Securing Secrets

A short while later Harry and the group of first year Slytherin's found themselves in the hospital wing. Ginny, Hestia and Roman were each lying down in their own bed while Flora sat next to Hestia's bed.

Harry was inspected and apart from a few bruises he was perfectly fine, so he opted to pull up a chair and sit next to Angela's bed while Fawkes sat on a perch that Madam Pomfrey had created for him. After several long inspections and a few potions Madam Pomfrey instructed the other students to rest before she walked towards her office.

'So, hat...' Harry mentally spoke once he put the sorting hat on. 'you want to start explaining this bracelet for me?'

'This bracelet, young Mr Potter, is a creation of Salazar Slytherin himself.' The hat replied, speaking in Harry's head.

'I figured that part out, but what is it? Why does it exist?'

'Honestly? There is another weapon I possess, one made by Gryffindor. It's called the sword of Gryffindor and is able to be summoned by any "true Gryffindor". However one day he got into an argument with Salazar over the sword, Salazar said something along the lines of the sword being better for decoration than actual combat. That ended up causing the two to go back and forth until Godric challenged Salazar to create a weapon. You know what happened? Salazar did, you have it on your wrist.'

'Tell me about it, what does it do?'

'I wish I could, but I don't know much about it. Salazar never told me anything about it, though the one thing I do know is that it's not like Gryffindor's sword which can be summoned by nearly anyone. There are only a small amount of people who can summon that bracelet. You can probably find out later.'

'What do you mean later?' Harry asked.

'I am reading your thoughts, I already know about your plans to go back into the chamber.' The hat chuckled. 'Worry not, I am unable to reveal what I learn in a student's head, not to anyone.'

'Well, that's good news I suppose.' Harry said before he took the hat off and tossed it to Fawkes who caught it in his beak.

"It seems to me like you've all had an interesting adventure." A voice said, everyone looked up to see Professor Dumbledore enter the room.

"Professor!" Ginny gasped. "You're back!" She said happily.

"That I am," Dumbledore smiled. "my brief stay away is a rather interesting story, though I doubt it is as interesting as your story. May I know what happened?" Dumbledore asked but before he could get an answer he was interrupted just as Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley rushed into the room.

"Ginny!" Mrs Weasley shouted loudly before she rushed over and pulled Ginny into a hug. Harry couldn't help but notice that Ginny stiffened slightly, and while she did look happy to see her mum, it was clear to him that that wasn't the only emotion she was feeling.

"Ginny, are you alright?!" Mr Weasley asked in a worried tone as he hugged her.

"Harry saved me." Ginny said in a quiet voice as she hugged him back.

"You saved her!" Mrs Weasley cried happily before she rushed towards Harry, intent on giving him a hug, not even noticing when he pulled his wand out. But she stopped before she got too close thanks to Jet who began hissing loudly and threateningly at her.

"I believe that Mr Potter's familiar is trying to say that he doesn't wish to receive a hug from you." Another voice said, everyone turned to see a beautiful looking woman enter the room. She was dressed in black, expensive clothes and looked like an older version of Angela but with slightly darker skin, she stopped in front of Angela's bed.

"Ah, Mrs Zabini, I assume." Harry said as he put his wand away and stood up before he offered her his hand.

"You know what they say about assumptions, but in this case you are correct." Mrs Zabini said as she gave Harry her hand, he kissed her hand on the knuckles before he let it go. Mrs Zabini nodded to him, Harry gestured to the seat he was previously sitting on. She gave him a thankful look before she sat down in it, she reached out and took Angela's hand in her own before she reached over and kissed her head.

"Now, Miss Weasley, might I ask what happened?" Dumbledore asked.

"Sir, me and Hestia were unconscious through most of it." Ginny admitted.

"Sir," Hestia spoke up. "I was walking in the hallway when I saw Roman stun Miss Weasley, I tried to stop him but then I got stunned as well."

"You attacked my daughter?!" Mrs Weasley screeched at Roman. "How dare you?! You no good..."

"Mum!" Ginny cut her off. "It wasn't his fault!"

"How could it not be?!" Mrs Weasley demanded.

"Quit the shouting!" Harry snapped at her, he sighed before rubbing the sides of his head. "I've been through a lot and I have got a headache and the next person that starts shouting will experience worse than a headache." Harry growled before he took a deep breath and looked at Mrs Weasley. "As for Roman, he was possessed by a dark artifact.

He was not in control of his actions, you might as well have put him under the imperius curse. Speaking of Roman, I trust that his involvement in this will not be mentioned by anyone." Harry said as he turned to Dumbledore. "The kid struggles to get through school as it is, the last thing he needs is people spreading stories about how he got possessed by the heir of Slytherin."

"I cannot help but agree with you." Dumbledore said before he and Harry turned their gazes onto Mrs Weasley. Mrs Weasley looked like she wanted to protest but felt unable to under the gaze of the two powerful wizards.

"We will not say anything," Mr Weasley said in a quiet but firm voice. "even to our sons." He added, Mrs Weasley looked once again like she wanted to protest but stopped when she saw the serious look on her husbands face.

"Sir," Flora spoke up. "I wouldn't bother asking Hestia and Ginny, they were both unconscious until the end. Harry and I were awake through the whole thing though.""

"In that case I suppose that you can provide information for me then?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes sir," Flora nodded. "I overheard Professor McGonagall and Snape talking about how the school would be closed and that Hestia had been kidnapped. So I went to get Harry, I was eventually able to convince him to help me find Hestia in the chamber of secrets."

"I am sorry to interrupt but how did you know where the chamber is?" Dumbledore asked.

"Hestia and I worked it out, Professor." Flora replied.


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