Learning and Healing

"Seeing Mr Potter delivering that speech was just like seeing a younger version of the two," Professor McGonagall said in a soft voice. "though admittedly with less swearing."

"And what is important is the fact that Mr Potter, as Severus has said, brought a lot of attention on himself." Professor Sprout replied. "Now, nobody will be able to openly accuse him of being the heir of Slytherin."

"Speaking of, do you intend to have words with Mr Macmillan?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Oh, indeed I do," Professor Sprout quickly nodded. "that sort of behavior will not be tolerated, I will make sure the whole house knows that."

"I intend to do the same with my house." Professor Flitwick said with Professor McGonagall nodding to say that she would do the same.

"Honestly," Professor Sprout scoffed. "you-know-who coming after him because he was a future dark lord. Potter wouldn't become a dark lord."

"It is a possibility." Dumbledore said quietly but he may as well have shouted it out since everyone had heard him.

"Albus," Professor McGonagall gasped. "surely you do not think that the boy will become a dark lord?"

"I do not think he will become a dark lord, I do however believe it is a possibility." Dumbledore replied. "Harry shares many similarities with Voldemort, beyond speaking to snakes. Both are intelligent, driven wizards who will do their best to get what they want, both are talented and handsome and capable of convincing overs to follow them. You have seen the effect Mr Potter can have when giving a speech, and that was simply a speech to convince people he is not the heir of Slytherin, what if he was older and made a speech in an attempt to convince people to join him?" Dumbledore paused to allow that to wash over the four head of houses. "And you all might recall Mr Potter mention how it was thanks to him that the word 'mudblood' was used less, if that is truly the case then how?"

"What do you mean?" Snape asked.

"How did Harry Potter reduce the use of the word?" Dumbledore asked. "Did he use his words? Did he use force? A combination of both? I am not saying that Mr Potter is a dark lord, nor am I saying that he is going to become one, I am merely stating that he very well could be if he wished to."

"W...what do you wish for us to do?" Professor McGonagall gulped.

"For now? Simply act as you have always done." Dumbledore replied. "Harry is no different from any other witch or wizard in the fact that he can turn dark, the same possibility is open to everyone in this room. Like I said, I doubt that Harry will become a dark lord, you will all treat him the same and none of you will act any different to him. Remember, he is simply a student that needs our guidance, nothing more." Dumbledore said in a firm voice.

Dumbledore truly believed that Harry wouldn't become a dark lord, he was hopeful that that would be something he would always believe.

"Oh, close one Daph." Harry said as he casually leaned out of the way of a disarming spell. Harry and Daphne were currently in an abandoned classroom along with Jet and Tracey who was there to watch the two, Angela would have come too if not for the fact that she had a different timetable and class to go to.

"Could you at least pretend that I am challenging you?" Daphne sighed before sending a body bind at Harry.

"I could." Harry said after he blocked her spell. "But then I would feel like I am lying to you." Harry said before he fired a wind blast at Daphne who was unable to avoid it and was pushed to the floor.

"Ow." Daphne said through gritted teeth as she sat up. "Next time let's remember to put softening charms on the floor."

"Okay, that's enough." Tracey sighed as she walked over and helped Daphne up. "You, Daphne, are going to sit down and rest." Tracey said as he guided Daphne into a chair. "Now, stay still." Tracey said as she walked behind Daphne and applied some healing charms. "Luckily you've got nothing worse than a few bumps and bruises, I don't really know how to heal anything other than that."

"A goal for the future, I suppose." Harry said as he sat down opposite Daphne. "You did good, Daph. Well done."

"Are you kidding?" Daphne said with disbelief. "I didn't even hit you with a single spell."

"You still did good," Harry shrugged. "I'm serious. You all call me a dueling prodigy, well I would like to say that you're not at my level but you are very good for a second year. Now, once Tracey stops taking care of you then I will show you how to improve."

"Well luckily for her, she's done." Tracey said as she stepped back. "She'll need to rest of course but she should be fine for now. But please don't end up hurting each other again."

"We'll do our best." Harry chuckled just as he and Daphne stood up. "Alright Daph, now get into your dueling stance." Daphne nodded before doing so, Harry looked at her stance and saw it was a copy of the same one that he used during the dueling club, Harry gave her an approving nod before he stepped around so he was behind her. "Okay, your stance is alright but it can be improved."

"How?" Daphne asked.

"First of all keep your legs slightly wider," Harry said as he tapped her legs with his foot, Daphne nodded and did as Harry told her to do. "excellent. Okay, now keep your wand slightly higher." Harry said as he placed his hand on hers and raised her wand slightly higher, he didn't notice the brief widening of her eyes. "You want to keep it around chest height," Harry told her as he looked at her. "because if you don't then you'll just raise your wand when you fire anyway."

"Like this?" Tracey asked as she got into the same stance.

"No, you're making the same mistake as Daphne." Harry replied.

"Oh, could you adjust me like you are doing to Daphne?" Tracey asked in a shy voice.

"Um, sure." Harry nodded after a moment.

"But finish me first." Daphne said quickly as she used her free hand to grab his hand and place it on her wand hand.

"Um...okay." Harry eventually said.


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