about two minutes and by the end of it he ended up embarrassing the men so bad that many openly laughed at them.

A few days later they tried to attack him before another meeting, that day Lord Potter walked into the meeting without a scratch and with all those who attacked him unconscious and levitated behind him. He dropped them in the middle of the room, told the Minister of Magic to 'clean this shit up' and went to his seat as if this was just a regular occurrence for him.

Young Harry may share similarities with his mother and his father but I believe he is more like his grandfather, a Potter of old, a fierce warrior that will not be pushed around and will be ready to show why when it counts. Since that seems to be the case I would recommend controlling yourself around Mr Potter, Severus. You may come to regret it in the future if you do not."

"And what of Arcturus Black?" Snape said with a sour look on his face. "How is the boy like him?"

"Do you know what the difference's are between Harrys grandfather and Arcturus Black?" Dumbledore calmly asked.

"No." Snape said in an impatient voice.

"The houses they were in and the families they were born in, the two may as well have been brothers with how similar they acted." Dumbledore replied. "Lord Black was naturally more Slytherin like than Lord Potter but both were extremely powerful wizards that did not tolerate disrespect from anyone, nor did they bend their knees to anyone."


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