Myrtle's Revelation

"Where are we going?" Flora asked in an impatient voice. "We need to go and help my sister."

"We're going to go and get a teacher." Harry replied as he continued guiding her. "We'll need the help."

"Fine, Lockhart's classroom is closest!" Flora said before she pulled her arm out of Harry's and quickly began running towards Lockhart's classroom.

"Lockhart?!" Harry repeated as if he had no idea what language she was speaking, Harry shook his head before he quickly started running after her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"My sister is in trouble and I am not waiting any longer! Lockhart is the closest bloody teacher!"

"He's an incompetent prat." Harry couldn't help but remind her.

"He can go and get the other teachers while we go down to the chamber." Flora said as they arrived outside of Lockhart's office. Harry was about to say something but before he could Flora quickly opened the door and walked in. "Professor I..." Flora paused and trailed off when she saw the sight in front of her. Harry walked in and stopped right in his tracks when he saw what Flora was looking at.

Angela was lying unconscious on Lockhart's desk, her robe on the floor next to the desk while Lockhart's hands were unbuttoning her top two shirt buttons, or at least he was until he caught sight of a gapping Flora and a pissed off looking Harry Potter who looked positively menacing and murderous, especially when Jet was on his shoulders and looking the exact same.

" I know what you're thinking..." Lockhart stuttered out nervously. "...and the answer may surprise you." Lockhart finished before he quickly reached for his wand, by the time he was able to aim it at Harry and Flora he found himself cut off by a large jet of fire that burned not only his wand and wand arm but also everything from his wand to the side of his head.

Lockhart screamed in pure pain before Harry followed up with a swift kick to the balls that caused Lockhart to fall to the floor, Harry followed up with a stunner before he waved his wand to get rid of the fire. Mostly because it was really distracting, Harry followed up by stomping on Lockhart's groin before he walked over to Angela and placed his ear next to her mouth.

"She's breathing." Harry said with a relieved sigh. He suddenly growled and aimed his wand at Lockhart, lightning began dancing on the tip of it.

"No!" Flora suddenly shouted.

"I beg your pardon?" Harry said in a low voice.

"My sister could be dying, we don't have time to waste, please!" Flora begged, her eyes full of fresh tears. Harry struggled for a moment but was eventually able to come to a decision on what to do.

"Curse it all to hell, Flipsy!" Harry yelled and Flipsy appeared, the elf gasped when he saw the burnt Lockhart and the unconscious Angela. "Flipsy," Harry said before the elf could begin. "get a teacher here then stay with Angela." Harry said, he reached over and planted a kiss on Angela's forehead before he re-stomped Lockhart's groin then turned and grabbed Flora's arm and pulled her out of the classroom. "You, me, chamber of secrets, now." Harry growled, his green eyes flaring.

Flora couldn't help but gulp at the sight of an angry Harry Potter, she quickly recovered though and guided him towards the chamber.

"This is it." Flora said when they arrived at the second floor girls bathroom. "The taps, that's where the entrance is." She said as she pointed to a sink.

"After we are done then you are going to tell me how you worked this all out." Harry said, and it was not a question, he looked at the sink and saw several snakes engraved on the taps, it didn't take a genius to work out what to do next.

"You're a boy, you're not supposed to be in here." A voice said, just as a ghost floated from out of a toilet stall. She was squat, with a glum face hidden behind lank hair and thick glasses.

"That's 'Moaning Myrtle' in case you didn't know." Flora whispered to Harry as she gestured with her head to the ghost. "Hestia seems to tolerate her."

"I can still hear you!" Myrtle snapped.

"Sorry," Flora said in an uncaring voice. "Myrtle, Hestia said that you died in here, is that right? She told me that you said you saw a pair of yellow eyes before you died, right by the sink, is that right?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You've made your point, now come on, we don't have time to waste." Harry said to Flora.

"Of course you don't! Nobody ever has time for Myrtle!" The ghost girl cried before she flew away and into a stall. Harry only took a moment before he was able to shake that weirdness out of his head.

"Open." Harry said in parsletounge, a few seconds later the sink moved, sliding out of the way to reveal a giant hole with and leaving a large pipe exposed, a pipe wide enough for a man to slide into.

"Let's go." Flora said quickly, she was about to move forward but was stopped by Harry who grabbed her by the arms. "What are you doing?!" She demanded.

"Shut it," Harry said before he aimed his wand down the pipe. "locus resonare." Harry said, a bright blue wave shot out of his wand, mapping the whole pipe out for him. "Hmm, no physical traps at least. Fine, we can go in now." Harry said before Flora quickly went down the pipe, Harry shifted Jet into his arms before he jumped down the pipe. Once Harry had gone down the entrance sealed itself shut. Eventually the pipe ride ended and Harry landed feet first on a bunch of small skulls.

"Ew, what the hell are all of these?" Flora hissed as she stood up and wiped dirt off her clothes.

"Rat skulls." Harry said in a quiet voice before he took his wand out and cast a wand lighting spell before moving forwards, Flora cast the same spell before following him. "Alright, tell me everything you know." Harry said as the two began walking.

"Slytherin's monster least we think...a basilisk." Flora said in a quiet voice.


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