Confronting Dark Intentions

"Professor, Flora worked out that it was a basilisk." Hestia said. "It made sense because what else would Salazar Slytherin have instead of the king of serpents?"

"A basilisk?" A now pale Dumbledore asked just as both Weasley adults gaped.

"Yes, we believe that the only reason the victims aren't dead is because they didn't stare directly into the snakes eyes. They saw its gaze through reflections and cameras, so they didn't get a full hit of it." Harry added.

"Exactly," Flora nodded. "Hestia was able to work out that it was travelling around the school through pipes and she was able to work out where it was by asking Moaning Myrtle."

"You know she doesn't like to be called that." Hestia reminded her.

"I don't care," Flora said before she continued speaking. "I got Harry to agree but he wanted to get a teacher first, I was being impatient because I wanted to save Hestia so I went to the closest teacher's office, Lockhart's. I knew he was an idiot but I figured he could at least get help. But then when I opened the door we found Angela unconscious on his desk and Lockhart was about to try and take her clothes off."

"What?!" Mrs Weasley gasped.

"Really?" Mrs Zabini asked in a cold and deadly tone. "What happened then?"

"Well..." Flora shifted nervously, suddenly feeling like she was under the gaze of a tigress. "...he tried to pull his wand on us but then Harry burnt his wand...and his wand arm...and his shoulder...and the side of his head. Then he kicked Lockhart between the legs...right before he stunned him...then he stomped on his groin twice." Flora finished, everyone was now looking at Harry with wide eyes.

"I would have done more but she stopped me." Harry said in an apologetic voice to Mrs Zabini. Mrs Zabini looked surprised for a second before a small smile appeared on her face.

"You care for her, don't you?" She asked.

"You know what sort of relationship we have, I take my duties seriously." Harry replied.

"Re...relationship? But she is too old for you." Mrs Weasley protested.

"Mrs Weasley, I have to say a few things in response. First of all there isn't even a five year age gap between us, second of all we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, third of all even if we were it would not be any of your business. As for our relationship, Miss Zabini over here is my vassal."

"Vassal?" Mrs Weasley gasped.

"All the cool kids have them these days." Harry shrugged before he gestured Flora to continue.

"Right, well we were able to get into the chamber thanks to Harry being a parslemouth. When we got in we found the chamber and we found Ginny, Roman and Hestia unconscious on the floor. I ran over to check on her, and then Harry followed and then this boy walked towards us."

"He said his name was Tom Riddle." Harry said.

"Really?" Dumbledore asked in an interested voice, his eyebrows going so high that they nearly went into his hair. "Do you know who he really is?"

"Yes, he apparently was able to leave a memory of himself in a diary." Harry said as he tossed Dumbledore the diary. "That one to be specific, that diary was what was possessing Roman."

"Interesting." Dumbledore said quietly as he looked at the diary. "What is this substance?" He asked as he looked at the black liquid on the diary.

"That's be basilisk venom." Harry replied. "Me and Tom went back and forth for a bit before he decided to set his basilisk on a bitch."

"Language Mr Potter," Dumbledore said, though he looked like he was fighting off a smile. "please continue."

"I told Flora to hide behind a statue, because I was a parslemouth I was able to look it in the eye and not die. There were a bunch of weapons in the chamber, when my spells didn't work I picked up a sword. It lunged for me and I was able to stab it through the mouth and into its brain, it left its fang in me and I would probably be dead right now if it wasn't for Fawkes healing me." Harry said as he smiled at Fawkes who trilled happily.

"Show off." Jet hissed quietly to himself.

"I must thank you, Harry." Dumbledore said. "Fawkes does not fly to aid just anyone, you must have shown some loyalty to me in the chamber." He said with twinkling eyes.

"Not so much loyalty, it was really just more me actually telling Tom that you were better than him."

"Details," Dumbledore said dismissively. "I believe the school owes you a great debt, Mr Potter. One I don't think will ever be able to be repaid, but perhaps for now you can receive two hundred points to Slytherin and an award for special services to the school."

"I'd like that." Harry smiled just as another person walked into the room. Lucius Malfoy, and he was followed by Dobby who was quietly walking behind him.

"So, you're back." Lucius said to Dumbledore, ignoring everyone else in the room.. "Despite being suspended by the board of governors."

"When the governors learned that a couple of students had been taken into the chamber they saw fit to bring me back, believing me to be the best person to tackle it. Quite flattering, I must admit. Fortunately the situation had already been dealt with by young Mr Potter." Dumbledore smiled.

" wonderful news." Lucius said with a smile, though it looked quite forced.

"Curiously, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me." Dumbledore spoke as if he was discussing the weather.

"How dare you?!" Lucius glared at Dumbledore. "My sole concern has always been, and will always be, the welfare of the school and its students."

"Naturally." Dumbledore nodded, a smile still on his face.

"What of...what of the heir of Slytherin?" Lucius asked. "Has he been identified?"

"He has been dealt with." Dumbledore nodded.

"And...who was he?" Lucius asked, looking very interested.

"Voldemort." Dumbledore answered, Lucius flinched slightly but kept a straight face. "Although this time he chose to act through another, using this." Dumbledore said as he held up the diary. "Thankfully Mr Potter was able to save his day, hopefully there will be no more of Voldemort's things discovered in innocent hands. The consequences for the ones responsible will be very...severe." Dumbledore finished, looking Malfoy in the eye.

"Well...let us hope that Mr Potter will always be around to save the day." Lucius said through gritted teeth, looking like he was trying not to glare at Harry. "Come Dobby." He said as he began walking away.

"Excuse me sir," Harry said to Dumbledore after a few minutes. "I just need to talk with Mr Malfoy." Harry said before rushing out of the hospital wing with Jet on his shoulders.

Lucius was walking down the hallway, furious that his plan hadn't worked. He knew that Dumbledore knew he was responsible, thankfully there was no proof so all Dumbledore could do was make empty threats. But despite that Lucius knew that the meddling old bastard would be keeping a closer eye on him now.

"Mr Malfoy." A voice called. Lucius stopped and turned around but before he could say anything he found himself hit with a body-bind, he was about to fall onto the floor but was instead magically lifted and shoved into an empty classroom before he fell on his back. Lucius noticed his elf had been hit with a body bind and placed into the room but his focus was more on the entrance of the room where he saw Harry Potter walk in and close the door before casting several spells on it. "So...Malfoy, we need to talk." Harry said as he looked at Lucius, his green eyes flashing brightly.


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