Potter vs. Malfoy

Harry placed Jet on top of Dobby and the snake wrapped his body around Dobby's neck, but he didn't squeeze. Not yet anyway.

"Dobby, if you try anything then Jet is going to get to get to experience what a house elf tastes like. Understand?" Harry asked before he paused and frowned. "Actually, I would rather not risk it." Harry said before he aimed his wand at Dobby and stunned him.

"Do I still get to eat it?" Jet asked hopefully.

"No, we don't know where it has been." Harry said before he he took Lucius's wand and threw it away so it landed in a corner of the room. Harry inspected Lucius for any extra wands, once he was sure there was none Harry aimed his own wand at Lucius and partially removed the body bind, just enough for everything from the neck up to be able to move.

"Potter!" Lucius growled as he bent his neck forward so he could look at Harry. "How dare you attack me?! You filthy little mud..."

"Oh shut up," Harry said as he cut Lucius off with a stinging hex to the nose which was even worse since Lucius couldn't rub it to reduce the pain. "first of all, stop it with the racial slurs. It is 1992, get woke. Second of all I am not a 'mudblood', I am a halfblood, do your research. The correct term is also muggleborn by the way," Harry said as he shot off another stinging hex, this one connecting in-between Lucius's legs, causing to gasp out as his face twisted in pain. "Now, are you willing to listen?" Harry calmly asked as he twirled his wand in his hand.

"There is nothing you can say that I want to hear." Lucius said as he glared at Harry.

"Let me rephrase that," Harry said as he lowered himself and rested his right knee on top of Lucius, Harry used his free hand and punched Lucius in the face. "you will listen." Harry said in a calm voice.

"You don't scare me, Potter." Lucius snarled. "You're just a child."

"An unstable child who just went into Slytherin's secret chamber, killed his monster and lived to tell the tale." Harry reminded him before he let out a dramatic sigh. "But if you still need further proof then I will oblige, I wanted to practice my bone breaker curse anyway." Harry said as he placed the tip of his wand against where he knew Lucius's ribs were. "Funnily enough nobody wants to volunteer to help me with this one."

"You...you wouldn't." Lucius said, his eyes slightly widened.

"That sounded like a dare." Harry smirked before he hit Lucius with a bone breaker, Lucius cried out in pain but Harry continued talking as if he didn't notice. "Now, do I have your attention?"

"Fuck you!" Malfoy spat.

"No, we've already had the one creepy pervert this year, we're not having another." Harry said before he struck Lucius right were the broken rib was, causing Lucius to cry out in pain once again. "Now, do I have your attention?" Harry calmly asked, Lucius glared at Harry but didn't say anything. "Now, I will take that as a yes, now I am in a rather bad mood, Lucius. Do you know why I am in a bad mood, Lucius? I will tell you why I am in a bad mood, Lucius, it's because I just recently went into Slytherin's secret chamber, killed his monster and fought off the git that claimed to be his heir. And I had to fight him because of you."

"You have no proof!" Lucius hissed.

"Of course I don't." Harry smiled, causing Lucius to blink in surprise. "If I did then I wouldn't be wasting my time with you, would I? No, I would have taken that proof straight to somebody who would do something about it. I can get in contact with Mad-Eye Moody, you know that? I can get in contact with the aurors, a boy with my fame could probably get in contact with the head of law enforcement. But that's not what I want to talk to you about, not now at least. No I want to talk to you about the heir.

Do you know who he was? Let me tell you." Harry said before he wrote 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' in flaming letters in the air, Harry waved his wand and the letter's changed to form 'I am Lord Voldemort'. Harry looked down at Lucius who was staring with wide eyes at him. "Ah, so the name does sound familiar to you. You see, somehow he was able to store a younger version of himself in his diary, very interesting magic but not what I want to focus on...for now at least. Why did you give the diary to Roman? Now, that is an interesting question."

"What makes you think I did it?" Lucius demanded.

"You mean besides the obvious like how you used the chance to get Dumbledore out of the school?" Harry asked, he was tempted to point out that he worked it out thanks to Dobby but refrained from doing so for the moment. "I'm not sure why you did it, though I can probably work out a few different reasons why, it's simply just a matter of which reason you chose."

"Maybe you hate Roman because of his parents, maybe he was a great choice for a victim, maybe it's the fact that getting rid of him makes you one step closer to getting your hands on the Black fortune."

Harry knew that Roman was indeed a contender for the Black fortune, the only three remaining females born into the Black family were Andromeda and her sister's Bellatrix and Narcissa.

Now it was widely believed in the wizarding world that Andromeda was kicked out of the Black family, Andromeda even supported that belief if only to make things simpler for her family and even believed it for a while.

But the truth is that Arcturus is the head of the Black family, despite what anyone might believe, meaning he was the one in charge of deciding who was in the family or not. So Andromeda and therefore Tonks was in the family, not that Lucius knew that.

Lucius was likely operating under the assumption that the only two people who could produce heirs for the family were Bellatrix and Narcissa seeing as Sirius was still in prison. Narcissa, being Lucius's wife and the mother of Draco, gave Lucius the opportunity to have his son be 'Heir Black' and then 'Lord Black', which meant that Lucius had a chance to add the Black fortune to his already impressive fortune.

Bellatrix was older than Narcissa, who was the youngest of the three sisters, and due to Bellatrix's marriage to the Lestrange family it was possible for Roman to be considered for the position, unlikely but possible, something which Lucius didn't like.

Or it could have simply just been because nobody really liked Roman so nobody would make too big of a fuss if he ended up dead or was accused of being the heir.

"I don't have to answer to you, Potter!" Malfoy said angrily.

"You don't want to talk?" Harry hummed as he stood up, making sure to casually stomp on Lucius's ribs as he did so.

"Argh! You won't get away with this!" Lucius growled. "I will tell everyone!"

"You want to tell everyone that you got beat by a twelve year old?" Harry chuckled. "And you want to make this claim right after I save the school? Go ahead, and even if you do tell everyone, do you think I haven't already planned for the possibility?"


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